To-do list
- check if dying refills your ammo after being (manually) revived by another player
- check if red/purple Cleaner snipers have an RC car and if it can jump (
- check if rushers from all factions have less HP than snipers
- check if the Demolisher Firefly trick works on mini-tanks (
- enhance all faction sections with weak point information (, and
- test if dodge rolling right before being hit by an explosion skips the staggering animation
- test if Ravenous explosions are affected by OOCD
- test if shooting Warhounds weak points with the TAC-50 can instakill them (from u/XPS1647)
- test if the Stinger Hive actually scales with explosive damage and DTA
- test the Cluster Seeker Mine rigger bag exploit ( and "Cluster seeker goes to cooldown on FIRST cluster's explosion")
- test if when a target tagged with the Burster Firefly dies, it makes the ones on the other targets blow up too
- test the System Corruption medkit against Fragile Armor stacks
- 1.0 Introduction
- 2.0 PVE concepts
- 2.1 Aggro
- 2.2 AI animations
- 2.3 AI behavior
- 2.4 Angle isolation
- 2.5 Clearing angles
- 2.6 Counter-strafing
- 2.7 Cover
- 2.8 Crosshair placement
- 2.9 Damage indicator
- 2.10 Difficulty
- 2.11 Elevation
- 2.12 Environmental damage
- 2.13 Falling back
- 2.14 Keeping your distance
- 2.15 Minimap/radar
- 2.16 Movement
- 2.17 Peeking
- 2.18 Perspective
- 2.19 Playing your build/class
- 2.20 Relocation
- 2.21 Sounding
- 2.22 Starting engagements
- 2.23 State of mind
- 2.24 Sweeping
- 2.25 Target prioritization
- 2.26 Weak points
- 2.27 Weapon recoil
- 2.28 Weapon selection
- 3.0 PVP concepts
- 3.1 Baiting
- 3.2 Callouts
- 3.3 Clearing angles
- 3.4 Counter-strafing
- 3.5 Crossfire
- 3.6 Double peeking
- 3.7 Flanking
- 3.8 Focus management
- 3.9 Getting information
- 3.10 Holding angles
- 3.11 Jiggle peeking
- 3.12 Lurking
- 3.13 Map control
- 3.14 Map knowledge
- 3.15 Off angle
- 3.16 Playing off first contact
- 3.17 Rotating
- 3.18 Strength in numbers
- 3.19 Trading
- 4.0 The Division 2
- 4.1 AI animations
- 4.2 AI behavior
- 4.3 Black Tusk
- 4.4 Builds
- 4.5 Cleaners
- 4.6 Cover
- 4.7 Cover to cover
- 4.8 Dancing
- 4.9 Difficulty
- 4.10 Group composition (basics)
- 4.11 Group composition (advanced)
- 4.12 Group play
- 4.13 Hunters
- 4.14 Hyenas
- 4.15 Inventory management
- 4.16 Looting
- 4.17 Optimization
- 4.18 Outcasts
- 4.19 Playing ARs
- 4.20 Playing crowd control
- 4.21 Playing LMGs
- 4.22 Playing medic
- 4.23 Playing rifler
- 4.24 Playing offensive skill builds
- 4.25 Playing shotgun
- 4.26 Playing sniper
- 4.27 Playing tank
- 4.28 Reviving
- 4.29 Rikers
- 4.30 Skills
- 4.31 Spawn camping
- 4.32 Status effects
- 4.33 Summit
- 4.34 Suppressing
- 4.35 Talents
- 4.36 Target prioritization
- 4.37 Tips/tricks
- 4.38 True Sons
- 4.39 White Tusk
- 5.0 Links
- 6.0 Credits
- 7.0 Contact information
I'm going to make a video series about how to become good at shooters because I've noticed a vast number of players could use some help to improve the way they play games. I will lay things down in a way that everyone can understand to facilitate assimilating new concepts.
I'll use this document to mention what I'm gonna talk about. I'll edit it when I think of new concepts or when I find new tricks. If you think of something that is not listed, feel free to message me (contact information at the bottom). Once this document is complete, I'll start making one video per section. Don't expect any good intro/outro and transitions, I don't know anything about video editing so I'll have to learn that on-the-fly and I don't deem it important for now.
While it's divided into 3 sections, the one about The Division 2 will be the first I will focus on.
- definition: when mobs target you
- how to use it to your advantage (bait for another player)
- how to get it off you (use utility/players, break line of sight, run away)
- do not direct it at other players
- only aggro one mob (RPGs only)
- predictable
- different in every game
- can be used for crosshair placement
- predictable
- different in every game
- can be used for funnelling mobs and setting up traps
- definition: using the environment/utility to isolate enemies
- creates a series of 1v1s
- makes it easier to win engagements
- reference:
- be methodical, clear progressively and check every corner
- use jiggle peeking to quickly get information without allowing the AI to react
- reference:
- definition: shooting while strafing in opposite directions
- strafe in a direction, press the opposite directional key and shoot at the same time
- doesn't work in all games as they have different inaccuracy mechanics
- allows you to keep your first shot relatively accurate
- very effective around corners as sometimes the AI takes time to react every time you peek
- prefer vertical cover to low cover
- vertical cover maximizes how long you can peek before being shot at
- peeking from vertical cover exposes you to less angles at the same time
- some covers can be shot through or destroyed based on its material and the weapon used
- aim at head level
- snap to the wall as you're clearing an angle
- reduces how much you have to move your mouse before being on your target
- you should always try having your crosshair where enemies could potentially peek from
- reference:
- definition: UI elements indicating when the player is taking damage
- gives you a general direction of where your attacker is
- if the game has no health bar, the screen usually turns red/gray when you're low HP
- allows you to decide whether to engage or take cover based on your HP
- reference:
- always play on hardest
- forces you to be smart
- you learn more and faster about the game than on easier difficulties
- easier difficulties don't challenge you, we often learn by overcoming challenges
- more rewarding
- vantage points allow you to have a good view of your surroundings and devise tactics
- in third person shooters, you can see enemies before they can see you
- usually offers more cover versus low ground being a no man's land
- can see enemies hiding behind low covers
- definition: using the environment to your advantage
- can kill/CC/bait enemies (explosive barrels, gas tanks, etc)
- can flush enemies out of cover
- always have a backup location before an engagement, if things were to go south
- prevents the AI from cornering you, thus putting more pressure on you
- when there are too many enemies around you and you know you're not gonna be able to stand your ground, immediately fall back
- you usually take less damage the further away you are from an enemy
- the AI is often inaccurate at longer distancss
- it's easier to relocate if you're far away from threats
- allows you to see incoming threats
- can reveal the location of various useful items (like ammo crates)
- prevents you from getting flanked
- always move from cover to cover to minimize exposure and incoming damage
- always reload behind cover (unless the area is clear)
- breaking line of sight with the AI gives you time to recover or devise another strategy
- definition: show yourself to start an engagement or get information
- try to peek as far away from a corner (body less exposed)
- don't expose yourself for too long: peek, get the kill (or take the shot for sniper rifles) and hide
- can peek for longer or even switch targets if AI animations allow it (ex: AI stumbling when shot) and you know they're unlikely to hit you
- definition: how characters are perceived in the game world
- the less of your body is exposed the further away you are from a wall
- when you're further away from a corner than your enemy, you'll see them before they see you
- in some games, the AI can't see you until you see their head (ex: Half-Life)
- reference:
- every build has a purpose and should be played a certain way
- not playing your build for what it's supposed to do or not playing it correctly is inefficient
- definition: moving elsewhere unnoticed after being spotted
- when the AI pinpoints your location, it may put more pressure on that location
- relocating makes the AI lose track of you and allows you to take shots from another location
- reference:
- definition: listening to sound cues to get information about enemy location
- requires a decent headset
- allows you to make callouts in co-op or PVP (location, enemy count, weapons used, etc)
- helps you decide where to go next, which area to pay attention to or where to place your crosshair
- scout the area (enemy types, environmental damage, fallback location)
- prioritize your targets
- set up traps if the game allows it
- study AI routes if applicable (ex: Hitman)
- you have to be open-minded and receptive to learning if you want to improve
- you have to be observant to learn how game mechanics and the AI work
- you have to be perseverant in trying other strategies when something doesn't work
- definition: clearing an area from one side to the other, one enemy at a time
- allows you to keep track of which side enemies are at any given time
- when a new wave of enemies spawns or you spot a new enemy in a previously cleared area, restart the sweep
- if your current enemy isn't peeking or goes out of your line of sight, skip to the next one
- closest first: preferred strategy if no dangerous enemies are around
- dangerous first: allows you to have more freedom of movement
- weakest first: allows you to get rid of multiple enemies quickly, thus facing less enemies at the same time
- group first: same as weakest, except you'll take out multiple enemies without switching targets
- alone first: allows you to thin out enemies without raising the alarm
- different in every game
- allows you to kill/disrupt several enemies at once
- may prevent enemies from using their abilities
- different in every game
- every weapon has a different recoil pattern that may be mastered
- shooting in bursts or tapping will help maintaining accuracy
- crouching or going prone usually reduces it
- moving usually decreases your accuracy while staying still makes sure your first shot is fully accurate
- use the right weapon based on distance (short range: SMG, long range: sniper rifle)
