War3 Lua - modification that allows you to run lua scripts at the JASS level. Lua does not replace the original scripting system in the game, but only expands its capabilities.
Some natives doesn't work (thx jass for beautiful VM).
Just create war3map.lua and move into your map. You can use fast code testing by including external script. Don't forget to use developer mode to unlock some features.
require "script"
local unit = CreateUnit(Player(0), FourCC("Hpal"), 0, 0, 0) --> Creating unit
SetUnitColor(unit, Player(1)) --> Changing color
If you wanna display some text, use "print" to type it in the chat, and "printc" to display text in console. Don't forget to use console mode.
There's a little code to showing jass leaks and memory that's being used by the lua machine.
local ITERATION_COUNT = 100;
TimerStart(CreateTimer(), 0, false, function()
statisticLeaderboard = CreateLeaderboard();
LeaderboardSetLabel(statisticLeaderboard, "Debug stats");
PlayerSetLeaderboard(GetLocalPlayer(), statisticLeaderboard);
LeaderboardDisplay(statisticLeaderboard, true);
LeaderboardAddItem(statisticLeaderboard,"Handles", 0, Player(0))
LeaderboardAddItem(statisticLeaderboard,"Used memory", 0, Player(1))
LeaderboardSetSizeByItemCount(statisticLeaderboard, 2);
TimerStart(GetExpiredTimer(), 0.1, true, function()
local result = 0
local min = -1
local locs = {}
for i = 1, ITERATION_COUNT do
local loc = Location(0, 0)
locs[i] = loc
local id = GetHandleId(loc)
id = id - 0x100000
if min == -1 then
min = id
if id > result then
result = id
elseif id < min then
min = id
if result - min > ITERATION_COUNT then
result = min
result = result - ITERATION_COUNT
for i = 1, #locs do
LeaderboardSetItemValue(statisticLeaderboard, 0, R2I(result));
LeaderboardSetItemValue(statisticLeaderboard, 1, R2I(collectgarbage("count")));
- Move the folder Scripts, Maps and war3_lua.mix to the game folder
- Run the game (type "-dev" to activate developer mode and "-console" to use console)
- Open the map with war3map.lua file inside
This modification is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.