SnapshotTesting comes with a wide variety of snapshot strategies for a varienty of platforms. To extend these strategies or define your own, see Defining Custom Snapshot Strategies.
If you'd like to submit your own custom strategy, see Contributing.
Platforms: All
A snapshot strategy that captures a value's textual description from String
's init(description:)
Format: String
assertSnapshot(matching: user, as: .description)
User(bio: "Blobbed around the world.", id: 1, name: "Blobby")
See also: .dump
A snapshot strategy for comparing any structure based on a sanitized text dump.
The reference format looks a lot like the output of Swift's built-in dump
function, though it does its best to make output deterministic by stripping out pointer memory addresses and sorting non-deterministic data, like dictionaries and sets.
You can hook into how an instance of a type is rendered in this strategy by conforming to the AnySnapshotStringConvertible
protocol and defining the snapshotDescription
Format: String
assertSnapshot(matching: user, as: .dump)
▿ User
- bio: "Blobbed around the world."
- id: 1
- name: "Blobby"
See also: .description
Platforms: iOS, macOS, tvOS
A snapshot strategy for comparing layers based on pixel equality.
Format: NSImage
, UIImage
precision: Float = 1
The percentage of pixels that must match.
// Match reference perfectly.
assertSnapshot(matching: layer, as: .image)
// Allow for a 1% pixel difference.
assertSnapshot(matching: layer, as: .image(precision: 0.99))
Platforms: All
A snapshot strategy for functions on CaseIterable
types. It feeds every possible input into the function and puts the inputs and outputs into a CSV table.
Format: Comma-separated values (CSV)
A snapshotting strategy on the output of the function you are snapshotting.
enum Direction: String, CaseIterable {
case up, down, left, right
var rotatedLeft: Direction {
switch self {
case .up: return .left
case .down: return .right
case .left: return .down
case .right: return .up
matching: { $0.rotatedLeft },
as: Snapshotting<Direction, String>.func(into: .description)
Platforms: All
A snapshot strategy for comparing encodable structures based on their JSON representation.
Format: String
encoder: JSONEncoder
assertSnapshot(matching: user, as: .json)
"bio" : "Blobbed around the world.",
"id" : 1,
"name" : "Blobby"
A snapshot strategy for comparing encodable structures based on their property list representation.
Format: String
encoder: PropertyListEncoder
assertSnapshot(matching: user, as: .plist)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Blobbed around the world.</string>
Platforms: macOS
A snapshot strategy for comparing images based on pixel equality.
Format: NSImage
precision: Float = 1
The percentage of pixels that must match.
// Match reference as-is.
assertSnapshot(matching: image, as: .image)
// Allow for a 1% pixel difference.
assertSnapshot(matching: image, as: .image(precision: 0.99))
Platforms: macOS
A snapshot strategy for comparing layers based on pixel equality.
Note: Snapshots must be compared on the same OS as the device that originally took the reference to avoid discrepancies between images.
Format: NSImage
Note: Includes SCNView
, SKView
, WKWebView
precision: Float = 1
The percentage of pixels that must match.
size: CGSize = nil
A view size override.
// Match reference as-is.
assertSnapshot(matching: view, as: .image)
// Allow for a 1% pixel difference.
assertSnapshot(matching: view, as: .image(precision: 0.99))
// Render at a certain size.
matching: view,
as: .image(size: .init(width: 44, height: 44))
A snapshot strategy for comparing views based on a recursive description of their properties and hierarchies.
Format: String
assertSnapshot(matching: view, as: .recursiveDescription)
[ AF LU ] h=--- v=--- NSButton "Push Me" f=(0,0,77,32) b=(-)
[ A LU ] h=--- v=--- NSButtonBezelView f=(0,0,77,32) b=(-)
[ AF LU ] h=--- v=--- NSButtonTextField "Push Me" f=(10,6,57,16) b=(-)
A=autoresizesSubviews, C=canDrawConcurrently, D=needsDisplay, F=flipped, G=gstate, H=hidden (h=by ancestor), L=needsLayout (l=child needsLayout), U=needsUpdateConstraints (u=child needsUpdateConstraints), O=opaque, P=preservesContentDuringLiveResize, S=scaled/rotated, W=wantsLayer (w=ancestor wantsLayer), V=needsVibrancy (v=allowsVibrancy), #=has surface
Note: Snapshots must be compared on the same OS as the device that originally took the reference to avoid discrepancies between images.
