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DSMR-protocol reader, telegram data storage and energy consumption visualizer. Can be used for reading the smart meter DSMR (Dutch Smart Meter Requirements) P1 port yourself at your home. You will need a cable and hardware that can run Linux software. Free for non-commercial use. A Docker implementation can be found here:…


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Table of content

  • Intro
    • Usage
    • Dependencies & requirements
  • Installation guide
    • (Optional) Operating System Installation
    • Application Installation
    • Data preservation & backups
  • Feedback
  • Licence
  • Credits


Installation instructions are based on the Raspbian distro for RaspberryPi, but it should generally work on every Debian based system, as long as the dependencies & requirements are met.


There are plenty of 'scripts' available online for performing DSMR readings. This project however is a full stack solution. This allows a decent implementation of most features, but requires a certain 'skill' as you will need to install several dependencies.

I advise to only use this tool when you have basic Linux knowledge or have any interest in the components used. I might create an installer script later, but I'll focus on the build of features first.

Dependencies & requirements

  • RaspberryPi v2+ (minimal v1 B required but v2 is strongly recommended).
  • Raspbian (or Debian based distro).
  • Python 3.4 (Included in the latest Raspbian named "Jessie").
  • Smart Meter with support for at least DSMR 4.0 (tested with Landis + Gyr E350 DSMR4).
  • Minimal 100 MB of disk space on RaspberryPi (for application installation & virtualenv). More disk space is required for storing all reader data captured (optional). I generally advise to use a 8+ GB SD card.
  • Smart meter P1 data cable (can be purchased online and they cost around 20 Euro's each).
  • Basic Linux knowledge for deployment, debugging and troubleshooting.

Installation guide

The installation guide may take about half an hour, but it greatly depends on your Linux skills and whether you need to understand every step described in this guide.

You should already have an OS running on your RaspberryPi. If not, below is a brief hint for getting things started. Skip the OS chapter below if you already have your RaspberryPi up and running. Just continue directly to the "Application Installation" chapter.

(Optional) Operating System Installation


Either use the headless version of Raspbian, netinstall, or the full Raspbian image, with graphics stack. You don't need the latter when you intend to only use your decive for DSMR readings.


Power on RaspberryPi and connect using SSH:

ssh pi@IP-address (full image)


ssh root@IP-address (headless)


Disable IPv6 if you get timeouts or other weird networking stuff related to IPv6.

echo "net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf

sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf


This will allow you to use sudo: apt-get install sudo (headless only)

Text editor

My favorite is VIM, but just choose your own: sudo apt-get install vim


Make sure you are up to date:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade


Install this RaspberryPi utility: sudo apt-get install raspi-config

Now run it: raspi-config

You should see a menu containing around ten options to choose from. Make sure to enter the menu 5. Internationalisation Options and set timezone (I2) to UTC. The option can be found in the sub menu of "None of the above". This is required to prevent any bugs resulting from the DST transition twice every year. It's also best practice for your database backend anyway.

You should also install any locales you require. Go to 5. Internationalisation Options and select I1. You probably need at least English and Dutch locales: en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 + nl_NL.UTF-8 UTF-8. You can select multiple locales by pressing the spacebar for each item and finish with TAB + Enter.

  • If your sdcard/disk space is not yet fully utilized, select 1. Expand Filesystem.
  • If you do not have a RaspberryPi 2, you might want to select 8. Overclock -> setting MODEST, 0 overvolt!

If the utility prompts you to reboot, choose yes to reflect the changes you made.


Running the headless Raspbian netinstall? You might like Bash completion. Check this article how to do this.

Running the full Rasbian install? You should check whether you require the Wolfram Engine, which is installed by default, but takes about a whopping 500 MB disk space! Run sudo apt-get purge wolfram-engine if you don't need it.

Application Installation

Make sure you have your system running in UTC timezone to prevent weird DST bugs.