- use specific weapons/ammunition if the AI is vulnerable to it
- using a teammate to force your opponent to peek, thus revealing his location and allowing you to get the kill without getting shot (baiting a teammate)
- forcing your opponents to use their utility by putting pressure or using utility against them (baiting utility)
- jiggle peek (see this section) to have an opponent reveal his location (baiting a shot)
- reference:
- definition: feeding your teammates with information about enemy position or your next move
- learn the map-specific callouts
- when making callouts, you must include location, count, health remaining, direction, weapon used and any essential information (ex: bomb holder in CS:GO)
- when requesting utility or revealing your intentions, make the callout beforehand to give your teammates time to adjust
- callouts must be fast to allow your teammates to react quickly
- they must also be concise to avoid covering game sound from your teammates
- no callouts from dead people
- same points as in PVE
- you must know the map and where people are usually standing (gets you information and map control)
- reference:
- definition: shooting after briefly stopping between strafes
- strafe in a direction, let go of the directional key, tap the opposite directional key, shoot then move in any direction
- tapping the opposite directional key allows your character to stop faster than just letting go of the directional key
- allows you to keep your first shot fully accurate while "moving"
- you can alternate directions to make it harder for your opponents to hit you
- definition: having multiple people at crossed angles so that their arcs of fire overlap
- allows you to focus your opponent from multiple angles
- makes it harder for your opponents to win the engagement as they'll be hit from multiple angles
- definition: having 2 people peek an opponent at the same time
- creates a 2v1
- can be from the same angle (short + wide swing) or different angles
- relies on voice communication
- definition: attacking the enemy from a side while they're focused on another side
- make sure your teammates are focused by the enemy
- call out you're flanking so that your teammates keep fighting your opponents from the same location
- definition: splitting your attention between several locations
- prevents you from getting flanked
- allows you to maintain map control
- definition: knowing the enemy's location, count and destination
- always make callouts to let your teammates know about new information
- allows you to take rational decisions to give you the upper hand
- active angle: randomly jiggle peek
- passive angle: be at an off-angle
- reference:
- definition: strafing left and right around a corner
- used to bait shots
- gets you information without taking (a lot of) damage
- reference:
- definition: playing sneaky, far away from your team
- aggressive lurker: puts pressure in an area to prevent enemy rotation
- passive lurker: doesn't show his presence, flanks rotators to maintain map control
- plays an important role in the end of rounds
- reference:
- definition: taking control of contestable areas
- allows you to dictate the pace of the game
- helps you guess where are your opponents
- restrains the enemy team options
- facilitated through the use of utility (ex: flashbangs, smokes)
- reference: and
- you have to learn the common angles to check
- you have to learn the common angles people can peek from
- you have to know the choke points (where both teams meet at the beginning of rounds) so you can use your utility accordingly
- you have to find/know where to aim to use your utility successfully
- definition: an uncommon angle, usually exposed, where the enemy is not expecting you
- used to surprise your opponent, usually only works on a single opponent
- buys you some time to get the kill while your opponent adjusts his aim
- must be used sparingly otherwise your opponent will catch up
- reference:
- same points as in PVE
- you have to be mindful of the direction you're looking at, your gun may stick out and reveal your location
- you have to be mindful of your shadow, it may also reveal your location
- reference:
- definition: setting up a crossfire where a player hides and another exposes themselves while holding an angle
- the hider only peeks when the peeker starts shooting
- the enemy must be visible from both players at the same time
- makes it harder for your opponents to win the engagement as they'll be hit from 2 angles
- reference:
- definition: moving from a part of the map to another, usually to play an objective
- on the attacking side, can be used to catch the enemy team off-guard (must sell a fake push beforehand)
- on the defending side, helps you slow down an enemy push
- a 2v1 is better than a 1v1
- move like a pack or in pairs in order to trade kills
- definition: killing someone who just killed a teammate
- only doable if moving in pairs, obviously
- allows you to maintain map control if you get the trade
- reference:
- dodge roll: done to avoid explosions (grenades, Artillery Turret, Seeker Mines) or after getting shot
- knockback: after inflicting a certain amount of damage, gives you time to line up your next shot or get the kill
- quick peek: done from cover on Heroic difficulty or lower by tank operators and medics, wait for it to get headshots with a (sniper) rifle
- strafe: used after spotting a player, take your time to adjust your crosshair when sniping/rifling
- status effects: see this section
- dictated by positioning and playstyle
- being aggressive from afar makes mobs stay back or in cover
- being passive makes them go in the open and push
- they always try to flank
- they become aggressive when you're low HP
- they try to melee you when you're in close range
- they will leave cover as you get close
- walking doesn't trigger them as much as running
- reference:
- fights from cover and moves cover to cover to avoid enemy fire
- equipped with EMP grenades
- no weak point
- controls a mini tank while staying in cover
- distracting him will cause the mini tank to stop functioning
- killing him will stop the mini tank from moving
- if the mini tank is damaged, he will attempt to repair it, making him vulnerable
- no weak point
- deploys suicide drones above her that target players and skills
- destroying their backpack causes an explosion that hurts her and prevents her from deploying drones
- destroying the drones (preferably with an AR) causes an explosion that can kill her if she's too close
- staying close to her after she's deployed her drones will make them blow up in her face, potentially killing her
- unable to deploy drones when disrupted
- players needs to be in her line of sight in order to be able to target them with her drones, that's why she usually peeks a few seconds after deploying drones (great for riflers/snipers)
- walking backwards is enough to dodge her drones
- throws EMP jammers and attempts to revive downed allies via a medical drone
- destroying the drone forces him to run to downed allies to revive them
- elites throw jammers that strip away armor and health
- destroying the EMP jammer pouch sets off an EMP that disrupts him
- hitting the weak spot on the back of the drone will destroy it and shock everyone nearby
- vulnerable when manually reviving downed allies (animation can be interrupted by dealing enough damage)
- equipped with a machine gun and a grenade launcher
- rolls around slowly while the controller operates it from cover at medium range
- occasionally holds still and begins spinning a laser dazzler around in a circle, blinding any enemies caught by it
- both treads can be destroyed, making it stop moving and causing its controller to come repair it
- dealing enough damage to it will cause it to go back to its controller for repairs
- killing the controller will cause it to go haywire while looking for a target
- doesn't despawn until all other Black Tusk units in the fight are dead
- elites roll faster, have more health and fire incendiary grenades
- vulnerable to explosive damage
- the Firestarter shotgun (from the Firewall specialization) allows you to put it on fire by lowering its fire resistance
- tries to get close to use his deadly shotgun
- ignores grenades and Stinger Hives
- elites will throw a flashbang grenade when getting close, which can potentially blind them and other nearby enemies
- has the lowest amount of HP of all archetypes
- takes cover at long range while attempting to eliminate targets and sets up decoy lenses that can be confused for her real position
- retreats if a player gets too close to her
- deploys a taser drone that seeks out hostiles and stuns them, granting her a clear shot
- destroying her lens pouch prevents her from deploying the countermeasures
- destroying the drone on her back prevents it from being deployed
- needs to acquire a target for a few seconds before shooting
- doesn't have as much HP as the other archetypes
- places a support station down healing nearby allies and attempts to repair it when damaged (TODO: verify the repair bit)
- destroying the station on his back prevents him from deploying it
- elite support stations grant overheal to nearby allies
- support stations can be disrupted, temporarily stopping their healing ability
- if undestroyed at the end of combat, support stations grant an armor kit
- attempts to stay at range, using his minigun to suppress enemy targets
- has a support station mounted on his back which feeds a constant supply of health recovery
- his minigun ammo belt never requires a reload
- has no armor bar, but you have to destroy his armor plates before damaging his health
- resistant to explosives
- breaking his ammo belt forces him to reload
- destroying the support station stops his health regeneration
- destroying any weak point or hittimg him with any explosion (including with a Stinger Hive) will cause the ammo belt to reappear
- foaming him during the reload animation (up until he stands up after reloading) forces him to redo the entire reload animation