A snapshot strategy for comparing layers based on pixel equality.
Format: NSImage
precision: Float = 1
The percentage of pixels that must match.
size: CGSize = nil
A view size override.
// Match reference as-is.
assertSnapshot(matching: vc, as: .image)
// Allow for a 1% pixel difference.
assertSnapshot(matching: vc, as: .image(precision: 0.99))
// Render at a certain size.
matching: vc,
as: .image(size: .init(width: 640, height: 480))
See also: NSView
A snapshot strategy for comparing view controller views based on a recursive description of their properties and hierarchies.
Format: String
assertSnapshot(matching: vc, as: .recursiveDescription)
[ AF LU ] h=--- v=--- NSButton "Push Me" f=(0,0,77,32) b=(-)
[ A LU ] h=--- v=--- NSButtonBezelView f=(0,0,77,32) b=(-)
[ AF LU ] h=--- v=--- NSButtonTextField "Push Me" f=(10,6,57,16) b=(-)
A=autoresizesSubviews, C=canDrawConcurrently, D=needsDisplay, F=flipped, G=gstate, H=hidden (h=by ancestor), L=needsLayout (l=child needsLayout), U=needsUpdateConstraints (u=child needsUpdateConstraints), O=opaque, P=preservesContentDuringLiveResize, S=scaled/rotated, W=wantsLayer (w=ancestor wantsLayer), V=needsVibrancy (v=allowsVibrancy), #=has surface
A snapshot strategy for comparing SceneKit scenes based on pixel equality.
Platforms: iOS, macOS, tvOS
precision: Float = 1
The percentage of pixels that must match.
size: CGSize
The size of the scene.
matching: scene,
as: .image(size: .init(width: 640, height: 480))
A snapshot strategy for comparing SpriteKit scenes based on pixel equality.
Platforms: iOS, macOS, tvOS
precision: Float = 1
The percentage of pixels that must match.
size: CGSize
The size of the scene.
matching: scene,
as: .image(size: .init(width: 640, height: 480))
Platforms: All
A snapshot strategy for comparing strings based on equality.
Format: String
assertSnapshot(matching: htmlString, as: .lines)
Platforms: iOS, tvOS
A snapshot strategy for comparing images based on pixel equality.
Format: UIImage
precision: Float = 1
The percentage of pixels that must match.
// Match reference as-is.
assertSnapshot(matching: image, as: .image)
// Allow for a 1% pixel difference.
assertSnapshot(matching: image, as: .image(precision: 0.99))
Platforms: iOS, tvOS
A snapshot strategy for comparing layers based on pixel equality.
Note: Snapshots must be compared using a simulator with the same OS, device gamut, and scale as the simulator that originally took the reference to avoid discrepancies between images.
Format: UIImage
Note: Includes SCNView
, SKView
, WKWebView
drawHierarchyInKeyWindow: Bool = false
Utilize the simulator's key window in order to render
s. This option requires a host application for your tests and will not work for framework test targets. -
precision: Float = 1
The percentage of pixels that must match.
size: CGSize = nil
A view size override.
traits: UITraitCollection = .init()
A trait collection override.
// Match reference as-is.
assertSnapshot(matching: view, as: .image)
// Allow for a 1% pixel difference.
assertSnapshot(matching: view, as: .image(precision: 0.99))
// Render at a certain size.
matching: view,
as: .image(size: .init(width: 44, height: 44))
// Render with a horizontally-compact size class.
matching: view,
as: .image(traits: .init(horizontalSizeClass: .regular))
A snapshot strategy for comparing views based on a recursive description of their properties and hierarchies.
Format: String
size: CGSize = nil
A view size override.
traits: UITraitCollection = .init()
A trait collection override.
