- JavaScript
- WebStorm
- GitHub
- Create an array of JavaScript objects to hold the data for your quotes.
- Name the array quotes.
- The quotes array should be accessible in the global scope.
- Each quote object in the quotes array should have
- A quote property which contains a string: the text of the quote that will be displayed on the page.
- A source property which contains a string identifying the creator of the quote. For example: "Mark Twain" or "Traditional Irish proverb.”
- An optional citation property which contains a string identifying where the quote comes from, like a speech or publication. For example, "Famous Anonymous Jokes."
- If there is no known publication, do not include this property on the object.
- An optional year property which contains a number identifying the date of the quote. For example, 1997.
- If there is no known date, then do not include this property on the object.
- Create a function named getRandomQuote which:
- selects a random quote object from the quotes array
- returns the randomly selected quote object
- Create a function named printQuote which follows these rules:
- printQuote calls the getRandomQuote function and stores the returned quote object in a variable
- printQuote constructs a string containing the different properties of the quote object using the following HTML template:
<p class="quote"> [quote here] </p>
<p class="source"> [source here]
<span class="citation"> [citation here] </span>
<span class="year"> [year here] </span>
- printQuote doesn't add a span for a citation if there is no citation property for the quote
- printQuote doesn't add a span for the year property for the quote
- printQuote displays the final HTML string to the page. You can use this JS snippet to accomplish that:
- Add comments to your code
- Check for cross-browser compatibility with at least 3 browsers
Extra Credit Criteria
- Add more properties to the quote object. For example, a tags property could include a list of "tags" like "humor", "business", or "politics" to categorize each quote.
- When the quote changes, randomly change the background color of the page.
- Don't display a random quote more than once until ALL quotes from the array have been displayed.
- To help reviewers (and yourself) verify that the quotes don’t repeat until they’ve all been displayed, log the quote to the console each time the “Show Another Quote” button is clicked.
- Refresh the quote after a set amount of time. For example, every 30 seconds, make a new quote appear. (You can use the setInterval() or setTimeout() method to do this.
Review the css with mobile first in mind.
Define media queries in terms of min-width
@media (min-width: 769px) {
.container {
width: 70%;
max-width: 1000px;
margin: 0 auto;
For the random quotes website, I'll need to have an even smaller min-width initially.
* {
box-sizing: border-box;