cartographer Public
Forked from cartographer-project/cartographerCartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations.
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 14, 2022 -
OB_GINS Public
Forked from i2Nav-WHU/OB_GINSAn Optimization-Based GNSS/INS Integrated Navigation System
NaveCodePro Public
Forked from zelanzou/NaveCodeProINS/GNSS Integration navigation; Contain Inpure navigation, Integration navigation,Transfer Alignment,Robuster Filter,NHC,etc.
imu_x_fusion Public
Forked from cggos/imu_x_fusionIMU + X(GNSS, 6DoF Odom) Loosely-Coupled Fusion Localization based on EKF(ESKF, IEKF), UKF(UKF/SPKF, JUKF, SVD-UKF) and MAP
ignav Public
integrated navigation for ins and gnss
UrbanNavDataset-1 Public
Forked from IPNL-POLYU/UrbanNavDatasetUrbanNav:An Open-sourced Multisensory Dataset for Benchmarking Positioning Algorithms Designed for Urban Areas
GraphGNSSLib Public
Forked from weisongwen/GraphGNSSLibAn Open-source Package for GNSS Positioning and Real-time Kinematic Using Factor Graph Optimization
Forked from PrideLab/PRIDE-PPPARpride.whu.edu.cn
GVINS Public
Forked from HKUST-Aerial-Robotics/GVINSTightly coupled GNSS-Visual-Inertial system for locally smooth and globally consistent state estimation in complex environment.
cardboard Public
Forked from googlevr/cardboardOpen source Cardboard SDK and samples
PPP_AR Public
Forked from mfkiwl/PPP_ARMulti-GNSS Precise Point Postioning with Ambiguity Resolution
openvslam-1 Public
Forked from stella-cv/stella_vslamThis is a community fork of https://github.com/xdspacelab/openvslam
awesome-c Public
Forked from oz123/awesome-cA curated list of awesome C frameworks, libraries, resources and other shiny things. Inspired by all the other awesome-... projects out there.
GINav Public
Forked from kaichen686/GINavGNSS and GNSS/INS integration algorithms
lsd_slam Public
Forked from tum-vision/lsd_slamLSD-SLAM
inav Public
Forked from iNavFlight/inavINAV: Navigation-enabled flight control software
mobile-ar-sensor-logger Public
Forked from OSUPCVLab/mobile-ar-sensor-loggerCamera and inertial measurement unit (IMU) data logger for Android and iOS
Navigation-Satellite-Trajectory-Prediction Public
Forked from juliach98/Navigation-Satellite-Trajectory-PredictionSolving the problem of predicting the satellite trajectory by evaluating the unknown parameters of the solar radiation pressure model based on the application of modern mathematical methods.
Python UpdatedMar 31, 2021 -
awesome-gnss Public
Forked from barbeau/awesome-gnssCommunity list of open-source GNSS software and resources 📡
threadpool Public
Forked from mbrossard/threadpoolA simple C Thread pool implementation
PPPLib Public
Forked from rtklibexplorer/PPPLibPrecise Point Positioning Library
IMA-estimation Public
Forked from QIJINCHEN/IMA-estimationimu mounting angle estimation
gpredict Public
Forked from csete/gpredictGpredict satellite tracking application
usb-serial-for-android Public
Forked from mik3y/usb-serial-for-androidAndroid USB host serial driver library for CDC, FTDI, Arduino and other devices.
LDSO Public
Forked from tum-vision/LDSODSO with SIM(3) pose graph optimization and loop closure
OpenHDMap Public
Forked from wheelos-localization/OpenHDMapAn open HD map production process for autonomous car simulation