Database backend

The application stores by default all readings taken from the serial cable. Depending on your needs, you can choose for either (Option A.) MySQL/MariaDB or (Option B.) PostgreSQL. If you have no idea what to choose, I generally advise to pick MySQL/MariaDB, as it's less complex than PostgreSQL. For a project of this size and simplicity it doesn't matter anyway. :]

(Option A.) MySQL/MariaDB

Install MariaDB. You can also choose to install the closed source MySQL, as they should be interchangeable anyway. libmysqlclient-dev is required for the virtualenv installation later in this guide..

sudo apt-get install -y mariadb-server-10.0 libmysqlclient-dev

Create database:

sudo mysqladmin create dsmrreader

Create user:

echo "CREATE USER 'dsmrreader'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'dsmrreader';" | sudo mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf -v

Set privileges for user:

echo "GRANT ALL ON dsmrreader.* TO 'dsmrreader'@'localhost';" | sudo mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf -v

Flush privileges to activate them:

mysqladmin reload

(Option B.) PostgreSQL

Install PostgreSQL. postgresql-server-dev-all is required for the virtualenv installation later in this guide.

sudo apt-get install -y postgresql postgresql-server-dev-all

Postgres does not start due to locales? Try: dpkg-reconfigure locales

No luck? Try editing /etc/environment, add LC\_ALL="en_US.utf-8" and reboot

Ignore any 'could not change directory to "/root": Permission denied' errors for the following three commands.

Create user:

sudo sudo -u postgres createuser -DSR dsmrreader

Create database, owned by the user we just created:

sudo sudo -u postgres createdb -O dsmrreader dsmrreader

Set password for user:

sudo sudo -u postgres psql -c "alter user dsmrreader with password 'dsmrreader';"


Misc utils, required for webserver, application server and cloning the application code from the repository.

sudo apt-get install -y nginx supervisor git python3 python3-pip python3-virtualenv virtualenvwrapper

Install cu. The CU program allows easy testing for your DSMR serial connection. It's very basic but very effective to test whether your serial cable setup works properly.

sudo apt-get install cu

Application user

The application runs as dsmr user by default. This way we do not have to run the application as root, which is a bad practice anyway.

Create user with homedir. The application code and virtualenv resides in this directory as well:

sudo useradd dsmr --home-dir /home/dsmr --create-home --shell /bin/bash

Our user also requires dialout permissions. So allow the user to perform a dialout by adding it to the group.

sudo usermod -a -G dialout dsmr

Webserver (Nginx), part 1

We will now prepare the webserver, Nginx. It will serve all application's static files directly and proxy application requests to the backend, Gunicorn controlled by Supervisor, which we will configure later on.

Django will copy all static files to a separate directory, used by Nginx to serve statics.

sudo mkdir -p /var/www/dsmrreader/static

sudo chown -R dsmr:dsmr /var/www/dsmrreader/

Your first reading

Now login as the user we just created, to perform our very first reading!

sudo su - dsmr

Test with cu (BAUD rate settings for DSMR v4 is 115200, for older verions it should be 9600).

cu -l /dev/ttyUSB0 -s 115200 --parity=none -E q

You now should see something similar to Connected. and a wall of text and numbers within 10 seconds. Nothing? Try different BAUD rate, as mentioned above. You might also check out a useful blog, such as this one (Dutch).

To exit cu, input q., hit Enter and wait for a few seconds. It should exit with the message Disconnected.

Application code clone

Now is the time to clone the code from the repository and check it out on your device. Make sure you are still logged in as our dsmr user (if not then enter sudo su - dsmr again):

git clone --branch stable


The dependencies our application uses are stored in a separate environment, also called VirtualEnv. Although it's just a folder inside our user's homedir, it's very effective as it allows us to keep dependencies isolated or to run different versions of the same package on the same machine. More info can be found here.

sudo su - dsmr

Create folder for the virtualenvs of this user:

mkdir ~/.virtualenvs

Create a new virtualenv, we usually use the same name for it as the application or project. Note that it's important to specify python3 as the default interpreter:

virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/dsmrreader --no-site-packages --python python3

Now 'activate' the environment. It effectively direct all aliases for software installed in the virtualenv to the binaries inside the virtualenv. I.e. the Python binary inside /usr/bin/python won't be used when the virtualenv is activated, but /home/dsmr/.virtualenvs/dsmrreader/bin/python will be instead.