- using the Demolisher Firefly will break the ammo belt, then the support station, then armor plates, depending on which one was previously broken (TODO: verify the bit about armor plates)
- the Survivalist crossbow completely breaks his armor plate
- has no armor behind his support station
- in the Dark Hours raid, his butt is unarmored
- uses an airburst grenade launcher to hit targets behind cover
- shoots his grenades based on the last visible location of a player
- destroying the grenade pouch on his back causes an explosion that hurts him
- knocking him back while he's about to throw a grenade will cause it to blow up in his face
- grenades can be destroyed when shot mid-air, causing an explosion
- elites fire their airburst launcher in volleys of 3 to make dodging harder
- unable to shoot grenades when disrupted
- heavily armored quadrupeds that attempt to position themselves with clear line of sight to enemies and use a powerful sniper type armament, a grenade launcher or a minigun to dispatch their foes
- have no armor bar, but you usually have to destroy their armor plating before damaging their health
- elites have the added bonus of firing on the move
- they always move from a point to another and stop for a few seconds, use that time to damage them with a skill, shoot their weak points or EMP them
- although warhounds don't have a head, shooting their red eye counts as a headshot, proccing headshot-related talents like Perpetuation (TODO: verify this information)
- shooting their legs depletes their health, however they have a 90% damage reduction
- the Survivalist crossbow completely breaks their armor plate (unless you aim for the legs)
- explosive damage bypasses their armor plating and does damage directly to their health, therefore Ravenous can be effective against them (and Merciless, to a lesser extent)
- disruptive skills (Jammer Pulse, EMP Sticky Bomb and EMP grenade) also bypass their armor plating
- CHD and Headhunter stacks on their legs isn't affected by the damage reduction and therefore bypasses their armor plating
- Hostile Negotiations from the Negotiator's Dilemma gear set bypasses their armor plating
- Pestilence ticks bypass their armor plating
- using a Demolisher Firefly while they're disrupted bypasses their armor plating and can one shot them on offensive skill builds
- the flamethrower's stream bypasses their health, it's not efficient on higher difficulties though as it requires burning a lot of fuel to kill a single one
- the Firestarter shotgun (from the Firewall specialization) allows you to put them on fire by lowering their fire resistance
- 3 variants with different weak points, causing them to stop working for a few seconds when destroyed:
- has weak points behind its cannon and at the top of its back (TODO: check for other weak points)
- elites fire 3 shock grenades in a salvo and try harder to flank (TODO: verify if purples shoot shock grenades too)
- when destroyed, explodes with an electrical charge, causing everything nearby to be shocked
- shooting the hinge next to its cannon bypasses its armor plating
- has weak points located at the top of its legs
- elites can stop and after a short charge up time, fire their minigun in a devastating 360° spin
- when destroyed, explodes with fragmentation inflicting damage and causing everything nearby to bleed
- you can rotate around it while aggro'ed to make it stop moving/shooting
- has its weak point exposed in the form of a red cartridge next to the cannon when it fires (TODO: verify if still bugged for elites)
- elites fire in 3-round bursts with the sniper turret when stationary
- dealing enough damage to its legs staggers it and prevents it from firing (or at least delays its next shot)
- shooting its butt bypasses its armor plating
- when destroyed, creates an EMP explosion, disrupting agents in close range for 9s and everything else in medium range for at least 12s (TODO: check if the EMP range is bigger on elites and enemy disrupt duration)
- you can rotate around it while aggro'ed to make it stop moving/shooting
- definition: a set of items supporting a specific playstyle or solving a problem
- you have to define what you're trying to go for (DPS, tank, crowd control, healing, etc), for which group scaling and for which difficulty
- from there, you have to look at the weapons, brands, talents and attributes that could synergize with what you're going for (ex: AR/Ceska/Obliterate/CHC/CHD for DPS, Alps/Safeguard/repair skills for healer, etc)
- look in your stash, craft, buy or farm the necessary pieces to make a first version of the build (ideally with the right talents and attributes), recalibrate if necessary
- test it in the desired situation and see if it works
- if it doesn't, make some adjustments and try it again
- once it works, start farming for pieces with better rolls and/or optimize them (if you have the resources)
- reference:
- equipped with a flamethrower
- shooting the fuel tank on his back will make him panic until it explodes (the explosion will stagger him)
- if his fuel tank is shot, it disables his ability to use his flamethrower
- deploys drones dropping vapor bombs over the target, causing it to burn
- has a weak point on his left thigh, where his cluster bombs are stored
- shooting the drone on his back will prevent him from deploying it
- shooting the bomb pouch of the drone will cause it to drop its load, setting fire to anyone caught in the blast
- after dropping its load, the drone goes back to the controller, making him stand up a bit to load it with bombs again
- armed with an incendiary artillery turret
- his turret can ensnare and burn its targets
- if its target is hit, he will shoot at the ensnared target
- shooting the red spot on the turret will cause it to burn and ensnare everyone around it (TODO: verify if the turret is still operational afterwards)
- armed with a fire axe and a riot shield
- you can use dancing to force him to melee you, thus exposing his body at the end of his swing animation
- you can also deal enough damage to his body or his shield (for instance with a shotgun) to trigger the knockback animation, thus exposing his body
- their shield can withstand an entire AR magazine before breaking
- has the lowest amount of HP of all archetypes
- no weak point
- can deploy an incendiary RC car at long range to knock targets out of cover
- shooting the RC car on his back will prevent him from deploying it
- doesn't have as much HP as the other archetypes
- armed with a flamethrower and molotov cocktails
- resistant to explosives
- shooting the fuel tank on his back will temporarily cripple him and make him remove his helmet, thus making him vulnerable to headshots
- shooting the gas tank on his left leg will disable his flamethrower and force him to use a fire axe
- shooting the bag on his right leg will disable his ability to throw molotov cocktails
- bounty tanks are armed with DC-62 grenades and do not have a fuel tank (TODO: verify this information)
- throws vapor grenades from cover then shoots the gas that emerges
- shooting the firestarter grenade satchel on the back of his waist will set him and his surroundings on fire
- shooting him while he's throwing a grenade will cause him to drop it at his feet
- elites have a grenade launcher that fires napalm projectiles similar to the engineer's turret
- same points as in PVE
- avoid using low covers unless you're sniping or don't have aggro
- vertical cover minimizes incoming explosions
- shooting from vertical cover at a 30-75° angle allows you to shoot mobs without them shooting back
- aiming 180° backwards from a low cover doesn't make your char stand up and you can't be hit from mobs in PVE (in PVP your head sticks out)
- covers cannot be shared between teammates so you should let DPS players have them whenever possible
- you can dodge roll to cover to get behind or around a piece of cover faster
- reduces the enemy's accuracy on you, thus drastically reducing incoming damage
- faster than running
- allows you to look around without changing the direction of your movement
- allows you to reload without reducing speed
- try to end up with a dodge roll to cover if the destination will leave you exposed as the enemy's accuracy will be instantly back to normal as soon as the cover to cover stops
- when running past an enemy, acts as a soft form of CC (they'll often try to melee you)
- doesn't prevent explosions from staggering and hurting you
- explosions and some status effects (ensnare, shock) will cancel the cover to cover, sometimes leaving you extremely vulnerable (especially when there's no cover nearby) (TODO: test when being caught on fire)
- you can't use skills while performing a cover to cover, but you can target with already deployed skills, keep charging the Jammer/Banshee Pulse and change the direction of the Banshee Pulse
- when getting shot from an unknown direction, it may be beneficial to perform a cover to cover in a random direction instead of trying to locate the enemy, that will give you time to locate that enemy and may break line of sight with them
- definition: moving across/around an NPC to force them to melee/chase you
- baits for your teammates to get the kill (however, weak point explosions can kill you)
- buys you time to relocate or get the kill before the NPC recovers from his animation
- best used when it's the last mob of a wave or an isolated mob
- acts as a soft form of CC (the NPC will try to melee you)
- affects how many enemies you face (except in legendary strongholds)
- affects how much damage enemies deal
- affects how much HP enemies have
- affects how much XP you get by killing enemies and completing activities
- affects the average veterancy of enemies
- the number of players also affects all of the above (except XP)
- hybrid builds become less effective at higher difficulties and player scaling
- definition: the different builds the group is made of
- you want the right balance of offense, defense and utility
- you should focus on offense first, then defense/utility
- you want to create synergy between builds, some builds/skills don't work well together (ex: fire/blind with snipers)
