- [ ] Fixed documentation.
- [ ] Use click instead of docopt
- [ ] This will change the structure
- [ ] Tests will need to be updated
- [ ] New possibility to do tests in a different way?
- [ ] How to push a tag?
- [X] Fixed som PEP issues.
- [X] Convert to a package
- [X] Refactor test scripts
- [X] Update README.md
- [X] Update DESCRIPTION.rst
Use git flow approach. A simple reminder is
Refactoring according to TODO.
Start using some simple org-mode TODO commands.
- [ ] Use DRY on vulnerability.py and cvss.py to factor out data
related to scores.
- Currently quite a lot of repeated data. For example see BASE_SCORE and base_metrics()
- One problem is the mix of basic data and information used for the interactive user interface.
- The mix of lists and tuples when initializing all Metrics works, but is not very clear and a bit diffcult to change because of duplication and repetition.
- [X] First: move them all to the same file and make that work
- [ ] Second: rearrange the data so that the info is more clearly structured.
- [ ] DRY enough?
- [ ] Should contain only the logic for the command line syntax. The rest should be factored out into other files.
- [ ] Change from docopt to click for more precision
- [ ] Reading and processing input interactively
- [ ] Display calculated scores
- [ ] Setup and creation of a VulnerabilityVector
- [ ] Setup and creation of the CommonVulnerabilityScore
- [X] Why a package? So I can distribute it via PyPi
- [X] cvss.py the main program
- [X] The examples should no longer need soft links to run
- [X] Should be possible to package cvss.py as a stand alone program
- [X] Moved to directory examples
- [X] How should the doctests import?
- [X] How can these imports be made location independent?
In particular they should be made more location independent.
- [X] test_uc01.sh
- [X] test_uc02.sh
- [X] test_uc03.sh
- [X] test_uc04.sh
- [X] test_uc05.sh
- [X] test_uc06.sh
- [X] run_all_tests.sh
- [X] run_doctests.sh
Completed, but maybe not in a perfect way. Still need to understand how git flow och github interacts.
Break the dependency on cvss_210 used for checking.
Tested. DONE.
With the command line interface stablized, focus should now shift to ensure that the code better reflects the problem domain. A vulnerability vector and the corresponding score algorithm are the central items. Interactive input of a vector and output in different formats should use these abstractions.
So, the vulnerability is the container and the CommonVulnerabilityScore is the algorithm that caculates the score given a vulnerability vector.
DRY and SHY and Tell the other guy.
Extract these to metric.py (pdding, prepare factory, select, read_and_set).
More functions. Keep knowledge about docopt in main program.
Done, but need to be moved inte separate file.
Next step? Would like to have better interactive features. Use cmd?
Less code in main program. Should read more easily.
when complete otherwise allow for interactive input
Convert the main-loop to use cmd.Cmd when interactive. Print and vector as data is completed.
score base temporal environmental caclulate scores and print vectors
base_parameters args* temporal_parameters args environmental_parameters check args use acceptable ones and loop over remaining
Generate verbose output in a RST format.
Simplify! Tested. DONE.
Print scores and vectors. Tested. DONE.
Score. Use default values when none available.
Extract score_from function. Tested, DONE.
Tested. DONE.
Add -v –verbose to print tables. Default is to print scores and vectors. Tested. DONE.
Tested. DONE.
Create a parser for the available metrics. The output should be a sequence of selected values that are ordered in the same way as the available metrics.
Tested. Done.
Interactive implemented. Tested. Done.
The CommonVulnerabilityScore should be the base and the cvssv210 should be the concrete class.
Done. Changed names and added version property. Tested.
Make it private. Tested. Done.
Tested. Done.
DRY when it it comes to initial metric values and metric short names. As the metrics are prepared the mapping could be constructed.
Metric changed. CommonVulnerabilityScore changed. No more DRY. Added short_name in input data with Metric.short_name solved this. Tested. Done.
Magic number should be removed. Helpers do too much. Let them just encapsulate the values. Pad selected and loop using zip an enumerate.
Change factory to refelct this. Done. Tested.
No good calling pop on selected. Extracted helper functions. Moved cvs_factory and helper functions to cvss.py
Moved the mapping to a helper function.
Should use the template pattern for the different scores and behave like a dict that has a fixed set of keys with a Metric value. How should these keys be initialized and where? DRY.
A Metric has a name, a string value and a float value and can can be in one of several different states. These states are set when the Metric is constructed. Once initilized, different states can be selected but otherwise the Metric can not be changed.
Change so that indexing is done by a string key that is one of the allowed values. It is not robust to have the order of intialization controlling how we set the value. Use OrdereDict?
Tested. Done.
Magic number should be removed. Helpers do too much. Let them just encapsulate the values. Pad selected and loop using zip an enumerate.
Done, for now.
It can calculate the different scores and the respective vectors.
These have been implemented in a first version. Looking at how MetricVAlue and a Metric is constructed it is not good that the formulas use index values that must be given on construction. This mapping should be moved to the class that uses the index values. The problem is that the metric short name is used inside Metric. To make this happen do the following:
Created mapping from Metric to short name for matric. Tested. Done.
Removed short_name in Metric. Tested. Done
Fixed. Tested. Done.
Need a factory for CommonVulnerabilityScore to ease the pain of building. Let it take a number of Metrics with their respective MetricValues. Fix the at a later stage.
First version in place. Added a default test. Tested. Done.
Group into three groups. Loop. Tested. Done. Not too happy about this one.
