- Gdansk, Poland
(UTC +01:00)
terraform-aws-directus Public
This repository allows you to deploy Directus in AWS using Terraform following AWS Best Practises.
pterradactyl Public
Forked from Nike-Inc/pterradactylPterradactyl is a library developed to abstract Terraform configuration from the Terraform environment setup.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 8, 2023 -
cloud-nuke Public
Forked from gruntwork-io/cloud-nukeA tool for cleaning up your cloud accounts by nuking (deleting) all resources within it
Go MIT License UpdatedJun 13, 2022 -
terraform-provider-vault Public
Forked from hashicorp/terraform-provider-vaultTerraform Vault provider
Go Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedOct 21, 2019 -
curriculum-vitae Public
Forked from elipapa/markdown-cva simple template to write your CV in a readable markdown file and use CSS to publish/print it.
CSS MIT License UpdatedSep 23, 2019 -
vault-plugin-secrets-mongodbatlas Public
Forked from mongodb/vault-plugin-secrets-mongodbatlasHashicorp Vault Secrets Engine for MongoDB Atlas
Go Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedSep 9, 2019 -
kubernetes Public
Forked from kubernetes/kubernetesProduction-Grade Container Scheduling and Management
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 6, 2019 -
testcontainers-go Public
Forked from testcontainers/testcontainers-goTestcontainers is a Golang library that providing a friendly API to run Docker container. It is designed to create runtime environment to use during your automatic tests.
Go MIT License UpdatedJul 25, 2019 -
docker-systemctl-replacement Public
Forked from gdraheim/docker-systemctl-replacementdocker systemctl replacement - allows to deploy to systemd-controlled containers without starting an actual systemd daemon (e.g. centos7, ubuntu16)
Python European Union Public License 1.2 UpdatedJun 21, 2019 -
charts Public
Forked from helm/chartsCurated applications for Kubernetes
Smarty Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 28, 2019 -
ansible-awx-helm-chart Public
Forked from arthur-c/ansible-awx-helm-chartansible-awx deployment on Kubernetes with Helm
Smarty UpdatedMay 3, 2019 -
Two-Factor authentication method for SA-MP (thanks to Authy for the web APIs).
samp-bugs Public
Forked from openmultiplayer/samp-bugsTrack all known SA:MP bugs, and if we've fixed them in open.mp
Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedApr 22, 2019 -
open.mp Public
Forked from openmultiplayer/homepageThe open.mp website.
JavaScript UpdatedApr 20, 2019 -
laravel Public
Forked from laravel/laravelA PHP framework for web artisans
PHP UpdatedApr 18, 2019 -
cj Public
Forked from Southclaws/cjCJ is a Discord bot that verifies SA:MP forum accounts and performs other tasks if you ask nicely.
Go GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedApr 16, 2019 -
WHITELIST_SAMP Public archive
[ABANDONED] WHITELIST_SAMP is a global whitelist platform for San Andreas Multiplayer that makes use of CakePHP to provide the service.
awx-go Public
Forked from Colstuwjx/awx-goAWX SDK for the Go programming language: https://github.com/ansible/awx
Go MIT License UpdatedApr 4, 2019 -
PHP-SDK-v3 Public
Forked from StreamOneNL/PHP-SDK-v3StreamOne platform PHP SDK version 3.x
PHP MIT License UpdatedMar 27, 2018 -
react-autocomplete Public
Forked from stern-shawn/react-autocompletePersonal version of react-autocomplete with selectOnTab option and updated test suite
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 16, 2018 -
laravel-imgix Public
Forked from nasyrov/laravel-imgixLaravel package for generating URLs with Imgix.
PHP MIT License UpdatedJul 18, 2017 -
laravel-newsletter Public
Forked from spatie/laravel-newsletterManage newsletters in Laravel 5
PHP MIT License UpdatedJun 12, 2017 -
laravel-feed Public
Forked from spatie/laravel-feedEasily generate RSS feeds
PHP MIT License UpdatedMay 29, 2017 -
laravel-rollbar Public
Forked from jenssegers/laravel-rollbarRollbar error monitoring integration for Laravel projects
PHP UpdatedMay 15, 2017 -
ngTouchmove Public
Forked from nglar/ngTouchmoveA angular module to add directive `ng-touchmove`.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 14, 2017 -
analytics-reports Public
Forked from spatie/analytics-reportsAn opinionated Laravel 4 package to retrieve Google Analytics data
PHP MIT License UpdatedJan 24, 2017