This is git repository is currently based on TBB 2017 Update 3 and will be updated from time to time to track the most recent release. The only modification is the addition of a CMake-based build system.
This is convenient for other projects that use CMake and TBB because TBB can be
easily incorporated into their build process using git submodules and a simple
Currently, the CMake-based build can create shared and static versions of
, libtbbmalloc
and libtbbmalloc_proxy
for the Intel i386
architectures on Windows (Visual Studio, MinGW), MacOS (clang) and Linux (gcc).
Other combinations may work but have not been tested.
See index.html for general directions and documentation regarding TBB.
See examples/index.html for runnable examples and directions.
See for full documentation and software information.
Note: Intel, Thread Building Blocks, and TBB are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.