This dockerfile
install the following things from apt:
- python3
- pip
- tree
- nano
- sqlite3
From requirements, if you want install something whith pip add one line with the library wanted and the version:
- pytest==7.1.1
- fastapi==0.78.0
- uvicorn==0.17.6
- black==22.3.0
- flake8==4.0.1
- isort==5.10.1
- mypy==0.961
- requests==2.28.0
Build an image from a Dockerfile
Note: you must be in the same path as the
at least in this command in specific
docker build -t apirest:0.1 .
You can see if the image was created propetly with
docker images
Now you have to create a container with the custom image that we made also a volume
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/home/ --net=host --name apirest -h psypc apirest:0.1
You can check all your container with
docker ps -a
you can remove a containter with
docker rm 2cf2c92e8e2c
and for an image
docker rmi 3da596099b8c
now if you are out from a container you can get in with
docker start -i apirest
If you make some changes and want to create a new image from a container you can use
docker commit apirest apirest:0.2
Note: you can use name or id instead one of them in several commands that were shown
You can consult The official documentation of Docker if you have any question or trouble with the commands given here.