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File metadata and controls

235 lines (188 loc) · 12.5 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Support for semi-enzymatic digests (database.enzyme.semi_enzymatic parameter)
  • Ability to directly export matched fragment ions (e.g. for spectral library or rescoring) with the --annotate-matches CLI option. This is compatible with the --parquet CLI option as well. Annotations will be written to matched_fragments.sage.tsv or matched_fragments.sage.parquet
  • Sage sends basic telemetry data (version of Sage, run time, OS, # of CPU cores, # of peptides in database, whether LFQ is used) to a remote server. No information about your actual data is sent - e.g. identifications, quantities, organism, or modifications are NOT tracked or reported. This data will be used to help focus efforts on improving Sage and figuring which features are most used. Please take a look at crates/sage-cli/src/ to see exactly what is sent! You can disable sending telemetry data by using the --disable-telemetry-i-dont-want-to-improve-sage CLI flag.


  • Modified visibility on some crate internals to support the sagepy project
  • Added psm_id field to various output files to match the new --annotate-matches option.


  • Removed the ms1_intensity field from CSV output, since it is essentially useless



  • Unstable feature: Preliminary support for reading Bruker .d folders (ddaPASEF; no MS1/LFQ support yet)


  • Retention times are converted to minutes


  • Fixed bug where charge state 1 would never be searched



  • Hotfix for bug in parquet LFQ writer



  • quant.lfq_settings.combine_charge_state boolean option. By default this is set to true, and LFQ is performed on the peptide-level, where all charge states are treated as the same precursor. Setting this to false performs LFQ on the peptide-charge-level, where each charge state will be treated separately.


  • Percolator output format now contains the integer-valued charge state encoded in the z=other column, if the charge state is outside the range 2-6 (e.g. a value of 7 will appear in the z=other column, rather than it being one-hot encoded)
  • LFQ uses the the charge state range from the precursor_charge configuration option for tracing MS1 peaks



  • Added additional output showing search progress if SAGE_LOG=trace environment variable is set
  • Added additional warnings about precursor tolerances
  • Added configuration option precursor_charge to make it explicit what charge states are being searched in the case where the mzML does not contain charge state information, or where wide_window is turned on.


  • Added a warning message if variable modifications are specified as single values (e.g. 15.9949) instead of lists of values (e.g. [15.9949]). By v0.15 this will become a hard error and will not parse, to simply some of the internal logic.



  • Support for parquet file format output. Search results and reporter ion quantification will be written to one file (results.sage.parquet) and label-free quant will be written to another (lfq.parquet). Parquet files tend to be significantly smaller than TSV files, faster to parse, and are compatible with a variety of distributed SQL engines.


  • Implement heapselect algorithm for faster sorting of candidate matches (#80). This is a backwards-incompatible change with respect to output - small changes in PSM ranks will be present between v0.13.4 and v0.14.0



  • Bug in mzML parser, where some older specification-compliant mzMLs would not parse. If your mzMLs previously parsed, then there will be no change in behavior. Added a test case



  • Bug in database.enzyme.restrict parameter, where null values were being overriden with "P" (causing Trypsin/P to behave like Trypsin)



  • Subtle change to TMT integration tolerance, and selection of which ion to quantify (most intense). As a result, TMT integration should be more in agreement (if not 100% so) with ProteomeDiscover/FragPipe/etc
  • Remove delta_mass (precursor ppm) LDA feature - instead, build a delta mass (or ppm) profile using KDE/posterior error calculation code, and use the P(decoy) as a feature for LDA.



  • Internal performance and stability improvements for RT prediction & LDA



  • Better error reporting thanks to @Elendol
  • Added support for multiple variable mods for the same amino acid
  • Added support for N/C-terminal modifications specific to an individual amino acid

New syntax:

"variable_mods": {
    "M": [15.9949],
    "^Q": -17.026549,
    "^E": -18.010565,
    "[": 42.010565

Either a single floating point number (-18.0) or a list of floating point numbers ([-18.0, -15.2]) can be supplied as modifications. Support for single values may eventually be phased out to simplify the parser.


  • Changed "_fdr" columns to "_q" (e.g. "spectrum_q") in "results.sage.tsv" file
  • Changed internal data representation of Peptide struct to allow for sharing of sequences (using Arc) among modified peptides
  • Fragment index creation should now be faster



  • Add wide_window option to configuration file. This option turns off precursor_tol, instead using the isolation window written in the mzML file.


  • Changed internal calculation of precursor tolerances when searching with isotope_errors. The new version should be more accurate. This change also enables a significant boost to search speed for open searches.



