This is a small project (under development) that allows to create Microsoft Word documents (.docx) using .NET. It was created because working with OpenXML is way too hard for me, and time consuming. I originally created it for using within PowerShell module called PSWriteOffice, but thought it may be useful for others. I used to use DocX library (which I co-authored, before it was taken over by Xceed) to create Word documents, but it only supports .NET Framework, and their newest community license makes the project unusuable.
As I am not really a developer, and I hardly know what I'm doing if you know how to help out - please do.
- If you see bad practice, please open and issue/submit PR.
- If you know how to do something in OpenXML that could help this project - please open an issue/submit PR
- If you see something that could work better - please open and issue/submit PR
- If you see something that I totally made a fool of myself - please open an issue/submit PR
- If you see something that works not the way I think it works - please open an issue/submit PR
I hope you get the drift? If it's bad - open an issue/fix it! I don't know what I'm doing! The main thing is - it has to work with .NET Framework 4.7.2, .NET Standard 2.0 and so on.
This project is under development and as such there's a lot of things that can and will change, especially if some people help out.
Platform | Status | Code Coverage |
Windows | ||
Linux | ||
MacOs |
Here's a list of features currently supported and those that are planned. It's not a closed list, more of TODO, and I'm sure there's more:
- Word basics
- Create
- Load
- Save (autoopen on save as an option)
- SaveAs (not working correcly in edge cases)
- Word properties
- Reading basic and custom properties
- Setting basic and custom properties
- Sections
- Add Paragraphs
- Add Headers and Footers (Odd/Even/First)
- Remove Headers and Footers (Odd/Even/First)
- Remove Paragraphs
- Remove Sections
- Headers and Footers in document (not including sections)
- Add Default, Odd, Even, First
- Remove Default, Odd, Even, First
- Paragraphs/Text and make it bold, underlined, colored and so on
- Paragraphs and change alignment
- Tables
- Add rows and columns
- Add cells
- Add cell properties
- Remove rows
- Remove cells
- Others
- Merge cells (vertically, horizontally)
- Split cells (vertically)
- Split cells (horizontally)
- Images/Pictures (limited support - jpg only / inline type only)
- Add images from file to Word
- Save image from Word to File
- Other image types
- Other location types
- Hyperlinks
- Bookmarks
- Comments
- Add comments
- Remove comments
- Track comments
- Fields
- Shapes
- Charts
- Lists
- Add lists
- Remove lists
- Table of contents
- Add TOC
- Borders
- Background
- Watermarks
- Add watermark
- Remove watermark
This list of features is for times when you want to quickly fix something rather than playing with full features.
This features are available as part of WordHelpers
- Remove Headers and Footers from a file
This short example show how to create Word Document with just one paragraph with Text and few document properties.
string filePath = @"C:\Support\GitHub\PSWriteOffice\Examples\Documents\BasicDocument.docx";
using (WordDocument document = WordDocument.Create(filePath)) {
document.Title = "This is my title";
document.Creator = "Przemysław Kłys";
document.Keywords = "word, docx, test";
var paragraph = document.AddParagraph("Basic paragraph");
paragraph.ParagraphAlignment = JustificationValues.Center;
paragraph.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red.ToHexColor();
This short example shows how to add headers and footers to Word Document.
using (WordDocument document = WordDocument.Create(filePath)) {
document.Sections[0].PageOrientation = PageOrientationValues.Landscape;
document.AddParagraph("Test Section0");
document.DifferentFirstPage = true;
document.DifferentOddAndEvenPages = true;
document.Sections[0].Header.First.AddParagraph().SetText("Test Section 0 - First Header");
document.Sections[0].Header.Default.AddParagraph().SetText("Test Section 0 - Header");
document.Sections[0].Header.Even.AddParagraph().SetText("Test Section 0 - Even");
var section1 = document.AddSection();
section1.PageOrientation = PageOrientationValues.Portrait;
section1.AddParagraph("Test Section1");
section1.Header.Default.AddParagraph().SetText("Test Section 1 - Header");
section1.DifferentFirstPage = true;
section1.Header.First.AddParagraph().SetText("Test Section 1 - First Header");
var section2 = document.AddSection();
section2.AddParagraph("Test Section2");
section2.PageOrientation = PageOrientationValues.Landscape;
section2.Header.Default.AddParagraph().SetText("Test Section 2 - Header");
document.AddParagraph("Test Section2 - Paragraph 1");
var section3 = document.AddSection();
section3.AddParagraph("Test Section3");
section3.Header.Default.AddParagraph().SetText("Test Section 3 - Header");
Console.WriteLine("Section 0 - Text 0: " + document.Sections[0].Paragraphs[0].Text);
Console.WriteLine("Section 1 - Text 0: " + document.Sections[1].Paragraphs[0].Text);
Console.WriteLine("Section 2 - Text 0: " + document.Sections[2].Paragraphs[0].Text);
Console.WriteLine("Section 2 - Text 1: " + document.Sections[2].Paragraphs[1].Text);
Console.WriteLine("Section 3 - Text 0: " + document.Sections[3].Paragraphs[0].Text);
Console.WriteLine("Section 0 - Text 0: " + document.Sections[0].Header.Default.Paragraphs[0].Text);
Console.WriteLine("Section 1 - Text 0: " + document.Sections[1].Header.Default.Paragraphs[0].Text);
Console.WriteLine("Section 2 - Text 0: " + document.Sections[2].Header.Default.Paragraphs[0].Text);
Console.WriteLine("Section 3 - Text 0: " + document.Sections[3].Header.Default.Paragraphs[0].Text);
I'm using a lot of different resources to make OfficeIMO useful. Following resources may come useful to understand some concepts if you're going to dive into sources.
- Packages and general (Open XML SDK)
- Word processing (Open XML SDK)
- Office 2010 Visual How Tos
- Points, inches and Emus: Measuring units in Office Open XML
- English Metric Units and Open XML
- Open XML: add a picture
- How to add section break next page using openxml?
- How to Preserve string with formatting in OpenXML Paragraph, Run, Text?