Created by Momo5502 (
Bug Testing done by Dasfonia (
Code Usage from NTAuthority's IW4M Project (
Proxy optimization by Archony (
Brief Summary: This project aims to provide the ability to modify the singleplayer
portion of the IW4 and IW5 engine, very similar to the way IW4M (FourDeltaOne) allowed.
Installation/ Utilization: Compile and place d3d9.dll in your root Modern Warfare 2 folder.
The modified files of your choice should be put in their respective folders within
the new data folder that gets automatically created by the dll. A few examples...
Example 1: rootMW2FolderDirectory\data\english\localizedstrings\example.str
Example 2: rootMW2FolderDirectory\data\ui\scriptmenus\
Example 3: rootMW2FolderDirectory\data\maps\estate.gsc
MW2 Feature List:
- Remove Steam Authentication
- Remove censorship in German versions.
- Allow campaign intro to be skipped :D
- Custom achievement system (press F11 ingame to see your progress)
- Working Coop with working connect command (Type "connect ip:port" into the console to connect. Default port is 28960)
- Developer Console (Write and Read protections removed, tilde (~) key to use it)
- Ease of use because it HANDLES BOTH VERSIONS of iw4sp.exe with no issues.
- GameScript Code loading (.gsc files, \maps or \character, etc.)
- String File loading (.str files, \english\localizedstrings)
- UI File loading (.menu files, \ui or \ui\scriptmenus)
- d3dbsp Entity loading and dumping
- Custom weapon file loading and dumping
- Noborder (/r_fullscreen 0; vid_xpos 0; vid_ypos 0)
- Enabling Hitmarkers (/scr_damageFeedback 1)
- Common DVAR edits save (/cg_fov 1 to 160)
- COD:OL .iwi's load without crashing
- MiniDump creation for debugging
MW3 Feature List:
- Remove Steam Authentication
- External Console
- Handles only versions (1.0.)358 and (1.4.)382 as of now.
- Noborder (/r_fullscreen 0; vid_xpos 0; vid_ypos 0)
- Common DVAR edits save (/cg_fov 1 to 160)
- MiniDump creation for debugging