- some examples of good synergy are 3 DPS + 1 healer/CC, 3 AFK skill builds and 1 skill support build
- kill-dependency levels
- 4: your life depends on it (ex: Bloodsucker/Hunter's Fury frontliner)
- 3: your effectiveness depends on it (ex: Headhunter sniper)
- 2: it helps but is not essential (ex: Tech Support skill user)
- 1: it doesn't matter (ex: medic)
- your team should have an average kill dependency <= 2.5
- avoid standing in front of a teammate who uses the Demolitionist grenade launcher or Firestarter Chem Launcher, you'll make them kill themselves
- shooting environmental hazards (such as gas tanks) won't hurt your teammates and should be done before they or the AI does it so that they don't get interrupted in the middle of an engagement
- there's no friendly fire, however shooting weak points from any mob (dead or alive) will hurt your teammates
- when a teammate is getting flanked and focused by a mob, you should help them by prioritizing that mob if you can
- when you see a teammate is too busy holding a lane, you should hold his other lane if your build allows it
- you can enable "Show groupmate skills" in gameplay settings, that will allow you to see when they use their skills and when they are on cooldown
- can hack any deployed skill (except traps) based on line of sight
- can heal up to 3 times
- can melee you when performing cover to cover or running past them because they seem to have a 2m melee range (you have to dodge roll to avoid being hit)
- can still use their abilities while disrupted
- not considered as named enemies, therefore signature weapons aren't affected by damage reduction
- stand up when deploying most of their skills, giving you time to land a few shots
- their damage output and melee damage are way beyond any other mob in the game
- when they're about to hack your skills, a lightning icon will be shown above them so you have about 2-3s to destroy or pick up your skill
- when they're about to disrupt your skills, an EMP icon will be shown above them so you have about 2-3s to deploy a skill if you're on Technician to benefit from disrupt protection
- reference:
- fights from cover and moves cover to cover to avoid enemy fire
- no weak point
- deploys remote-controlled explosive cars from behind cover
- elite RC cars set the area around the car's explosion on fire and confuse anyone within the blast radius (TODO: verify the confuse bit)
- destroying her backpack is an effective way to get rid of her (TODO: verify the confuse bit, if shooting the bag kills purples, how much HP left for elites and if she can deploy cars afterwards)
- shooting the RC car will cause it to burn and confuse everyone around it
- sets up sniper turrets and attempts to repair them when they're damaged (TODO: check if he can deploy more than one turret)
- destroying his backpack will prevent him from deploying his turret
- damage a deployed turret to expose the engineer
- elite turrets shock their targets
- sprints to dead allies in an attempt to revive them with adrenaline and supports living allies with combat stims, granting them overheal
- destroying the red stripe on his bag will prevent him from assisting allies and confuse everyone nearby
- elites can toss vapor grenades containing spice to revive their allies faster (TODO: verify that it's not a myth)
- mobs revived are granted overheal and their weak points are repaired (TODO: verify this information)
- sprints towards targets and attempts to melee them with a baton
- has a destructible riot helmet that prevents headshots
- her spice bag is on her left hip and grants extra speed and damage to melee attacks only once (TODO: check if it grants overheal too)
- destroying her spice supply confuses her and everyone nearby, preventing her from using the drug
- elites are equipped with shock batons
- has the lowest amount of HP of all archetypes, so body shots usually take them down fast
- takes cover behind a massive riot shield while facing down his enemies with a sidearm
- his shield is difficult to break
- aiming for the feet can cause the shield to stagger (TODO: needs to be verified or if it's caused by dealing too much damage to the shield)
- a small window in the shield can be shot through (great for riflers/snipers)
- doesn't have as much HP as the other archetypes
- stays in cover at long range
- looking at her while she uses her laser dazzler results in being blinded
- elites have the ability to deploy shock mines, immobilizing anyone making contact with them
- relentlessly moves towards enemies, fearless behind a bulwark of heavy armor
- resistant to explosives
- destroying his ammo belt forces him to manually reload his machinegun
- deploying a turret or a hive will make him immediately go to it and kick it to destroy it
- foaming him during the reload animation (up until he stands up after reloading) forces him to redo the entire reload animation
- fires a grenade launcher equipped with tear gas grenades from range
- destroying his ammo pouch on the back waist will cause an explosion, killing or damaging him
- elites fire multiple concussion grenades in succession
- gear pieces with good rolls aren't necessarily good, look at the talent and brand bonus and see if they synergize with it. if they don't, trash them (unless you want to make a hybrid build)
- you can leave rewarded caches and DZ extracted items in your mailbox, they won't use stash space
- you should favorite loadout items and those that don't need further changes, mark for recalibration those that need to be changed and mark for donation those used for projects or that you want to keep for resources or other characters (ex: exotics)
- it's a good idea to make new characters and level them up to 30 (or boost them) to use them as mules with 150 inventory slots per character
- you can put gear mods in gear slots to save on stash/inventory space since it only counts as a single item
- once you're comfortable recognizing good loot, you should sort gear while picking it up, this way you won't have to pause for a few minutes between activities
- deconstructing gear set pieces gives blue materials
- looting is proximity based, so wait for others to be close (when you can see their icon) before opening crates
- you can share any loot or the content of rewarded/claimed caches with whoever was in your group when you obtained (not opened) said cache/loot, however you can't share loot/caches that have been crafted/purchased
- you can get DZ exclusive items from DZ caches, Conflict caches and Named Item caches
- avoid sharing items near loot piles as it's common for someone to deconstruct an entire pile
- try to loot from cover whenever possible to minimize exposure
- optimization resources can be obtained through completing activities/projects, killing faction bosses, deconstructing items, crafting or spending SHD points
- the amount of optimization resources necessary to optimize an attribute is based on the distance between its current value and the value from its next threshold
- as a rule of thumb, try to recalibrate the attribute with the longest distance to its max value as it may save you some optimization resources in the end
- once you're past SHD 1000, it's a good idea to make new characters and level them up to 40 to have extra SHD points you can spend on optimization
- avoid optimizing an item that doesn't have the right attributes (ex: AR without OOCD)
- avoid optimizing an item that doesn't have at least 80% rolls overall after recalibration, otherwise you're going to burn too many resources (unless it's a hard to find item like raid/DZ exclusives)
- you can't recalibrate an attribute that has been optimized
- reference:
- more aggressive than True Sons Assaults, who are more cautious
- smarter than Hyena Assaults and use cover more often
- elites are equipped with concussion grenades
- no weak point
- controls an RC car that will rush towards their target and attempt to cut them apart with its spinning saws
- when hit, its target will suffer constant heavy damage and bleed
- the RC car is heavily armored on the front and sides but has a weak spot on the rear
- destroying the RC car causes him to revert to conventional weapons
- it can be avoided with a dodge roll (which exposes its weak backside) and the saws can be destroyed, rendering the RC useless
- dodging also can make the car get stuck on a wall for a few seconds, making it immobile
- provides suppressive fire with his LMG
- similar to True Sons' Heavy Weapons but they lack the armored helmet and ability to go prone
- destroying his ammo pack will make him flail as it goes off, but if he survives, he will switch to a pistol
- runs at his target with the intent to blow himself up, taking out the enemy in the process
- his vest can be shot, causing him to explode prematurely, damaging friend and foe alike
- elites will leave a fire effect similar to a Molotov after exploding
- utilizes homemade flamethrowers
- destroying the fuel tank she carries on her waist will make it explode after a few seconds, causing her to panic, sometimes rushing at her target, then causing heavy damage to her, sometimes even killing her
- after her fuel tank is destroyed, she will switch to a pistol
- a long-range bowman unit that wields a bow with explosive arrows
- these arrows have travel time and the "sniper glare" is attached to them, making them easy to dodge
- when hitting a target, they cause heavy damage and staggers the target out of cover before exploding, causing even more damage and stagger
- when a bowman is drawing his bow, he can be interrupted, which will cause him to blow himself up with his own arrow
- his quiver can be blown up with a few well-placed shots, causing it to explode
- elites fire incendiary arrows that after exploding, cover the ground in fire for a short time
- places down ammo boxes for his allies containing incendiary ammo that can be picked up by other Outcasts
- shooting a deployed ammo box will damage anything in a small area (TODO: verify if they can place multiple ammo boxes)
- shooting the ammo box on his back will make it explode and disable his ability to place down ammo boxes
