- fix trktivity tracking even when not enabled >.<
- PredefinedZones for specific window.
- Counter, day/week/month/all
- Wizardly ADB manager.
- PredefinedZones better UI
- ..
- CharMap Button
- Case Change Button
- Shutdown Scheduler Button
- Wizardly hosts editor
- QuickActions to include all buttons
- Periodic Reminders
- Memos Button
- Move Window To Desktop done in
$PowerShell$ - Persistent Reminders
- Timers save after restart
- Move Tasks above Trktivity
- Hooks resizes maximized windows.
- Trktivity timeline not reseting/cleaning
- Fix Double escape
- fancyshot copy transparency
- bookmarks wont open.
- Predifened sizes for windows.
- Fancyshot.
- default profiles for fancyshot.
- fancyshot skew image
- QuickActions Menu.
- ESC closes quickmenu.
- QuickActions Menu Button
- QuickActions Powershell
- Quick Action Button Dont Close on focus loss
- In QuickMenu:
- timer widget
- countdown widget
- bookmarks widget
- Two column right click menu.
- Move QuickMenu and QuickAction in the same tab.