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Dynamic analysis of binary programs to retrieve function-related information (arity, type of parameters, coupling).


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« Tell me! Everyone is picking up on that feline beat / 'Cause everything else is obsolete.

- Strictly high-buttoned shoes. »

What is scat?

How does it work?

Some results obtained with scat

How to use it?

Current limitations

What is scat?

scat is a tool to recover high-level information about functions embedded in an executable using dynamic analysis. In particular, scat aims to recover:

  • arity of functions
  • type of arguments
  • behavioral coupling between functions


By arity, we mean two things: first the number of parameters that a function takes, and second if a function returns a value or not.


scat infers a simplified notion of type. We indeed consider only three possible ones: INT, ADDR and FLOAT. We consider that they represent three different classes of variables that make sense semantically. For instance, the size of an integer (char, short, int, long int) and weither it is signed or not does not make a significant difference semantically.


We also introduce a notion of coupling between functions. Intuitively, two functions are coupled if they interact during the execution. scat is also able tor recover couples of functions from one execution.

What is coupling?

Let's take an example, with four functions (among others) embedded in a binary: alloc, realloc, free and strlen. From an execution, we follow the values returned by those four functions, and see if they are given as a parameter to another function.

alt data flow Figure 1 - Data flow between functions

In Figure 1, an arrow from A to B means that one value returned by A was given as a parameter to B. From this observation, what we want is to invert the information. It means that instead of knowing where the output goes, we want to know from where parameters come from. So for each function, we compute the proportion of times a parameter is a value returned by a particular function.

alt data flow Figure 2 - Coupling

In Figure 2, we see that 70% of the parameters of free come directly from an output of alloc. Therefore, in this example (meaning regarding this execution), alloc and free are coupled with a coupling coefficient of 0.7. In the same way, realloc and alloc are coupled with a coefficient of 1.

What for?

Finding functions coupled with a high coefficient can have different interests. For example, two functions that are always coupled with a high coefficient are malloc and free, or more generally the allocating and the liberating functions of an allocator. Therefore, the notion of coupling can be the first step to retrieve custom allocators embedded in binaries (for security purposes, such as use-after-free detection).

Example with scat

scat > couple ./pgm/bin/mupdf-x11 ./testfile.pdf
[*] Launching couple inference on ./pgm/bin/mupdf-x11
[*] /usr/bin/pin/pin -t ./bin/obj-intel64/ -o ./log/mupdf-x11_couple_1452528857.log -i ./log/mupdf-x11_type_1452528848.log -- ./pgm/bin/mupdf-x11 ./testfile.pdf
[*] Inference results logged in ./log/mupdf-x11_couple_1452528857.log

scat > display mupdf-x11 couple
(jsV_toobject, newproperty[2]) -- 0.986
(jsV_toobject, insert[2]) -- 0.976
(jsV_toobject, jsV_newobject[3]) -- 0.924
(jsV_toobject, jsV_setproperty[2]) -- 0.986
(jsV_toobject, js_pushobject[2]) -- 0.926
(jsV_toobject, jsR_defproperty[2]) -- 0.986
(jsU_bsearch, fz_new_pixmap_with_data[2]) -- 0.998
(jsU_bsearch, fz_new_pixmap[2]) -- 0.998
(jsU_bsearch, jsP_newnode[4]) -- 0.82

Information about inference
| Last inference:           1970-01-01 01:00:11
| Total number of couples:  899
| Unique left/right-side:   83/244

How does scat work?

General Idea

scat uses pin to instrument dynamically an execution of the program. During the execution, we use heuristics on the use of registers and memory access to find arguments and retrieve types. More about heuristics can be found in our paper.

One execution (per recovery)

The goal of scat is not to recover information about every function embedded on the binary, but to demonstrate the relevance of our heuristics in a lightweight way. for this reason, scat only requires on execution for each of the three steps (arity, type and couple).

Pros. The inference is very lightweight.

Cons. Only functions that are executed at least one can be infered.

Some results obtained with scat

Here are presented some results obtained with scat on several open-source libraries. First, note that each result is a consequence of one single execution with standard inputs. Second, the accuracy was obtained by comparison between results given by scat and the source code of the binary under inference.

Inputs used for test

  • For emacs, we open a C source file of about 500 lines.
  • For midori, we do not give any input (the browser automatically opens when it starts).
  • For MuPDF, we open a pdf of 67 slides generated with Keynote.
  • For grep, we look for the expression "void" in a folder containing about 15000 files for a total of about 30 millions of lines.

Arity inference

  • #function is the number of functions detected during the one execution we ran.
  • accuracy is the percentage of functions (that we detect) for which the arity we infered is consistant with the source code.
midori grep mupdf emacs
#function 4094 51 526 591
accuracy (%) 95.8 95.6 98.7 92.4

Type inference

  • #function is the number of functions detected during the one execution we ran.
  • accuracy is the percentage of functions (that we detect) for which the type of each parameter we infered is consistant with the source code.
midori grep mupdf emacs
#function 4094 51 526 591
accuracy (%) 96.2 100 92.5 90.4


  • #function is the number of functions detected during the one execution we ran.
  • T0 is the time of execution with no instrumentation.
  • T1 is the time of execution with arity inference.
  • T2 is the time of execution with type inference.
grep tar a2ps
size (KB) 188 346 360
#function 46 101 127
T0 (s) 0.80 0.99 0.80
T1 (s) 1.70 2.64 31.6
T2 (s) 1.06 1.79 13.2

How to use it?


  • scat requires python 2.7 and is not compatible with python 3.
  • You need to have pin installed on your computer.
  • If you want to test the results of inference (see relative section), you also need to have libclang1-3.4 installed.


$LOCAL_DIR represents the path to where you want to download scat.

  • Clone this repository: git clone $LOCAL_DIR
  • (optional) Create a virtualenv for scat: virtualenv ~/.venv/scat && source ~/.venv/scat/bin/activate
  • Install required python libraries: pip install -r requirements.txt

GCC >= 5.0 ABI compatibility

You need to edit the file located at source/tools/Config/makefile.unix.config inside your pin installation folder. Find the first occurences of the two variables APP_CXXFLAGS_NOOPT and TOOL_CXXFLAGS_NOOPT, and add these options to both : -fabi-version=2 -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0


The configuration of scat is set in a yaml file, namely ./config/config.yaml. You can edit this file in order to fit with your own configuration. Main points are:

  • pin -> bin: set the path to the pin executable. Typical value for this is /usr/bin/pin/pin or /usr/bin/pin/intel64/bin/pinbin. Required for scat to work correctly.
  • pin -> path: set the path to the pin main directory. May be different from the path to the executable. Typical value for this is /usr/bin/pin/. Required for scat to work correctly.
  • log -> path: set the path to the log directory.

Important note: You need to ensure that you have acces permissions to the path to pin. Indeed, pintools will be compiled from this directory.

If you use an esoteric linux distribution (e.g. ArchLinux), it may not be supported by Pin explicitly. You may encounter an error like this:

E: 4.3 is not a supported linux release

If so, you can add the command line argument -ifeellucky to pin by setting the entry pin -> cli-options in the configuration file.

Example of a configuration file

    path:   /usr/bin/pin
    bin: /usr/bin/pin/pin
    cli-options: -ifeellucky
        arity: ./bin/obj-intel64/
        type: ./bin/obj-intel64/
        couple: ./bin/obj-intel64/
        alloc: ./bin/obj-intel64/
        arity: ./src/pintool/arity.cpp
        type: ./src/pintool/type.cpp
        couple: ./src/pintool/couple.cpp
        alloc: ./src/pintool/alloc.cpp

    path: ./res

    path: ./log

    lib-path: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    data-path: ./data/

Basic usage

Run scat (from your virtualenv): ./ You are now in th scat shell, where you can launch inference on different binaries and display results.


Make pintools

Before being able to launch any inference, you must compile pintools:

scat > make
[*] Compiling ./src/pintool/arity.cpp ...
[*] Compiling ./src/pintool/type.cpp ...
[*] Compiling ./src/pintool/couple.cpp ...