- elites deploy shock ammo boxes, they usually drop special ammo upon death
- heavily-armored melee unit armed with a sledgehammer that walks towards his target, but will switch to sprinting if he gets close enough
- deals very high damage with each swing, but his attacks are slow and leave him vulnerable to counterattacks
- resistant to explosives
- named Outcast Tanks are faster and do more damage per hit
- some named Tanks in Kenly College are armed with flamethrowers
- throws Molotov cocktails at enemies
- shooting him while he's about to throw a Molotov cocktail will cause him to drop it at his feet and put himself on fire
- shooting the red pouch on his right thigh will set him and his surroundings on fire
- Molotovs can be destroyed mid-air, causing the fire to spread to the ground below regardless of altitude
- elites will throw incendiary grenades that detonate after a short fuse and have a wider radius
- main attributes: weapon damage and CHC/CHD
- effective against anything that doesn't have an armor bar: red mobs, robotics, tanks and summit objectives
- pairs well with the Crusader/Striker Shield
- should focus on weak points and burst enemies down to knock them back
- Negotiator's Dilemma is the best gear set for it
- main attributes: status effects and skill haste
- prevents the AI from shooting back or using their abilities
- Creeping Death is good for short radius skills (like Chem Launcher and Sticky Bomb) as it spreads status effects on hit
- Scorpio is a good choice as it's another form of CC, which helps mitigating skill cooldowns because it allows you to still CC while waiting for your skills to come back
- any weapon with Future Perfect and Perpetuation are also good choices
- Survivalist is a good choice for the additional damage to status affected targets and the fire grenade as another form of CC, prefer Firewall if you're going to use fire skills
- CC'ed enemies must be within line of sight of your teammates to be efficient
- status selection is going to vary based on content and group composition
- try to get as close as possible to spawn closets to maximize effectiveness because the more the AI spreads out, the less effective a CC becomes as you'll be putting less mobs under status effects at the same time
- there's often no need to expose yourself to enemies to apply statuses
- 2 types of CC builds:
- good for Heroic content and CP4s, only efficient in legendaries if your group focuses status affected targets and has enough damage to kill them quickly
- can be used as an offensive skill build on Challenging or lower difficulty content, in that case prefer the Eclipse backpack and Capacitor
- spreads status effects on kill, therefore, the Eclipse chest is a must
- also spreads status effects from Scorpio (TODO: test if TP debuffs are also spread)
- preferred skills are Riot Foam/Firestarter Chem Launcher, Airburst Seeker Mine and Burn/EMP Sticky Bomb
- longer cooldowns
- great for legendaries, as long as you can manage your cooldowns
- Tag Team is recommended as it lowers skill cooldowns
- preferred skills are Blinder Firefly and Jammer Pulse
- shorter cooldowns
- main attributes: weapon damage and CHC/CHD
- effective against out of cover targets (robotics and tanks are always out of cover)
- can easily suppress enemies in cover
- main attributes: repair skills and skill haste
- allows your teammates to sustain incoming damage
- BTSU gloves and Sweet Dreams/Scorpio are usually good choices
- Survivalist is recommended for the multiplicative outgoing healing, the crossbow and the fire grenade as a form of CC
- use the crossbow on tanks/warhounds and fire grenades on spawn closets
- preferred skills are Reinforcer Chem Launcher and Restorer Hive
- stick with your group, monitor their health, avoid dying and manage your cooldowns by picking up your hive when not in use
- if a red/purple mob gets close or you see an opportunity to kill one, melee with Sweet Dreams or use Scorpio to make it easier for your teammates to focus them
- refresh skill cooldowns between engagements (or after one or more teammates used a Reviver Hive)
- the Restorer Hive will heal deployed skills after they take damage, you may not want this to happen to prevent your charges from draining too fast, therefore, its placement is important
- useful to do preemptive heals with the Reinforcer Chem Launcher, especially for Crusader/Striker Shield users (their shield is their main source of survivability)
- there's often no need to expose yourself to enemies to deploy your hive or heal your teammates
- 900k Reinforcer Chem Launcher heals are often overkill as most of the playerbase is sitting around 700k armor
- reference:
- main attributes: weapon damage and CHC/CHD
- effective against all types of mobs thanks to critical hits
- pairs well with the Crusader/Firewall Shield, especially when using a scope
- should go for weak points and headshots to maximize damage and/or knock enemies back
- main attributes: skill damage and skill haste
- skill placement is important, see this section
- Harmony/Test Subject and Capacitor are usually best in slot
- there's often no need to expose yourself to enemies to deploy your skills
- there's no need to be constantly peeking to maintain your buffs
- not as mobile as other builds
- 2 types of offensive skill builds:
- typical combo is Striker Drone and Assault Turret
- try to focus both of your skills on the same target to maximize single target DPS
- not meant to deal lots of damage on its own (except when running several with an Artificer Hive)
- good for taking aggro off you, your teammates and for tracking moving targets
- bad for quickly bursting down mobs and against groups
- typical combo is Artillery Turret and Explosive Sticky Bomb/Cluster Seeker Mines
- Demolitionist is a must for the multiplicative explosive damage and the Artillery Turret
- very good damage output
- good for clearing groups of enemies, spawn closets, flushing targets out of cover and against robotics
- bad against moving targets and tanks
- very effective at close range
- hard to play and weak at long range
- pairs well with the Crusader/Striker Shield
- deadly around spawn closets
- when fighting a mob, try to isolate yourself from other mobs as much as you can because you'll get flanked a lot
- if you combine it with dancing, it'll often force a mob to completely stop moving
- Hunter's Fury is the best gear set for it as you'll be taking a lot of damage so you'll need CC and armor on kill to survive
- 2 types of shotgun builds:
- main attributes: weapon damage and CHC/CHD
- Tsunami/Enforcer are good choices when solo
- Scorpio is best in slot when in groups
- Intimidate and Adrenaline Rush/Memento are recommended
- the goal is to stay around spawn closets and land as many pellets as you can
- try to go for the weakest mob to confuse nearby mobs as soon as possible
- if you're using Scorpio, you can shoot between 2 mobs on purpose to apply status effects to both at the same time
- main attributes: weapon damage and HSD (to reach 150HSD, all attributes and mods will likely need to be maxed out)
- M870 or any other high damage shotgun with Pummel is a good choice
- you can use another shotgun, a White Death and/or a Regulus as backup weapons
- the goal is to stay around spawn closets and keep Headhunter as long as possible for warhounds, bosses and tanks
- you must make smart use of cover or cover to cover to get close to mobs and spawn closets
- wait until a mob stops moving or tries to melee you before shooting (deploy your shield to absord the melee)
- if you're within 3m, aim for the head, otherwise aim slightly above the head because if you don't, a pellet may hit the body and you're likely to lose Headhunter
- if a mob is on the move, place your crosshair on their trajectory, at head level, and shoot when they come across it
- if you're near a spawn closet as new mobs spawn, try to time your kills so that the Confuse effect from Hunter's Fury is reapplied (unless the other mobs are still inside the spawn closet)
- main attributes: weapon damage and headshot damage
- effective against targets that have a head and no helmet
- for stationary targets, put your crosshair on them, at head level, before peeking
- for moving targets, put your crosshair on their trajectory and take the shot when they come across it
- for targets in cover, put your crosshair about 50cm above the cover (where their head is going to be), before peeking
- for Nemesis, don't use the cover system but charge from behind cover, jiggle peek to acquire your target, peek again to release the trigger then hide
- you can do a quick peek then hide to bait an enemy in cover into peeking
- you can stand in the open to force a target behind cover to peek you (preferably exposing yourself only from that target), just release the trigger at head level when they peek
- peek, take the shot and immediately take cover to minimize incoming damage (by strafing or pop shooting)
- when a mob is using a minigun, aim at the top of their head or it'll hit the minigun
- can one shot dogs with the Headhunter buff by shooting their legs
- avoid using a scope, it allows you to see your surroundings when aiming and you often don't need the extra damage or magnification from using one (unless you're fighting targets beyond 50m)
- avoid shooting the back of a running mob as its head will be leaning forward so you're likely to miss it or hit the body
- Tip of the Spear is the best gear set for it
- main attributes: armor cores and repair skills
- Bulwark Shield, Artificer Hive and Liberty/TDI Kard Custom are recommended
- must be able to self-sustain incoming damage and not depend on anyone
- must draw aggro on you by shooting mobs, maintaining proximity and line of sight
- must force mobs out of cover
- must not block shots from your teammates
- must provide more survivability to the group
- must stay within range of your teammates
- it's best to stay on the edges of a room or have a wall behind you to avoid getting shot from multiple sides
- pay close attention to your radar to avoid getting flanked
