A tool for automating the testing process for database assignments in the Database Technologies course at the Slovak University of Technology.
The tool takes a student's Docker container as input, creates a sandbox environment using Docker, and executes predefined testing scenarios consisting of HTTP requests and their expected responses. The output is a comparison of the actual responses generated by the student's image and the expected responses. The tool utilizes Docker and Redis for efficient processing.
Application use these environments variables:
Variable | Description | Default | Example |
Base URL of the application | - | https://tester-dbs.fiit.stuba.sk |
Allowed hosts (Django Setting) | - | tester-dbs.fiit.stuba.sk |
Database server location | - | docker.for.mac.localhost |
Database name | - | tester |
Database user password | super-secure-password |
Database port | 5432 |
5432 |
Database user | - | tester |
Django Settings Module | dbs_tester.settings.development |
dbs_tester.settings.production |
Redis host | host.docker.internal |
host.docker.internal |
Redis database | 0 |
0 |
Redis database | 0 |
0 |
Redis database | 0 |
0 |
Django secret | - | ghp_asdqwjdsncvsdv |
GitHub token | - | Secure-random-string-21 |
GitHub username | - | Sibyx |
Docker network for assignment containers | dbs |
dbs |
Pre-build Docker image is available on GitHub Container registry as ghcr.io/fiit-databases/tester:master.
To run the image as a container you can use command bellow (keep in mind that you have to specify the environment
variables accordingly). The logs from container are present in the /var/log
so you have to create a volume to access
them (present in the example).
The container requires access to the Docker environment that's why you have to create volume, which maps a path to the Docker socket.
Docker network have to be created and provided to the application using DBS_DOCKER_NETWORK
environment variable.
Network dbs
is used in the example
docker run -p 9000:9000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v ./logs:/var/log/ --env BASE_URL= --env ALLOWED_HOSTS= --env DATABASE_HOST= --env DATABASE_NAME= --env DATABASE_PASSWORD= --env DATABASE_PORT= --env DATABASE_USER= --env DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=dbs_tester.settings.production --env REDIS_HOST= --env SECRET_KEY= --env GITHUB_TOKEN= --env GITHUB_USER= --name dbs-tester --network dbs --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway ghcr.io/fiit-databases/tester:master
Server started on port 9000.
Repository contains an example of the systemd unit script in the conf/tester-dbs.service
We use poetry for dependency management and PostgreSQL 15 (10+ should be compatible) as a data storage (acquisition files are stored on the filesystem, not in the database). To set up instance with demo database follow these simple steps:
- Create python virtual environment (
python -m venv venv
) - Enter environment (
source venv/bin/activate
) - Install dependencies
poetry install
- Create
file according.env.example
- Execute migrations
python manage.py migrate
- Create superuser using
python manage.py createsuperuser
or setup LDAP inauth_sources
For more information check the docs
Made with ❤️ and ☕️ FIIT STU (c) 2022-2023