Activate virtualenv & cd to project:

source ~/.virtualenvs/dsmrreader/bin/activate

cd ~/dsmr-reader

You might want to put the source ~/.virtualenvs/dsmrreader/bin/activate command above in the user's ~/.bashrc (logout and login to test). I also advice to put the cd ~/dsmr-reader in there as well, which will cd you directly inside the project folder on login.

Application configuration & setup

Earlier in this guide you had to choose for either (A.) MySQL/MariaDB or (B.) PostgreSQL. Our applications needs to know what backend to talk to. Therefor I created two default configuration files you can copy, one for each backend. The application will also need the appropiate database client, which is not installed by default. For this I also created two ready-to-use requirements files, which will also install all other dependencies required, such as the Django framework. The base.txt contains requirements which the application needs, no matter the backend you choose.

Note: Installation might take a while, depending on your Internet connection, RaspberryPi version and resources. Nothing to worry about. :]

A. Did you choose MySQL/MariaDB? Execute these two commands:

cp dsmrreader/provisioning/django/ dsmrreader/

pip3 install -r dsmrreader/provisioning/requirements/base.txt -r dsmrreader/provisioning/requirements/mysql.txt

B. Or did you choose PostgreSQL? Then execute these two lines:

cp dsmrreader/provisioning/django/ dsmrreader/

pip3 install -r dsmrreader/provisioning/requirements/base.txt -r dsmrreader/provisioning/requirements/postgresql.txt

Did every go as planned? When either of the database clients refuses to install due to missing files/configs, make sure you installed libmysqlclient-dev (MySQL) or postgresql-server-dev-all (PostgreSQL) earlier in the process, when you installed the database server itself.

Now it's time to bootstrap the application and check whether all settings are good and requirements are met. Execute this to init the database:

./ migrate

Prepare static files for webinterface. This will copy all static files to the directory we created for Nginx earlier in the process. It allows us to have Nginx serve static files outside our project/code root:

./ collectstatic --noinput

Create an application superuser. Django will prompt you for a password. Alter username and email when you prefer other credentials, but email is not (yet) used in the application anyway. Besides, you have shell access so you may generate another user at any time (in case you lock yourself out of the application). The credentials generated can be used to access the administration panel inside the application, which requires authentication.

./ createsuperuser --username admin --email root@localhost

OPTIONAL: The application will run without your energy prices, but if you want some sensible defaults (actually my own energy prices for a brief period), you may run the command below to import them (fixtures). Note that altering prices later won't affect your reading data, because prices are calculated retroactive anyway.

./ loaddata dsmr_stats/fixtures/dsmr_stats/EnergySupplierPrice.json

Webserver (Nginx), part 2

Now to back to root/sudo-user to config webserver. Remove the default vhost (if you didn't use it yourself anyway!).

sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default (optional)

Copy application vhost, it will listen to any hostname (wildcard), but you may change that if you feel like you need to. It won't affect the application anyway.

sudo cp /home/dsmr/dsmr-reader/dsmrreader/provisioning/nginx/dsmr-webinterface /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

Let Nginx verify vhost syntax and reload Nginx when configtest passes.

sudo service nginx configtest

sudo service nginx reload


Now we configure Supervisor, which is used to run our application and also all background jobs used. It's also configured to bring the entire applciation up again after a shutdown or reboot. Each job has it's own configuration file, so make sure to copy them all:

sudo cp /home/dsmr/dsmr-reader/dsmrreader/provisioning/supervisor/dsmr_*.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/

Login to supervisor management console:

sudo supervisorctl

Enter these commands (after the >). It will ask Supervisor to recheck its config directory and use/reload the files.

