- Utrecht, the Netherlands
Forked from archlinuxarm/PKGBUILDsPKGBUILDs modified to build on Arch Linux ARM
Shell UpdatedAug 26, 2015 -
WadeHerringboneGears Public
Fully parametric herringbone gears for Wade extruders
ArchPassthroughHypervisor Public
My ArchLinux PCI/VGA-passthrough hypervisor setup.
3 UpdatedFeb 24, 2015 -
OsirisExport Public
Javascript macro to convert Utrecht Universities' Osiris timetable to something importable to Google Calendar.
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 2, 2015 -
LightStripController Public
Personal use. RS485 protocol driving ATTiny2313 chips that in turn drive WS2801 LED strips.
CsrUsbSpiDeviceRE Public
Reverse engineered reimplementation of the CSR USB<>SPI converter device on a Stellaris Launchpad. Will work with the original CSR driver and should allow all CSR BlueSuite tools to work on BlueCor…
MinecraftMappings Public
Obfuscation mappings for different minecraft versions
node-PostgresClient Public
PostgreSQL client module for Node.js. Most (if not all) PostgreSQL features should be supported. If something you need isn't supported, let me know :)
postgres-js Public
Forked from creationix/postgres-js!!NOTE: This fork is abandoned in favour of my rewritten postgres client node-PostgresClient !!! ---The postgres backend protocol implemented in pure JS for use with node.js
node-BufferLib Public
Set of classes to simplify reading and creating of Buffers
node-AHParser Public
A tool to quickly extract keywords from a stream.
poc-jsasyncify Public
Proof of Concept Javascript -> Asynchronous Javascript converter
NodeHuffman Public
Huffman compression for Node.js Proof of Concept
IPCNode Public
More verbose inter-process communication for Node.js
NodeRequestRouter Public
Simple request router prototype for Node.js