As of June 24, 2021 residents aged 12+ are elligible for 1st & 2nd dose of #COVID19SK vaccine. This bot will stop tweeting until more information is released about residents under 12.
This repo may have some code cleanup done so it is easier to fork, but should be considered inactive.
According to Twitter Analytics between April 28 and June 24, 2021 (58 day period) @saskvaccine earned 25.4K impressions (439 impressions per day) and had a maximum of 148 followers. Detailed analytics are available in ./tweet_activity in .csv format.
🤖 Bot to track COVID-19 vaccine age eligibility in #SK
⏰ Tweets when info changes & every morning around 8 am
📢 Retweets @SKGov & @SaskHealth
💻 Maintained by @FeXd
Sask Vaccine Bot is a Twitter bot dedicated to tracking COVID-19 vaccine age eligibility in Saskatchewan.
It is written in Python 3 and uses the following packages:
- urllib to pull information from the Appointments for COVID-19 Vaccine Website
- Tweepy to read tweets from @SKGov / @SaskHealth and to tweet / retweet to @saskvaccine
- python-dotenv to set environment variables from a
The Saskatchewan Health Authority does a fairly good job updating everyone via their website and twitter. But many people in Saskatchewan (myself included) are just looking for one thing... when can we sign up to get vaccinated!?
People can subscribe to notifications from @saskvaccine for up to date COVID-19 vaccine age eligibility, rather than feeling the need to refresh the Appointments for COVID-19 Vaccine Website or their twitter feed over and over again.
- Python 3 with pip
- run
pip install -r requirements.txt
- run
- Twitter Authentication Tokens via a Twitter Developer Account
- Run the test suite (don't worry it won't Tweet)
- run
- run
- Run Sask Vaccine main script
- run
- run
Please feel free to provide feedback through any of the below methods:
- open an issue
- tweet @FeXd or @saskvaccine
- email [email protected]
This tool has been created independently and is not associated with the Government of Saskatchewan or the Saskatchewan Health Authority. Below are links to official websites for more information about COVID-19, vaccination, and more.
Copyright (c) 2021 Arlin Schaffel
Licensed under the MIT License, available here: