Important Note: GitHub Actions does not recommend self-hosted runners for public repos b/c a PR could trigger arbitrary code execution on the hosted server. However, our tests run in a temporary container that is removed after the test completes, so this mitigates much of the risk.
On PR/push:
If dockerfile unmodified and code (*.c, *.cpp, *.h, Makefile) changed: pull container from dockerhub, copy in source, rebuild with label $UID
-> Kick off PR test suite
If dockerfile modified: rebuild container from scratch with label $UID
-> Kick off PR test suite
If nothing modified: -> No tests
Test suite: Given $UID
for a docker container with code built
For each arch: qemu checks
For each arch: taint unit tests
On push to master
Rebuild container, push to dockerhub
On PR/push: Rebuild container from source. Once container is built, run all test suites in parallel
On push to master
Rebuild container (again), push to dockerhub