Roadster Public
Forked from Vicondrus/RoadsterIn this project, a traffic sign recognition system, divided into two parts, is presented. The first part is based on classical image processing techniques, for traffic signs extraction out of a vid…
Python UpdatedNov 26, 2020 -
awesome-human-pose-estimation Public
Forked from cbsudux/awesome-human-pose-estimationA collection of awesome resources in Human Pose estimation.
UpdatedNov 19, 2020 -
surface-crack-detection Public
Forked from arthurflor23/surface-crack-detectionAn experiment with deep learning to segmentation
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 16, 2020 -
KivyMD-Basics Public
Forked from attreyabhatt/KivyMD-BasicsBasics of KivyMD for the tutorial video series.
Python UpdatedNov 6, 2020 -
Potato-Leaf-Disease-Classification Public
Forked from rizqiamaliatuss/PotatoLeafDiseaseClassificationDevelop a system that can classify and detect leaf diseases in potato plants based on deep learning. This system can help farmers and agricultural researchers to get accurate and fast diagnose resu…
Python UpdatedAug 8, 2020 -
Industrial_defect_detection Public
Forked from zwb204/Industrial_defect_detection本项目用深度学习的方法进行工业产品缺陷检测,替代原本人眼的产品质检。从而大幅提升工业产品合格率和降低人力成本。
Python UpdatedJun 15, 2020 -
RaspberryPiPeopleCounter Public
Forked from giobauermeister/RaspberryPiPeopleCounterPeople counting using raspberryPi or a video stream
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 11, 2020 -
NJU_MusicMood Public
Forked from hyades910739/NJU_MusicMoodLyrics sentiment analysis with NJU_MusicMood dataset
Python UpdatedOct 7, 2019 -
baby_cry_detection Public
Forked from giulbia/baby_cry_detectionRecognition of baby cry audio signal
Python UpdatedAug 4, 2019 -
deep_learning_for_biologists_with_keras Public
Forked from totti0223/deep_learning_for_biologists_with_kerastutorials made for biologists to learn deep learning
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMay 27, 2019 -
ZihaoTutorialOfRaspberryPi Public
Forked from TommyZihao/ZihaoTutorialOfRaspberryPi子豪兄的零基础树莓派教程,代码存放地及更新勘误
GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedApr 25, 2019 -
DeepPCB Public
Forked from tangsanli5201/DeepPCBA PCB defect dataset.
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 19, 2018 -
Concrete-Crack-Detection Public
Forked from nargundshreyas/Concrete-Crack-DetectionCrack detection for an autonomous UAV
Python UpdatedJun 21, 2018 -
Kivy-CN Public
Forked from cycleuser/Kivy-CNA Chinese Translation of Kivy Programming Guide Based on Kivy 1.9.2 中文翻译Kivy开发文档
UpdatedApr 7, 2018 -
GasPumpOCR Public
Forked from kazmiekr/GasPumpOCRPython and OpenCV scripts to detect digits on a Gas Pump
Python UpdatedAug 15, 2017