Git Bash Download : https://git-scm.com/downloads
Git Desktop Download: https://desktop.github.com/
Step 2: fork
- Go to the Demo Repository
- Click on the fork button
Step 3: clone
- Now you need a copy locally in your account, so find the “SSH clone URL” in the right hand column and copy the link
- Now open git bash and go to the folder where you need to create your local repository
ex -:
cd ~/Desktop
- Then type clone command as below with the copied link of the repository
git clone https://github.com/FOSS-UCSC/demo
Example: Write your name on a text file and save it as yourname.txt
git checkout -b yourname
git add .
git commit -am "I wrote my name"
git push origin branchname
Get a copy of a repository from an account of someone else to your account.
Get a copy of a repository from your github account to your local machine.