supervisor> reread

supervisor> update

Three processed should be started or running. Make sure they don't end up in ERROR state, so refresh with 'status' a few times. dsmr_backend and dsmr_datalogger will restart every time. This is intended behaviour. dsmr_webinterface however should keep running.

supervisor> status

Example of everything running well:

dsmr_backend                     STARTING
dsmr_datalogger                  RUNNING
dsmr_webinterface                RUNNING

Want to check whether data logger works? Just tail log in supervisor with:

supervisor> tail -f dsmr_datalogger

You should see similar output as the CU-command used earlier on the command line. Want to quit supervisor? CTRL + C to stop tail and CTRL + D once to exit supervisor command line.

Opening the application

Now it's time to view the application in your browser to check whether the GUI works as well. Just enter the ip address or hostname of your RaspberryPi in your browser, for example . Don't know what address your device has? Just type ifconfig | grep addr and it should display an ip address, for example:

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr b8:27:eb:f4:24:de  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet addr:  Mask:

In this example the ip address is

Everything OK? Congratulations, this was the hardest part and now the fun begins by monitoring your electricity (and possible gas) consumption! :]

Reboot test#

You might want to reboot and check whether everything comes up automatically again with sudo supervisorctl status. This will make sure your data logger 'survives' any power surges.

Public webinterface warning

NOTE: If you expose your application to the outside world or a public network, you might want to take additional steps:

  • Please make sure to ALTER the SECRET_KEY setting in your Don't forget to run in the project root, which will force the application to gracefully reload itself and apply the new settings instantly.

  • Install a firewall, such as ufw UncomplicatedFirewall and restrict traffic to port 22 (only for yourself) and port 80.

  • You should also have Nginx restrict application access when exposing it to the Internet. Simply generate an htpasswd string using one of the many generators found online. It's safe to use them, just make sure to NEVER enter personal credentials there used for other applications or personal accounts. Paste the htpasswd string in /etc/nginx/htpasswd, open the site's vhost in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/dsmr-webinterface and uncomment the following lines:

##    auth_basic "Restricted application";
##    auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/htpasswd;

Now make sure you didn't insert any typo's by running sudo service nginx configtest and then reload with sudo service nginx reload. You should be prompted for login credentials the next time your browser accesses the application. For more information about this topic, see the Nginx docs.

Data preservation & backups

You should (or must) make sure to periodically BACKUP your data! It's one of the most common mistakes to skip or ignore this. Actually, it happened to myself quite recently as I somehow managed to corrupt my SD storage card, losing all my data on it. It luckily happened only a month after running my own readings, but imagine all the data you lose when it contained readings for several years. I plan to implement external data exports (#9, #10) in the future, but those will not be compatible for data recovery after a crash. The best advice I can give you is to make sure your database gets dumped daily on a 'safe' location (NOT the SD card self!).

You can find an example in dsmrreader/provisioning/postgresql/ for PostgreSQL, which I dump to a separately mounted USB stick on my RaspberryPi. For MySQL/MariaDB you can use dsmrreader/provisioning/mysql/ Make sure to schedule the backup script as cronjob and also verify that it actually works. ;-)

Also, check your free disk space once in a while. I will implement automatic cleanup settings (#12, #13) later, allowing you to choose your own retention (for all the source readings).


All feedback and input is, as always, very much appreciated! Please send an e-mail to dsmr (at) dennissiemensma (dot) nl. It doesn't matter whether you run into problems getting started in this guide or just want to get in touch, just fire away.


The official licence for using this project can be found in the LICENCE.txt file. In short, only non-commercial use is allowed.


Software listed below. Please note and respect their licences as well, if any.

Dutch Smart Meter reading specifications, data cables, examples and hints:

Pull requests & forking:


DSMR-protocol reader, telegram data storage and energy consumption visualizer. Can be used for reading the smart meter DSMR (Dutch Smart Meter Requirements) P1 port yourself at your home. You will need a cable and hardware that can run Linux software. Free for non-commercial use. A Docker implementation can be found here:…







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