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HAJK - Docker

Standard image

The HAJK standard Dockerfile combines all of HAJK's parts (front-end, back-end using NodeJS and admin) into a single image that is very handy for testing or small scale deployments.

Image settings:

  • Exposed back-end port: tcp/1337
  • Exposed volume path for mounting of persistent back-end data: /usr/app/App_Data

Sample Usage

Example build for back-end (NodeJS), admin and client image creation, running a container named local-hajk-backend-with-client-and-admin with local volume hajk-backend-appdata mounted for persistent data and exposing NodeJS on host port tcp/1337.

# First time set-up of a local volume, this will make back-end data persistent
docker volume create hajk-backend-appdata

# Docker image build
docker build -t hajk-backend-with-client-and-admin:1.0.0 .

# For removing any previous container before re-configuration run:
# docker rm local-hajk-backend-with-client-and-admin

# Run container from local image
docker run -p 1337:3002 -v hajk-backend-appdata:/usr/app/App_Data --name local-hajk-backend-with-client-and-admin hajk-backend-with-client-and-admin:1.0.0

Note regarding ports for HAJK in a Docker setting: the port printed on e.g. HAJK's back-end console output is not neccesarily the host-exposed port. HAJK will locally in the container know of the right-hand side of the port expose command-line switch (-p for a Docker run), the host/your web-browser till need to use the left-hand side which is a port-forward rule into the container. In the example above, HAJK back-end will output:

[INFO] hajk - Server startup completed. Launched on port 3002. (http://localhost:3002)

Still, you would use port 1337 for host access.

Hosted Images

Courtesy of Hallbergs there is also a Docker Hub feed of the latest HAJK images. Use in a compose or local docker run command using the corresponding tag, e.g. hallbergs/hajk:3.7.0 or hallbergs/hajk:latest.


HAJK also contains a Docker Compose for a production-like set-up combining the following components into a hand "HAJK WebGIS in a box":

  • PostgreSQL relational database with PostGIS spatial extensions (based on the latest Kartoza image)
    • Exposes host port tcp/5432
  • GeoSever map server (based on Kartoza v2.18.0 image) running as WAR in Tomcat Java application server
  • HAJK (based on the standard HAJK triple-combination, see above)
  • nginx web server used as a unified proxy HTTP front (base on the latest nginx image)
    • Reverse-proxy of all /proxy/* URLs to HAJK proxy component
    • Reverse-proxy of all other URLs to the compose's local HAJK container
    • Exposes host port tcp/1337

Development and Demo Usage

# cd hajk/Docker
docker-compose -p hajk up

Now use GeoServer admin to set up a default workspace, a PostGIS datasource to host db, database hajkGeoData and you are good to go. Use exposed port 5432 to load data into PostgreSQL.

Production Usage

For a production set-up you are free to re-use the compose file, but read up on Docker Compose syntax and make sure to do some adjustments like:

  • change the composition's default passwords (use Docker secrets)
  • set container memory limits
  • adjust container re-start conditions to your needs
  • pin all image versions to explicit releases for stability

Also consider running an orchestration component like Docker Stack/Swarm, Kubernetes, RedHat OpenShift or similar for greater scalibility flexibility in a high load production scenario.

Alternative Dockerfiles

Back-end + Admin

This directory contains alternative Dockerfile combinations for local development, testing etc.

  • backend-and-admin.dockerfile - Alpine-based NodeJS builders combining HAJK back-end (NodeJS) and admin to finally combine the build into an Alpine NodeJS v14 image where the containern will start back-end's index.js
    • Image settings:
      • Exposed back-end port: tcp/3002
      • Exposed volume path for mounting of persistent back-end data: /usr/app/App_Data

Sample Usage

Example build for back-end (NodeJS) + admin image creation, running a container named local-hajk-backend-and-admin with local volume hajk-backend-appdata mounted for persistent data and exposing NodeJS on port tcp/2000 on the host.

Corresponding appConfig setting for using this containerized back-end from host front-end development:

  • "mapserviceBase": "http://localhost:2000/api/v1",
# cd hajk/Docker

# First time set-up of a local volume, this will make back-end data persistent
docker volume create hajk-backend-appdata

# Docker image build
docker build --file Docker/backend-and-admin.dockerfile -t hajk-backend-and-admin:0.1.0 .

# For removing any previous container before re-configuration run:
# docker rm local-hajk-backend-and-admin

# Run container from local image
docker run -p 2000:3002 -v hajk-backend-appdata:/usr/app/App_Data --name local-hajk-backend-and-admin hajk-backend-and-admin:0.1.0

Room for future improvement

The current duplicated Dockerfile constructs into alternative Dockerfiles could be refined into e.g. a multi-stage build or other types of more clever parametrized build. Consider the current state of Docker "altfiles" a friendly stepping stone for developers using Docker for HAJK. And remember: this is open source, so please consider opening a pull request with your own improvements! Thanks.