The project is based on the Phoenix web framework. This framework is written in elixir, which is also used to do data pre-processing and import into the database. The front-end interactions are using Vue.js. Communication between Vue.js and the backend is done using Phoenix Channels (which runs on Websockets).
PostgreSQL database
Some configuration files contain secret credentials, therefore are not present in this public GitHub repository. Risteys developer can get them by requesting access to the GitLab repository "risteys/risteys_secrets".
Create a file dev.secret.exs
in the config/
directory, with the following content and replacing the <VAR>:
use Mix.Config
# Configure your database
config :risteys, Risteys.Repo,
username: "<USER>",
password: "<PASSWORD>",
database: "<DBNAME>",
hostname: "<HOSTNAME>",
pool_size: 10
Tips to find needed information:
Open a psql console in a terminal by running
psql postgres
to quit). -
List existing users by
. If you don’t have postrgesql user (other than superuser), create a user with the ability to create a database.-
create user:
CREATE USER <username> WITH PASSWORD <password>;
grant permission to create a database:
get database name:
get hostname:
SELECT boot_val,reset_val
FROM pg_settings
WHERE name='listen_addresses';;
Create a file config.secret.exs
in the config/
directory, with the below content and replacing the <INSERT KEY HERE> with key with a random key given by Vincent. (For a working project, a random key can be made by using a command mix phx.gen.secret 64
use Mix.Config
# Configures the endpoint
config :risteys, RisteysWeb.Endpoint,
url: [host: "localhost"],
secret_key_base: "<INSERT KEY HERE>",
render_errors: [view: RisteysWeb.ErrorView, accepts: ~w(html json)],
pubsub: [name: Risteys.PubSub, adapter: Phoenix.PubSub.PG2]
From a terminal in the project root directory (i.e. risteys_elixir
), run:
mix deps.get
to get the Elixir dependencies -
mix ecto.setup
to create the DB and apply the migrations -
change directory to
and thennpm install
to install the Javascript dependencies listed in theassets\package.json
if the command directs to some other file than
and is not installing dependencies listed in that file, but gives an error instead, removenode_modules
and run again.
change directory back to risteys_elixir
and connect to the server: mix phx.server
You can now access Risteys from http://localhost:4000
Import files are in risteys_elixir
and they should be run in that directory:
mix run import_icd9.exs <path-to-input-file>
Input files are listed at the beginning of import_
Import scripts should be run in this order: