We have created an opensource ZWave library supporting controller devices based on the Sigma Designs Serial API. If you have a device supporting this Serial API protocol most likely this library will work for you.
This ZWave library has been tested on the following controllers:
- Aeon Labs Z-Stick II
- RaZberry for Raspberry PI
Most likely but not confirmed works also on:
- Vision USB stick Z-wave
- Z-Wave.me Z-StickC
- Sigma UZB ZWave-Plus
The following code example shows how to switch on a Switchable item using the local API. Once the light is on, in case it is dimmable we set the level to 50%. Finally we shut the switchable item back off again.
public class LocalZwaveSessionTest {
private static final Logger LOG = getLogger(LocalZwaveSessionTest.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {
LOG.info("Starting Local ZWAVE App");
* Initialises the binding. This is called after the 'updated' method
* has been called and all configuration has been passed.
public static void doZwaveStuff() {
LOG.debug("Application startup");
try {
ZWaveSession s = new LocalZwaveSession();
while(!s.isNetworkReady()) {
LOG.info("Network not ready yet, sleeping");
sleepUninterruptibly(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
LOG.info("Wait over, sending message");
int nodeId = 4;
int dimmerLevel = 50;
s.doAction(new SwitchAction(() -> nodeId, SwitchAction.STATE.ON));
s.doAction(new SwitchAction(() -> nodeId, dimmerLevel));
LOG.info("Waiting a bit to switch off so we can see some visual effect");
sleepUninterruptibly(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
LOG.info("Wait over, sending Off message");
s.doAction(new SwitchAction(() -> nodeId, SwitchAction.STATE.OFF));
LOG.info("Light off, preparing for shutdown in a bit");
sleepUninterruptibly(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (HomeAutomationException e) {
LOG.error("Error occurred in ZWave processing", e);
With the following code you can for example receive generic events or with the annotated event subscriber we receive sensor events:
public class LocalZwaveSessionTest {
private static final Logger LOG = getLogger(LocalZwaveSessionTest.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {
LOG.info("Starting Local ZWAVE App");
* Initialises the binding. This is called after the 'updated' method
* has been called and all configuration has been passed.
public static void doZwaveStuff() {
LOG.debug("Application startup");
try {
ZWaveSession s = new LocalZwaveSession();
s.subscribe(new MyEventListener());
} catch (HomeAutomationException e) {
LOG.error("Error occurred in ZWave processing", e);
private static class MyEventListener implements EventListener<ZWaveEvent> {
public void receive(ZWaveEvent event) throws Exception {
LOG.debug("Received an event: {}", event);
public void handleSensorEvent(DeviceSensorEvent sensorEvent) {
LOG.debug("Received a sensor: {} value: {} for node: {}", sensorEvent.getSensorType(), sensorEvent.getValue().doubleValue(), sensorEvent.getNodeId());