// Layout on the current device.
assertSnapshot(matching: view, as: .recursiveDescription)
// Layout with a certain size.
assertSnapshot(matching: view, as: .recursiveDescription(size: .init(width: 22, height: 22)))
// Layout with a certain trait collection.
assertSnapshot(matching: view, as: .recursiveDescription(traits: .init(horizontalSizeClass: .regular)))
<UIButton; frame = (0 0; 22 22); opaque = NO; layer = <CALayer>>
| <UIImageView; frame = (0 0; 22 22); clipsToBounds = YES; opaque = NO; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer>>
Platforms: iOS, tvOS
A snapshot strategy for comparing view controllers based on their embedded controller hierarchy.
Format: String
assertSnapshot(matching: vc, as: .hierarchy)
<UITabBarController>, state: appeared, view: <UILayoutContainerView>
| <UINavigationController>, state: appeared, view: <UILayoutContainerView>
| | <UIPageViewController>, state: appeared, view: <_UIPageViewControllerContentView>
| | | <UIViewController>, state: appeared, view: <UIView>
| <UINavigationController>, state: disappeared, view: <UILayoutContainerView> not in the window
| | <UIViewController>, state: disappeared, view: (view not loaded)
| <UINavigationController>, state: disappeared, view: <UILayoutContainerView> not in the window
| | <UIViewController>, state: disappeared, view: (view not loaded)
| <UINavigationController>, state: disappeared, view: <UILayoutContainerView> not in the window
| | <UIViewController>, state: disappeared, view: (view not loaded)
| <UINavigationController>, state: disappeared, view: <UILayoutContainerView> not in the window
| | <UIViewController>, state: disappeared, view: (view not loaded)
A snapshot strategy for comparing layers based on pixel equality.
Note: Snapshots must be compared using a simulator with the same OS, device gamut, and scale as the simulator that originally took the reference to avoid discrepancies between images.
Format: UIImage
drawHierarchyInKeyWindow: Bool = false
Utilize the simulator's key window in order to render
s. This option requires a host application for your tests and will not work for framework test targets.Incompatible with the
parameter. -
on: ViewImageConfig
A set of device configuration settings.
Incompatible with the
parameter. -
precision: Float = 1
The percentage of pixels that must match.
size: CGSize = nil
A view size override.
traits: UITraitCollection = .init()
A trait collection override.
// Match reference as-is.
assertSnapshot(matching: vc, as: .image)
// Allow for a 1% pixel difference.
assertSnapshot(matching: vc, as: .image(precision: 0.99))
// Render as if on a certain device.
assertSnapshot(matching: vc, as: .image(on: .iPhoneX(.portrait)))
// Render at a certain size.
matching: vc,
as: .image(size: .init(width: 375, height: 667))
// Render with a horizontally-compact size class.
matching: vc,
as: .image(traits: .init(horizontalSizeClass: .compact))
// Match reference as-is.
assertSnapshot(matching: vc, as: .image)
See also: UIView
A snapshot strategy for comparing view controller views based on a recursive description of their properties and hierarchies.
Format: String
on: ViewImageConfig
A set of device configuration settings.
size: CGSize = nil
A view size override.
traits: UITraitCollection = .init()
A trait collection override.
// Layout on the current device.
assertSnapshot(matching: vc, as: .recursiveDescription)
// Layout as if on a certain device.
assertSnapshot(matching: vc, as: .recursiveDescription(on: .iPhoneSe(.portrait)))
<UIView; frame = (0 0; 375 667); opaque = NO; layer = <CALayer>>
| <UIImageView; frame = (0 0; 375 667); clipsToBounds = YES; opaque = NO; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer>>
Platforms: All
A snapshot strategy for comparing requests based on a cURL representation.
Format: String
assertSnapshot(matching: request, as: .curl)
curl \
--request POST \
--header "Accept: text/html" \
--data 'pricing[billing]=monthly&pricing[lane]=individual' \
A snapshot strategy for comparing requests based on raw equality.
Format: String
assertSnapshot(matching: request, as: .raw)
POST http://localhost:8080/account
Cookie: pf_session={"userId":"1"}