GATB-Minia-Pipeline is a de novo multi-k assembly pipeline for Illumina data. It can assemble genomes and metagenomes. The pipeline consists of:
- Bloocoo (error correction)
- Minia 3 (contigs assembly) based on the BCALM2 (unitigs assembly) tool
- BESST (scaffolding)
Linux 64 bits (for Minia binary)
bwa (for BESST)
Python >= 2.7 and < 3 with the following modules (for BESST). See next section for a quick way to install them.
- mathstats
- scipy
- networkx
- pysam
pip install --user mathstats networkx scipy pyfasta pysam==0.8.3
git clone --recursive
cd gatb-minia-pipeline ; make test
Command line arguments are similar to SPAdes.
Paired reads assembly:
./gatb -1 read_1.fastq -2 read_2.fastq
paired-end reads given in a single file:
./gatb --12 interleaved_reads.fastq
Unpaired reads:
./gatb -s single_reads.fastq
The final assembly is in:
All other files are intermediary.
More input options are available. Type ./gatb
for extended usage.
Since the pipeline is multi-k, it is unnecessary to specify a kmer size.
Don't copy the ./gatb
script to a bin folder it is meant to stay in that directory.
If you have trouble compiling, just give up and ignore the scaffolding (BESST) step. Did you consider that getting contigs instead of scaffolds may be good enough?
If you want to persist compiling, read on.
Can't install scipy? (because e.g. cannot sudo) A solution is to install a python distribution that doesn't require root (it's not that hard).
. ~/.bashrc
conda install scipy pysam networkx
pip install mathstats
Read more on conda :
Alternative: activestate python ( then type pypm install scipy
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