Does not look right. Need a simpler way. I want it to be easier to set the actual value of a metric. Is there a better data structure for this. Maybe dict or namedtuple?
Function moved over to metric.py. Less coupling. Tested. Done.
Metric refactored. Find a way to make selections in a cvs. Tested. All tests changed. Done.
Base metrics are assigned values, the base equation calculates a score ranging from 0 to 10, and a vector is created. The vector facilitates the “open” nature of the framework. It is a text string that contains the values assigned to each metric, and it is used to communicate exactly how the score for each vulnerability is derived.
The base score can be refined by assigning values to the temporal and environmental metrics. This is useful in order to provide additional context for a vulnerability by more accurately reflecting the risk posed by the vulnerability to a user’s environment.
For a temporal score, the temporal equation will combine the temporal metrics with the base score to produce a temporal score ranging from 0 to 10. Similarly, if an environmental score is needed, the environmental equation will combine the environmental metrics with the temporal score to produce an environmental score ranging from 0 to 10.
Each metric in the vector consists of the abbreviated metric name, followed by a “:” (colon), then the abbreviated metric value. The vector lists these metrics in a predetermined order, using the “/” (slash) character to separate the metrics. If a temporal or environmental metric is not to be used, it is given a value of “ND” (not defined). The base, temporal, and environmental vectors are shown below in Table 13.
Metric Value Description Base AV:[L,A,N]/AC:[H,M,L]/Au:[M,S,N]/C:[N,P,C]/I:[N,P,C]/A:[N,P,C] Temporal E:[U,POC,F,H,ND]/RL:[OF,TF,W,U,ND]/RC:[UC,UR,C,ND] Environmental CDP:[N,L,LM,MH,H,ND]/TD:[N,L,M,H,ND]/CR:[L,M,H,ND]/ IR:[L,M,H,ND]/AR:[L,M,H,ND]
Table 13: Base, Temporal and Environmental Vectors
For example, a vulnerability with base metric values of “Access Vector: Low, Access Complexity: Medium, Authentication: None, Confidentiality Impact: None, Integrity Impact: Partial, Availability Impact: Complete” would have the following base vector: “AV:L/AC:M/Au:N/C:N/I:P/A:C.”
Scoring equations and algorithms for the base, temporal and environmental metric groups are described below. Further discussion of the origin and testing of these equations is available at http://www.first.org/cvss. There are three set of Equations:
The base equation is the foundation of CVSS scoring. The base equation (formula version 2.10) is:
(0.6*Impact + 0.4*Exploitability - 1.5)* f(Impact) )
requires local access: 0.395 adjacent network accessible: 0.646 network accessible: 1.0
high: 0.35 medium: 0.61 low: 0.71
requires multiple instances of authentication: 0.45 requires single instance of authentication: 0.56 requires no authentication: 0.704
none: 0.0 partial: 0.275 complete: 0.660
none: 0.0 partial: 0.275 complete: 0.660
none: 0.0 partial: 0.275 complete: 0.660
If employed, the temporal equation will combine the temporal metrics with the base score to produce a temporal score ranging from 0 to 10. Further, the temporal score will produce a temporal score no higher than the base score, and no greater than 33% lower than the base score. The temporal equation is:
unproven: 0.85 proof-of-concept: 0.9 functional: 0.95 high: 1.00 not defined: 1.00
official-fix: 0.87 temporary-fix: 0.90 workaround: 0.95 unavailable: 1.00 not defined: 1.00
unconfirmed: 0.90 uncorroborated: 0.95 confirmed: 1.00 not defined: 1.00
If employed, the environmental equation will combine the environmental metrics with the temporal score to produce an environmental score ranging from 0 to 10. Further, this equation will produce a score no higher than the temporal score. The environmental equation is:
(AdjustedTemporal+ (10-AdjustedTemporal)*CollateralDamagePotential)*TargetDistribution )
sub-equation replaced with the AdjustedImpact equation
none: 0 low: 0.1 low-medium: 0.3 medium-high: 0.4 high: 0.5 not defined: 0
none: 0 low: 0.25 medium: 0.75 high: 1.00 not defined: 1.00
low: 0.5 medium: 1.0 high: 1.51 not defined: 1.0
low: 0.5 medium: 1.0 high: 1.51 not defined: 1.0
low: 0.5 medium: 1.0 high: 1.51 not defined: 1.0
The program reads an number of key-value pairs and from these calculates a score based on the values read and their respective weight. It also prints a vulnerability vector.
In http://www.first.org/cvss/cvss-guide.html there are a number of examples. That can be used to verify.
At http://nvd.nist.gov/cvss.cfm?calculator&adv&version=2 we can calculate scores using a web interface and get a number of vectors.
At http://jvnrss.ise.chuo-u.ac.jp/jtg/cvss/en/CVSSv2.html there is another calculator. Can be sued to compare.
Rewrite code to use python3. Add tests and a command line interface using standard python modules. When this is done add an interactive mode.
Use pymacs or write your own elsip interactive function.
docopt, 7 Python libs.
No documentation and a number of global variables. Appear to break the DRY-principle in several places.
A set of global variables (acc_vec, …) where the order seems to matter according to a comment. Why?
Three functions and a very long main function. Hard to modify and extend.
is_valid_input : mixing all metric_value abbreviations in one big if. Cute and brittle. Adding a metric means that the function has to change.
cvss_score : input parameter ib not used? Formula unclear and obfuscated.
find_risk : not scalable and not very pythonic.
main : just too long. Separate presenation, calculation and logic.
no tests : nada, niente, rien…