- you should be the one reviving other players as you can withstand a lot of damage
- Foundry Bulwark is the best gear set for it
- reference: and
- always revive from or behind cover to avoid getting shot
- avoid reviving before making sure the nearby area is clear, enemies don't have line of sight on you and you're not gonna get rushed
- if your Reviver Hive is at Tier 5 or lower and has full charges, you can switch to the TDI Kard Custom before deploying it to get an additional charge without making it go on cooldown
- it's a good idea to throw a flashbang/fire grenade before reviving if there are enemies nearby to prevent them from pushing, especially near choke points
- it's sometimes better to go through the rest of the engagement without reviving someone if it would make you at risk
- reviving someone behind a low cover while not taking cover still covers you (not in PVP)
- support builds should be the ones reviving other players (they're still able to support the team in the meantime), a DPS can't shoot while reviving
- when reviving a downed teammate, you can use them as bullet shield (since they become immune to damage)
- you can revive teammates without being next to them by moving over their body while pressing the revive key when close to it (TODO: test if it's affected by downed/dead state and walking/running)
- you should always provide cover to the one reviving by either killing, CC'ing, aggro'ing or suppressing mobs
- downed players should strive to get near cover without blocking it for alive players and avoid crawling in the open otherwise they'll be harder to revive
- after self-reviving, you're immune to damage for a few seconds as long as you don't perform any action other than walking
- reference:
- takes cover and is not that dangerous, but can be in larger numbers
- elites are equipped with Tear Gas Grenades which confuse targets
- no weak point
- equipped with a SPAS-12 shotgun loaded with slug rounds and a stationary HMG that can be set up and used by other Rikers even if the Heavy Weapons dies
- has a riot helmet protecting him from headshots, but it can be destroyed with about half a clip of assault rifle ammo
- his HMG can be destroyed on his back, preventing him from deploying it
- if the player gets too close, or all Rikers in the area die, the HMG detonates
- elites have an HMG that fires explosive rounds at a slower pace but doesn't inflict bleed damage
- gives a buff in health to all Rikers in the area
- always equipped with two weapons, one for long-range and another for short-range
- killing the Leader will return all Rikers affected by their buff to their health before the buff, minus the damage that was inflicted to them
- chases the player for a long time while firing their SMGs
- elites move faster and do much more damage
- has the lowest amount of HP of all archetypes
- has a circular riot shield that he crouches behind while shooting at long-range
- has a taser gun at close range that shocks the target, used if the player gets too close
- usually crouches, but the shield can be destroyed with enough concentrated fire
- if his shield is destroyed, he will seek cover and fire from that position
- doesn't have as much HP as the other archetypes
- heavily armored Riker armed with a Dazzler rigged riot shield and a nail gun that does bleed damage on contact
- resistant to explosives
- has an air tank weak point that if shot, will make him switch to a pistol
- his shield can be destroyed with enough concentrated fire and so can his dazzlers
- the dazzlers are arranged in an inverted triangle just beneath the window in the shield
- if the shield is destroyed, he will then use his Nail Gun
- equipped with proximity nail bombs that can cause bleed damage upon detonation
- usually stays away in combat and throws nail bombs from a distance
- has a weak point on the back of her waist that causes explosive damage to her when destroyed
- reference:
- a direct hit from a Reinforcer/Firestarter will cause minimal damage, but will also consume Headhunter stacks (even on a headshot) and benefit from them, thus allowing you to kill a mob with it
- penetrates cover (except the Riot Foam variant)
- double tapping the button will remotely detonate gas clouds
- you can bounce charges off walls
- initial damage and ticks affected by DTA
- clouds can stack
- flushes mobs out of cover
- lethal when used in its overcharged form on a group of ensnared mobs (like in speedruns)
- affected by DTA and OOCD
- much more effective at healing allies than yourself because only allies benefit from the initial burst heal
- used to pull aggro off you and your group
- can be meleed, shot or damaged by explosions and fire
- should be deployed in locations where the hologram is visible to enemies but not its base, such as elevated positions or behind low covers (better if it's in an unreachable location)
- in groups, avoid placing it near doorways or teammates
- its duration can be greatly extended with an Artificer Hive
- its skill tier can't decrease after deploying it
- mobs shooting it will be pulsed (and therefore proc Spotter) for a short time
- useful in PVP to catch a player off guard as it hides your nameplate until it's destroyed
- can be auto-deployed in a straight line by the corresponding skill key (it will hurt you if you don't take a step back or aren't behind cover)
- affected by DTA
- its damage reduction isn't additive with protection from elites
- its duration can be greatly extended with an Artificer Hive
- you can aim through walls to change its location
- always targets the chest
- used to pull aggro off you and your group
- flushes mobs out of cover
- keeps shooting at enemies while the player is downed
- double-tapping will throw it in the direction you're aiming and automatically target the nearest mob
- its cooldown is based on the number of targets hit
- you can proc In Sync by not targeting any mob with it (double-tap it)
- it's good after locking targets to throw it sideways to avoid making it collide with obstacles in front of you
- has an area of effect and will therefore blind multiple mobs if they're close to each other
- affected by DTA
- deploying it is a good way to proc Feedback Loop from the Hardwired gear set
- drone speed based on skill tier
- must not be obstructed by a wall to interact with skills or players
- acts as a sphere so you can revive a player who is on a different floor for instance
- its skill tier can't decrease after deploying it
- doesn't need to be deployed to affect your other skill
- heals nearby deployed shields while holstered (TODO: verify this information)
- efficient against drones due to their low HP (TODO: verify if mostly for explosive drones and/or lower difficulties)
- counts as explosive damage
- initial damage and ticks affected by DTA
- scales with headshot damage squared if the head is marked and shot
- also pulses affected target
- the longer you hold the corresponding skill key, the further the confuse wave will go
- its cooldown is based on the number of targets hit
- can affect targets 5m above/below the confusion wave
- also pulses affected targets
- the longer you hold the corresponding skill key, the wider the disrupt radius will be
- acts as a sphere so you can disrupt mobs above/below you
- effective to proc Toxic Delivery from the Vile mask
- its damage on robotics is only increased by skill damage
- its effect duration is also affected by skill duration
- tanks will destroy them when targeted if they're not distracted
- has the longest status effect damage and burn duration in the game
- it's better to throw them near mobs than to deploy them at your feet otherwise they'll most likely dodge them
- can be used to flush enemies out of cover or as a soft form of CC since non-robotic enemies (except tanks) will have to dodge them
- more effective when multiple mobs are close to each other as they may get hit by more than one seeker mine
- damage affected by DTA
- explosive damage and bleed ticks affected by DTA
- automatically targets nearby friendlies that require healing
- deploying it is a good way to proc In Sync and Feedback Loop from the Hardwired gear set
- protects your armor from explosions if aimed towards the impact
- double tapping Escape or the Inventory button allows you to instantly unequip and reequip a shield to proc Vanguard instead of waiting for the 1s cooldown
- all enemies will target the shield
- while behind vertical cover, peeking from the left allows you to have only your hand sticking out, therefore minimizing exposure
- all enemies will target the shield
- deploying it will automatically switch to a weapon that can be used with shields (secondary weapon otherwise)
- increases your character's hitbox and therefore makes it harder to navigate through doorways and around props
- using a weapon with a scope will shift the camera to the right, allowing you to shoot from vertical cover when peeking from the left
- mobs will target the shield for the most part with the exception of elites, unless they're very close
- deflected damage scales with skill damage
- applies status effect on impact
- double tapping the button will quickly shoot it with perfect accuracy (can be done from cover)
- explodes on impact when hitting drones
- not detonating a Burn/EMP sticky on a target will automatically reapply the corresponding status effect upon expiration if the status effect expires before the sticky duration (subsequent statuses will be about 33% shorter than the previous status, based on the initial status duration)
- when you're standing or on the move, aiming with your weapon prior to double-tapping it will make it easier lining up your shot
- you can proc In Sync by shooting it at a distance further than 100m (like the sky)
- targets won't burn immediately on impact so you should wait one second before detonating it when using Eclipse
- its damage on robotics is only increased by skill damage
- damage affected by DTA
- cooldown starts as soon as deploying them
- deploys in a rough circular area
- good to hold choke points
