The oci-dotnet-sdk provides an SDK for .NET that you can use to manage your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources.
The project is open source and maintained by Oracle Corp.
The oci-dotnet-sdk contain the following 3 groups of packages:
- Common package: Found in the Common and Commontests (unit tests for common package) directories. The common package provides supporting classes and methods used by service packages. It includes HTTP request/response (de)serialization, request signing, JSON parsing, and other helper functions. Most of the functions in this package are meant to be used by the service packages.
- Examples package: Found in the Examples directory. It includes some working examples on how to use oci-dotnet-sdk to manage Oracle Cloud Infrastracture resources.
- Service packages: All packages except Common, Commontests, and Examples. These packages represent the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services supported by the .NET SDK. Each package represents a service. These packages include the service client(s) with methods to interact with the service, classes for the requests, responses, and input and output parameters.
The SDK is published as Nuget packages.
Use either dotnet CLI or Visual Studio to install and consume a package from
- dotnet CLI:
dotnet add package <PACKAGE_ID> --version <VERSION> (If version not specified then it pulls the latest version)
dotnet add package OCI.DotNetSDK.Core (Installs the latest version of the Core Service package)
dotnet add package OCI.DotNetSDK.Identity -v 1.0.0 (Installs version 1.0.0 of the Identity Service package)
NOTE: To avoid dependency conflicts, you should use the same versions of all OCI .NET SDK Nuget packages within an application.
- Visual Studio: Right-click a project and select "Manage Nuget Packages" and then search for the package name and version number to install.
Public documentation and API Reference for the sdk can be found here.
To start working with oci-dotnet-sdk, you need to create a .NET project, install packages, create a client, and then use that client to send requests to service endpoint.
Before using the SDK, set up a config file with the required credentials. See SDK and Tool Configuration for instructions.
To create a service client, you need to set up the client to use the credentials. Check here on how to configure it.
Example that shows creating the Audit Service client using ConfigFileAuthenticationDetailsProvider Class for configuring credentials:
var provider = new ConfigFileAuthenticationDetailsProvider("DEFAULT");
var client = new AuditClient(provider, new ClientConfiguration());
To send a request to an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure service endpoint, build a request object and send it using the client created above.
var listEventsRequest = new ListEventsRequest
// Assumption: the compartment id has been set in environment variable.
CompartmentId = compartmentId,
StartTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1),
EndTime = DateTime.Now
var response = await client.ListEvents(listEventsRequest);
catch (Exception e)
// Handle the exception.
NLog package is used for logging in .NET projects. This package gets auto-installed as a dependency when you install OCI .NET SDK package. In order to view .NET SDK logs, you will need to:
- Add NLog.config file at the project root directory. A sample NLog.config file can be found here.
- Add ItemGroup section in the project file:
<Content Include="PATH TO NLog.config File" >
- To enable logging in user application, create a logger:
var logger = NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
logger.Info("Hello World");
Only SDK logging will be captured if logger is not created in user application.
Examples can be found here.
Building the SDK can be done at the root of the whole solution or at individual project level under it. At the root level, to build the whole solution, run with dotnet cli command:
dotnet build
or use the included Makefile:
make build
The Makefile also provides an option to build individal projects from the root level:
make build PROJECT_PATH=Common
Alternatively, individual project and be built using dotnet cli inside project directory.
The common package has corresponding unit tests. These tests can be run using dotnet cli command or through Makefile. To run the unit tests from the root, a test filter needs to be provided:
dotnet test --filter Category=Unit
Alternatively, running tests inside common_tests project does not require the filter. To run tests using Makefile:
make unit-test
- The Issues page of this GitHub repository.
- Stack Overflow, use the oracle-cloud-infrastructure and oci-dotnet-sdk tags in your post.
- Developer Tools section of the Oracle Cloud forums.
- My Oracle Support.
is an open source project. See CONTRIBUTING for details.
Oracle gratefully acknowledges the contributions to oci-dotnet-sdk that have been made by the community.
Copyright (c) 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This SDK is dual licensed under the Universal Permissive License 1.0 and the Apache License 2.0.
See LICENSE for more details.
You can find information on any known issues with the SDK at Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Known Issues and under the Issues tab of this project's GitHub repository.