  • Add rank & charge features to LDA


  • One-hot encode charge state information for percolator .pin files
  • Change PSMId -> SpecId for Mokapot compatibility with .pin files



  • Support for additional fragment ion types, via the "database.ion_kinds" configuration option. Valid values are "a", "b", "c", "x", "y", "z"


  • Sort protein names alphanumerically for each peptide entry. This should enhance stability across runs, and fixes a bug with picked-protein group FDR
  • Fix another bug where picked-FDR approaches assume internal decoy generation


  • Modify order of operations during deisotoping. Deisotoped peaks can contribute intensity to only 1 parent peak now, rather than potentially multiple parent peaks



  • Support for percolator output files (--write-pin CLI flag)
  • Support for modifying file batch size (--batch-size N CLI flag)
  • Add delta_best feature, which reports the delta hyperscore from the best match to current ranked PSM
  • Add Sage version to results.json files


  • Breaking changes to quant section of the configuration file format
  • Rename delta_hyperscore to delta_next
  • Altered internal scoring algorithm. Rather than consider all MS2 peaks within a m/z tolerance window to be matches to a theoretical spectrum, consider only the closest peak. This should increase the accuracy of # of matched peaks, and subsequent scores
  • Overhaul of chimeric scoring, report_psms can now be used to search for multiple chimeric spectra
  • Completely overhauled the LFQ algorithm: added match-between runs, peak scoring using normalized spectral angle relative to theoretical isotopic envelope, target decoy scoring of MS1 integration
  • Fixed bug in picked-peptide FDR that could lead to liberal FDR
  • Fixed bug in picked-protein FDR that could lead to conservative FDR
  • Fixed bug where using variable protein terminal (e.g. protein N-terminal acetylation) modifications could cause some determinism. This also improves the accuracy of peptide => protein assignment. Unfortunately this fix has performance implications, causing creation of the fragment index to take up to ~2x as long.


  • Remove no-parallel CLI flag, and parallel configuration file entry



  • Retention times are now globally aligned across files
  • RT prediction is then performed on all files at once (on aligned RTs), rather than one file at a time - previously, there were many instances where some files in a search could not have RTs predicted, decreasing the effectiveness of delta_rt as a feature for LDA.


  • Peptide sequences within a protein are now deduplicated - previously, repeated peptides would be called multiple times for the same protein (e.g. num_proteins > 1 even if the peptide was unique)



  • Fix issues with RT prediction (and occasionally LDA) that arise from 0's being present on the diagonals of the covariance matrix (small amount of regularization added)



  • Allow users to set minimum number of matched b+y ions for reporting PSMs (min_matched_peaks)


  • Internal code for calculating factorials



  • Added option for TMT signal/noise quantification, if noise values are present in mzML



  • FASTA file path, JSON configuration file can now be specified as "s3://" paths, allowing Sage to run completely disk-free



  • Support for non-specific digests, N-terminal enzymatic digestion



  • quant.tmt_level configuration option to enable MS2 (or MSn) isobaric quantification



  • Support for protein N-terminal ('['), C-terminal (']') as well as peptide C-terminal ('$') modifications
  • Support for k-combinations of variable modifications. This can be specified with the database.max_variable_mods parameter

[0.7.1] - 2022-11-04


  • Fix bug with in silico digest: Logic around overwriting decoys with target sequences was incorrect peptides shared between targets/decoys were being annotated as decoy peptides but assigned to non-decoy proteins. We now make sure that they are assigned to non-decoy proteins and also annotated as target sequences.

[0.7.0] - 2022-11-03


  • Add support for user-specified enzymes to JSON file. database.enzyme.sites and database.enzyme.restrict are limited to valid amino acids
  • Sage can now search MS2 spectra without annotated precursor charge states. Default behavior is to search with z=2, z=3, z=4, and then merge the PSMs for scoring


  • Configuration file schema changed. peptide_min_len, peptide_max_len, missed_cleavages are now specified under database.enzyme in the JSON file
  • Internal behavior of Sage was changed to enable deterministic searching
  • Docker file changed from Alpine to Debian

[0.6.0] - 2022-11-01


  • Changelog
  • rank column added to output file
  • database.generate_decoys parameter, which turns off internal decoy generation. This enables the use of FASTA databases for SearchGUI/PeptideShaker


  • Base ProForma v2 notation is used for peptide modifications, i.e. "[+304.2071]-PEPTIDEM[+15.9949]AAC[+57.0214]H"
  • scannr column now contains the full nativeID/spectrum title from the mzML file, i.e. "controllerType=0 controllerNumber=1 scan=30069"
  • discriminant_score column renamed to sage_discriminant_score for PeptideShaker recognition
  • database.decoy_prefix JSON option changed to database.decoy_tag. This allows decoy tagging to occur anywhere within the accession: "sp|P01234_REVERSED|HUMAN"
  • Output file renamed: to results.sage.tsv
  • Output file renamed: quant.csv to quant.tsv
  • Rename pin_paths to output_paths in results.json file

[0.5.1] - 2022-10-31


  • Support for selenocysteine and pyrrolysine amino acids

[0.5.0] - 2022-10-28


  • Ability to directly read/write files from AWS S3


  • Processing files in parallel processes them in batches of num_cpus / 2 to avoid memory issues
  • Fixed bug where protein_fdr was erroneously assigned to peptide_fdr output field
  • Additional parallelization for assignment of PEP, FDR, writing output files

[0.4.0] - 2022-10-18


  • Label free quantification can be enabled by turning on quant.lfq JSON parameter
  • Commmand line arguments can be used to override configuration file

[0.3.1] - 2022-10-06



  • Don't parse empty MS2 spectra

[0.3.0] - 2015-09-15


  • Retention time prediction
  • Ability to filter low-number b/y-ions for faster preliminary scoring (database.min_ion_index option)
  • Ability to toggle retention time prediction (predict_rt)