The project is based on the Phoenix web framework. This framework is written in elixir, which is also used to do data pre-processing and import into the database. The front-end interactions are using Vue.js. Communication between Vue.js and the backend is done using Phoenix Channels (which runs on Websockets).
PostgreSQL database
Create a file dev.secret.exs
in the config/
directory, with the following content and replacing the <VAR>:
use Mix.Config
# Configure your database
config :risteys, Risteys.Repo,
username: "<USER>",
password: "<PASSWORD>",
database: "<DBNAME>",
hostname: "<HOSTNAME>",
pool_size: 10
From a terminal in the project root directory (i.e. risteys_elixir
), run:
mix deps.get
to get the Elixir dependencies -
mix ecto.setup
to create the DB and apply the migrations -
change directory to
and thennpm install
to install the Javascript dependencies
First, generate a secret key that will be used for storing cookies:
mix phx.gen.secret
This should start a development server that will watch for any changes in the code that you are working on and compile / bundle it. You can now access Risteys from http://localhost:4000