- very efficient against drones
- you can shock yourself if nearby when an enemy triggers it
- deploys in a rough arc/line shape
- deploys in a rough circular area
- good to draw aggro
- try to put it in an elevated location, but not too close to you as it will draw aggro (unless you want to benefit from the Technician's Faraday field)
- in groups, avoid placing it near doorways or teammates
- double tapping will lock/unlock it to a specific location (only works if you're within 10m of the turret)
- rounds can bounce off walls and ceilings if there is an accessible area
- you can aim through walls to shoot it
- can be used to flush enemies out of cover or as a soft form of CC since non-robotic enemies (except tanks) will perform a dodge roll to avoid the explosion
- explosive damage and bleed ticks affected by DTA
- always targets the chest
- it shows a red line when automatically targeting mobs that you can use as a way to spot them (especially when solo)
- will shoot the nearest mob unless you do manual targeting
- keeps shooting at enemies while the player is downed
- great for spawn closets
- its duration is reduced every time you burn fuel
- tap the button when you don't need it to save fuel
- initial damage and ticks affected by DTA
- good for burst damage
- targets the chest by default
- you have to ADS with your gun to switch to manual aim, which allows you to land a headshot, which deals more damage
- doesn't scale with headshot damage but headshots will instead deal double the body damage
- definition: attacking mobs while they're still inside or in front of their spawn closet
- requires that you already know the AI spawn locations combined with an aggressive playstyle
- greatly reduces incoming damage as mobs can't shoot back while they're still inside their spawn closet (and if they do come out, they'll usually walk for a few meters or wait for a few seconds before shooting)
- faster to switch between targets as they're all close to each other, leading to faster TTK
- only possible with some form of CC (Eclipse, Hunter's Fury, fire grenades)
- deadly when combined with the Striker shield, a shotgun with Pummel or Negotiator's Dilemma
- try to make your way to spawn closets before the current enemy wave is cleared
- a player cannot put another player under status effects, therefore, environmental hazards next to a player should be triggered before the AI triggers them
- AI status effect resistance is based on difficulty, veterancy and skill used
- Bleed: mobs run away from the bleed source, robotics are immune (TODO: test if mobs also get to cover and if they only run away from the Stinger Hive)
- Blind: mobs wander around in random directions with an arm covering their eyes (hard to get headshots), robotics are immune
- Burn: mobs wander around in random directions, robotics are immune
- Confuse: mobs kneel down then wander around in random directions, robotics are immune
- Disrupt: red/purple mobs on Heroic difficulty or lower kneel down, effective against electronics, prevents mobs from using their abilities (except hunters), deployed support stations from healing and legendary tanks from using their backpack
- Ensnare: mobs can't move, any action they were performing will be interrupted, they will shoot at you if you're facing them (in a 180° forward angle), robotics are immune
- hazard protection reduces how long you're affected by status effects, not the initial damage or the status effect damage
- Poison: red mobs kneel down, robotics are immune (TODO: test on purples and Heroic-)
- Pulse: mobs are highlighted along with their weak points (even through walls) for a short time then stay tagged, it's not considered as a status effect and therefore doesn't proc status effect talents (except Spotter)
- raid bosses are immune to some status effects
- Shock: mobs kneel down for the duration of the shock, robotics can still move but are unable to use their abilities
- status effects cannot be refreshed, you have to wait until one ends before being able to apply the same one again
- you're immune for about one second between applications of the same status effect, giving you a short window of time to use your skills
- completing objectives early limits the number of additional enemy waves
- Contagion from the Eclipse Protocol gear set can destroy at least 2 waves of drones if one spawns shortly after the previous one
- equip the Jammer Pulse for drone rooms
- every time an enemy dies, expect a spawn to not be caught off guard
- foaming a boss/hunter/rogue stops them from medkitting
- going down or dying on an objective keeps capturing it
- immune reviver drones and warhounds can be destroyed by Hostile Negotiations from the Negotiator's Dilemma gear set even though no icons will be displayed above them (TODO: verify if warhounds can actually be destroyed)
- immune reviver drones, turrets and warhounds can be disrupted
- killing marked targets with Negotiator's Dilemma counts as skill kills (useful for the Cool Skills Challenge)
- try to complete multiple objectives at the same time
- try to complete the hardest objective first (ex: destroying a server in the back of a room)
- try to leave 1 or 2 mobs alive so you can complete objectives early (reinforcements don't spawn until clearing most mobs in a wave)
- wait for your teammates before entering a room to allow them to get ready and prevent objectives from triggering early
- when capturing objectives, don't peek unless you have to, completing objectives is more important than clearing mobs
- when no mobs are in a room, don't go too far from the door as it's a drone ambush
- when stuck between a door and a wall, fast travel to another player
- you can build Scorpio stacks on a rotating jammer before it's
- you can open locked doors by shooting the lock with a Chem Launcher or a silenced weapon, it allows you to not alert enemies (providing you're far enough from enemies when using a silencer)
- you can see enemies through walls when servers are blinking
- definition: laying down suppressive fire towards a cover a mob is using
- mobs are unable to move or use their abilities (up to a certain extent) when suppressed (TODO: verify if Black Tusk controllers can still control their mini tank)
- should be used sparingly, in the following cases: going for a flank, allowing teammates to push or when reviving someone in the open
- suppressed enemies will not peek and may blind fire, preventing most of your group from killing them
- Binary Trigger (Merciless): affected by weapon damage, OOCD and DTA but not by explosive damage
- Electromagnetic Accelerator (Nemesis): shots are also fired when swapping weapons
- In Plain Sight (Mantis): the headshot damage boost is always active in PVP
- Incessant Chatter (Chatterbox): doesn't expire after dying (as long as you don't switch weapons)
- Pack Instincts (Coyote's Mask): buffs can be individually proc'ed by 3 players using it and can therefore all be active at the same time
- Plague of the Outcasts (Pestilence): ticks are affected by weapon damage, OOCD and DTA. in PVP, the player who applied the debuff must die for the ticks to stop
- Quick Draw (Dodge City Gunslinger's Holster): while at full Headhunter stacks, killing a target with a headshot from a pistol will cause the Dodge City stacks to temporarily boost Headhunter's cap for the next shot, therefore causing an insane amount of damage
- Regicide (Regulus): also affected by explosive damage and how many Dodge City stacks you have
- Sandman (Sweet Dreams): doesn't work on robotics. meleeing with a non-deployable skill can still proc Sandman
- Septic Shock (Scorpio): venom stacks are added to each other when applied by different players
- Tenacity (Eagle Bearer): in PVP, provides an important reload speed bonus
- Toxic Delivery (Vile): ticks are also affected by Perpetuation, OOCD, DTA and DTH
- Ground Control (Future Initiative): procs when someone is at full armor, not when the FI user is at full armor
- Hostile Negotiations (Negotiator's Dilemma): crits caused by a signature weapon aren't affected by damage reduction when shooting a non-named enemy while a named enemy is marked
- Makeshift Repairs (Foundry Bulwark): explosive damage doesn't proc it
- Striker's Gamble (Striker): each shotgun pellet counts towards building up one stack so using an ACS-12 allows reaching max stacks faster
- Bloodsucker: procs on skill kills. all stacks are refreshed upon killing an enemy
- Creeping Death: mobs on which it procs remain affected by their natural status resistance
- Empathic Resolve: refreshed every time you heal a player. also procs with True Patriot's white buff and when healing other group members with the Survivalist medkit
- Eyeless: affects the damage of non-ballistic skills
- Focus: stays proc'ed when reloading or unscoping for less than a second, which allows you to keep moving. doesn't proc with the Big Horn, Capacitor or the TAC-50 as these have variable scopes
- Glass Cannon: also affects how much damage your shield is taking (TODO: check with other skills)
- Headhunter: damage cap is boosted by anything that provides weapon damage, total weapon damage and DTA. calculated on a per-pellet basis for shotguns, therefore making them reach the damage cap with a single kill of any other weapon. isn't affected by damage drop-off
- Ignited: affects the damage of non-ballistic skills
- Intimidate: proc'ed by the bonus armor provided by the "My Home Is My Castle" perk from the Sharpshooter specialization
- Kinetic Momentum: half of the stacks are lost upon using a Chem Launcher at full charges and it won't start rebuilding these stacks until it's back at full charges
- Leadership: procs when interrupting the end of a cover to cover by deploying a shield
- Sadist: affects the damage of non-ballistic skills
- Tag Team: proc'ed by the Jammer Pulse and the Deflector Shield (the latter can also consume the mark)
- Trauma: boosted by status effects. blind and bleed have separate cooldowns
- Vanguard: also gives bonus armor to yourself in raids
- Vigilance: stays proc'ed when your base armor remains untouched (like when using a shield or having bonus armor)
