Simple transmission container. Designed to be run using the network stack from an OpenVPN container.
- Run as user
. Default groupusers
- RPC username:password
- Config directory:
- Download directory:
- Incomplete directory:
- Watch directory:
- Umask: 2
To avoid permissions issues with shared volumes, use --build-arg
to change the
uid:gid of the image at build time.
docker build --build-arg=uid=$(id -u) --build-arg=gid=$(id -g) -t transmission .
docker create -v /config --name transmission_config myscratch true
docker run --rm --volumes-from transmission_config --user root transmission chown -R transmission:users /config
A bind-mounted volume can be used in place of the data-only volume for transmission_config.
NOTE: The port publishing (-p 9091:9091
) needs to be done on the
openvpn container unless a reverse proxy will be used to conenct to the web UI.
docker run -d \
--net=container:openvpn_run \
--volumes-from transmission_config \
-v pia_port:/var/run/pia \
-v /mnt/downloads:/data \
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
--name transmission_run \