  • arity $PGM: launch arity inference on $PGM, where $PGM is an executable and its arguments if any.
  • type $PGM: launch type inference on $PGM. Note that it requires that arity inference was previously run on the same program.
  • couple $PGM: launch couple inference on $PGM. Note that it requires that type inference was previously run on the same program.
scat > arity grep -r "def" ./src
[*] Launching arity inference on grep
[*] /usr/bin/pin/pin -t ./bin/obj-intel64/ -o ./log/grep_arity_1451915233.log -- grep -r "def" ./
[*] Inference results logged in ./log/grep_arity_1451915233.log

scat > type grep -R "def" ./
[*] Launching type inference on grep
[*] /usr/bin/pin/pin -t ./bin/obj-intel64/ -o ./log/grep_type_1451915649.log -i ./log/grep_arity_1451915233.log -- grep -R "def" ./
[*] Inference results logged in ./log/grep_type_1451915649.log

Results of inference

  • display $PGM $INF: show the results of the last inference $INF on the program $PGM. $INF can be either arity, type or couple.
scat > display grep arity
0x7fffe4031c80 ('strnlen', 2, 1)
0x7fffe403d180 ('argz_stringify', 3, 0)
0x7fffe4035bf0 ('', 2, 1)
0x402c30 ('', 3, 1)

| Last inference:           2016-01-04 14:47:13
| Total functions infered:  62

scat > display grep type
addr fts_read(addr);
int strnlen(addr, int);
addr memchr(addr, int, int, float, float, float, float, float);
void _dl_mcount_wrapper_check();
addr fgets_unlocked(addr, int, addr);
void argz_stringify(addr, int, int);
int tcgetattr(int, addr);
int strlen(addr);

| Last inference:           2016-01-04 14:54:09
| Total functions infered:  9

Accuracy of inference


Parse data from source code

  • parsedata $PGM $SRCPATH: launch parsing of source code (.h, .c) in $SRCPATH and store the results under the label $PGM. It means that these sources will be used to evaluate accuracy for the program $PGM.
scat > parsedata grep ./pgm/src/grep/

Note: results are stored in ./data/ as python pickled files.

Check inference results

  • accuracy $PGM $INF: compare source-code information parsed before with results of inference $INF (arity or type) on the program $PGM.
scat > accuracy grep arity
Information about inference
| Last inference:           2016-02-11 16:22:53
| Total functions infered:  49
Accuracy of inference
| Ok/Total tested:          11/12
| Ratio arity:              91.67%
| Ratio return:             100.00%
| Not found:                6
scat > accuracy grep type
Information about inference
| Last inference:           2016-01-19 14:15:46
| Total functions infered:  7
Accuracy of inference
| Ok/Total tested:          13/13
- Ratio:                    100.00%

Current limitations of the implementation

scat comes with several limitations. Some of them are relative to the approach, but we will detail here only the ones relative to incomplete or mis-implementation.

Unstripped binaries only

scat does not currently work on stripped binaries. Indeed, although the approach does not require any symbol knowledge, we do need some way to identify functions from an execution to another (e.g. from the arity inference to the type inference). Currently, scat uses function names to identify functions, therefore it cannot handle stripped binaries. To fix this problem, scat needs to use another (more robust) invariant from an execution to another to identify functions.

(WIP) We recently hired an internship student to do this work (much cheaper).

Non object-oriented binaries only

For now, scat is not capable of performing inference on object-oriented programs. The reason of this is that scat relies on the calling convention, and specificities introduced by object-oriented programs (and in particular thiscall convention) have not been studied yet.

Calling convention

As mentioned previously, scat relies on the knowledge of the calling convention. The approach proposed can be easily adapted to any calling convention. However, the work has only been done for x86-64 System V AMD64 calling convention. Therefore, only this kind of binaries can be analysed for now.


Dynamic analysis of binary programs to retrieve function-related information (arity, type of parameters, coupling).







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