- Finisher: procs when destroying enemy skills
- Future Perfect: being at skill tier 3 is enough to overcharge
- In Sync: procs when deploying a shield
- Measured: the second half is total weapon damage unlike the first half
- Naked: procs when killing armored targets with a single shot or when a shot chips into both armor and health
- Optimist: boosts Headhunter stacks
- Preservation: procs on skill kills
- Pummel: procs when destroying enemy skills
- Ranger: multiplicative damage that doesn't boost Headhunter
- when starting an engagement, annoying archetypes (Grenadier, Drone Operator, Medic) and weak points (Stinger Hive bag, support station) should be dealt with first to make the rest of the engagement easier
- you can also start engagements by targeting weak points that will CC nearby mobs (such as spice bags) in a group
- rushers are your top priority later on as they'll become deadly at close range
- if you're using Headhunter, you can kickstart it on a sniper/rusher if you don't have enough damage for a kill
- activity completion rewards are proximity based, so wait for others to be close before completing them
- any type of armor on kill works with skill kills and the Plague of the Outcasts debuff from Pestilence
- CHD isn't affected by damage drop-off
- crossbow bolts apply localized damage, for instance headshots remove helmets
- deploying a skill while using Technician protects you and nearby allies from disruption/shock (Faraday field) as long as you're both staying within 5m of it
- double-clicking on a cache instantly opens it
- explosions have damage drop-off from the point of impact
- health doesn't regen when disrupted
- improvised gear always has a mod slot, opening up possibilities for some builds (ex: PFE, hazard immunity)
- incoming repairs and outgoing healing are multiplicative and they are their own multiplier, therefore, they're both multiplicative with repair skills
- mobs can block shots and take damage from another mob, turning a mob right in front of you as a bullet shield
- opening an ammo box will automatically reload your current weapon
- picking up a disrupted skill and redeploying it will cleanse it from disruption
- Protection From Elites is capped at 80%
- rain reduces ballistic skills targeting abilities and AI sight
- shooting the foam on an ensnared teammate or hip-firing at your feet breaks it
- signature weapons are automatically reloaded when holstered
- skill damage also boosts status damage
- swapping any armor piece while out of combat restores all of your armor
- swapping to a loadout with a different specialization refills grenades
- swapping to another weapon halfway through a reload will still reload your other weapon
- swapping to your pistol then to your other primary weapon is faster than swapping between primary weapons
- targeting a specific brand (6 items) is much better than targeting a specific armor piece (32 items)
- the Cool Skills and Scavenged Skills directives can be bypassed by deconstructing skills while using the Rigger backpack
- the Cool Skills directive doesn't affect deployed skills
- the crossbow can one shot Razorback's grates in the Dark Hours raid
- the EMP grenade has a fixed ~11s duration, regardless of skill tiers or attributes (TODO: check if status effects can increase its duration)
- the golden bullet also refreshes all your skill charges
- the Survivalist medkit acts as a sphere so you can heal people above/below you
- the weak points on dead mobs can be destroyed
- when medkitting with the No Regen/Hard To Earn/Fragile Armor directives, use Perfectly Efficient to save medkits
- when your health is depleted, you have a 1-2s buffer (not in PVP) to take cover before going down, it's disabled until you're back to full health, which takes around 30s without taking damage
- you can donate resources from the Projects tab on your map
- you can instantly decon all items marked for junk if you hold TAB while moving the mouse or press SHIFT + TAB
- you can kill enemies stuck behind doors with the Oxidizer Chem Launcher
- you can let medics revive mobs to farm Headhunter stacks
- you can refresh the golden bullet by deconstructing a skill or not targeting any mob with it (ex: Firefly)
- you can see additional outlines when using radius-based skills by enabling color blind mode (Settings > Accessibility > Color Blind Mode), making it easier to use such skills
- you can skip real-time cutscenes by dodge rolling or aiming
- you can use armor plates or enemy skills to "extend" Negotiator's Dilemma copy damage
- you can use drones to farm Memento trophies
- reference:
- fights from cover and moves cover to cover to avoid enemy fire
- no weak point
- sets up a turret to lay down supporting fire
- damaging the turret can cause him to expose himself to fire while repairing it
- can move his turret as needed, preferring to place it on low pieces of cover
- destroying the turret on his back or after it's deployed will cause him to fight like the assault archetype
- prefers to lay down covering fire from behind cover
- his head is frequently exposed, but is also heavily armored
- destroying the ammo pack on his back will cause an explosion
- shoots a close range sticky foam that stops his target from moving
- once his target has been ensnared, he'll switch to another weapon and shoot them
- destroying his backpack causes him and everyone nearby to be ensnared
- prefers to stay behind the front lines and revive downed allies
- in close quarters combat, he can use his shock paddles to lethal effect
- destroying the medical pack on his back will prevent him from reviving allies and shock everyone nearby
- elites will revive fallen enemies faster and provide the revived target with an overheal along with some armor should they revive a Veteran, Elite or Named enemy
- mobs revived also have their weak points repaired (TODO: verify this information)
- unleashes rocket propelled grenades at enemies
- tends to keep his distance from any agent, so playing aggressively tends to work with RPGs
- if forced into CQC, he will resort to using a pistol
- destroying his rocket-filled backpack results in an explosion that is always fatal to him
- prefers to engage opponents at short range, often charging without regard for his own safety if it allows for a good shot
- has the lowest amount of HP of all archetypes
- no weak point
- fights from range and deals significant damage with high accuracy
- avoids close quarters fighting whenever possible
- makes effective use of cover
- doesn't have as much HP as the other archetypes
- prefers to launch grenades, periodically stopping to reload
- well armored, and can take significant damage before the armor breaks
- resistant to explosives
- destroying the ammo pack on his back will cause an explosion that will destroy the armor plate on his chest and force him to use a shotgun
- bounty tanks will keep using the grenade launcher despite destroying his ammo pack
- prefers to toss grenades at opponents from a safe distance
- avoids direct engagement and fight from range while other allies distract opponents
- destroying the grenade pouch on their thigh will cause an explosion
- reference:
- same as the Black Tusk variant, except the speed and health of the suicide drones are increased, they're deployed more often and instantly distance themselves away from the operator to prevent collateral damage
- drone initial separation speed is based on veterancy
- doesn't need to have line of sight to be able to target players with her drones (but will still occasionally peek after deploying them if a player is visible)
- same as the Black Tusk variant, except it can still target you after killing its controller and elites don't fire incendiary grenades
- same as the Black Tusk variant, except he throws shock grenades, which can potentially shock them and other nearby enemies
- same as the Black Tusk variant, except she only needs 2s to acquire a target before shooting
- same as the Black Tusk variant, except the support station on his back is replaced with a variant of the Stinger Hive which deals heavy damage to those within 15m and causes them to bleed
- tries to get close because of his Stinger Hive
- his Stinger Hive stops working while he's disrupted (TODO: check if it's the same when shocked)
- his Stinger Hive has a 20m range
- tends to retreat after breaking his backpack
- his chest/helmet armor plates will turn black once they have less than 50% HP left
- his backpack can target up to 2 targets per player at the same time, therefore if both of a player's skills are deployed and in range of the hive, the player won't be targeted by it
- same as the Black Tusk variant, except he always fires his airburst launcher in volleys of 3
- the time between grenade shots is based on veterancy
- Builds tool
- Burst and Sustain Tables
- Community Resources
- Gear Attribute Sheet
- Gear Spreadsheet (alternative)
- Guide to blowing things up - Explosive Skill Damage Build
- Guide to Shield Tanks - How to take a beating
- Hazard Protection and Status Effects Immunity Thresholds
- Interactive Map
- NPC Health Pools
- Reddit thread
- Weapon Damage 101: Bullet Damage
- Weapon DPS Database
- Weekly vendor reset
- Youtube playlist for the videos (empty for now)
- adreN, BreezyGamingTV, JoshNissan, luckySkillFaker, Lunar, OfficialA2K, TheWarOwl and voo CSGO for the videos about PVP concepts
- D-Y-N-4-M-O#0976 (Discord) for general feedback
- Magnum for gifting me the base game
- MMR clan (especially swift4010, Ting, PriceOfEscape and ishraque1998) for knowledge sharing and feedback
- r/thedivision members (especially u/AA_BRIAN, u/BestNadeThrower, u/Caynug, u/CoolheadedBrit, u/D3LTAFR0ST, u/DrawingWeak4034, u/Glimflicker, u/iKia, u/kestononline, u/Lord--Starscream, u/Masenku, u/matta3310, u/mikkroniks, u/mrcivster, u/mxswat, u/rubenalamina, u/sukaihoku, u/Trzebiat, u/Vikeman45 and u/XPS1647) for knowledge sharing and feedback
- The Division wiki contributors for information about archetypes
- whatistruth101 for gifting me WONY
- Discord: Genesis#2418
- Reddit:
- Twitch:
- Twitter: