Important: many of these roadmaps are not up to date or perhaps abandoned. This page and the pages it links to most likely contain obsolete info. A 'soft' roadmap can be found on the [ bugtracker] but for now there isn't a 'hard' roadmap. There are many efforts going on simultaneously.
FreeCAD, är, fastän det redan är användbart inom vissa områden, i början av en lång väg till huvudvägen inom CAD. Det finns fortfarande mycket att göra för att nå en status där vi kan tävla med kommersiell mjukvara.
Denna sektion ger dig en översikt av vad som är planerat och ger dig tillfället att medverka eller ge din åsikt. Eftersom vi är volontärer för FreeCAD så har vi bara en viss tid för det. Så om du är intresserad i något av ämnena och är villig att hjälpa till, låt oss veta! Vi använder _.
- The Organization chart shows who does what in the FreeCAD universe.
- Du kan följa de saker som vi arbetar med på tracker.
Project Description Category Status
STEP project about improving and advancing the STEP support in FreeCAD Modeling, File formats Current Naming project is about implementing a robust Shape referencing frame work. Modeling Current FreeCAD development model project move FreeCAD to a more capable development model Development process Current Sketcher project is ongoing implementation of the constraint/parametric Sketcher Modeling, 2D contstraints Current PartDesign project is the effort towards a working part-design in FreeCAD Modeling Current Assembly project creates a assembly module which handle product creation, part-lists and some kinematics. Modeling, 3D constraints Current Architecture project will throw the bases of a modern, parametric architectural modeling environment. Modeling, BIM Current Units project finally get FreeCAD to recognize different Units and Units-systems. Modeling, Manufacturing documentation, Dimensions and referencing Current Resource framework project address the user collaboration, PDM catalog/standard part stuff Cloud, Databases, BOM Current Quality project aims to hide unfinished features and improve the documentation. Development process Current Raytracing project provide a new generic interface for external renderers for visualisation 3D visualization Current UTF Project aims to update FreeCAD's Coin3D interface to utilise UTF Strings for better multilanguage experience with non ASCII characters Internationalization Current FEM project provides a FEM module in FreeCAD. Modeling, Analysis Current Material data model Effort to describe a material data model in FreeCAD Modeling Current Python 3 Porting FreeCAD to Python 3. Development tools Current HiDPI support Supporting scalability on 4K displays. GUI Current Tolerancing The support of modeling tolerances, using international standards (ISO 1101 / ASME Y14.5, ISO 16792 / ASME Y14.41) Modeling, Manufacturing documentation, Dimensions and referencing Current Land Survey Workbench Blueprint Future Robot project A Robot simulation workbench Modeling, 3D constraints Finished Artwork project A project to update logo and icons GUI Current
Som i de flesta FLOSS projekt så är släppschemat mycket grovt. Det finns inga fasta datum och "Det är klart, när det är klart!"
- The Release process page gather ideas for a more efficient release workflow
documentation index > Roadmap > Development roadmap/sv