✨ Local and Fast AI Assistant. Support: Web | iOS | MacOS | Android | Linux | Windows
Dark Reader Chrome and Firefox extension
A powerful obfuscator for JavaScript and Node.js
Use ChatGPT On Wechat via wechaty
JavaScript/TypeScript animation engine
The missing star history graph of GitHub repos -
One-stop system for shared use of AI within teams and organizationswith | 在团队和组织内共享使用人工智能的一站式系统
Explore the full Bitcoin ecosystem with, or self-host your own instance with one-click installation on popular Raspberry Pi fullnode distros including Umbrel, Raspiblitz, Start9, and …
A TypeScript RPC framework, with runtime type checking and serialization, support both HTTP and WebSocket. It is very suitable for website / APP / games, and absolutely comfortable to full-stack Ty…
🦎 Real-time client/server communication over UDP using WebRTC and Node.js
cocos creator 基础框架,包含资源、ui管理,网络模块
cocos creator项目基础类库,包括socket, http网络连接,资源加载与管理,ui加载与管理,热更新实现机制,定时器,事件系统,tween动画工具, 音效播放,常用控件如recycle listview,recycle scrollview等
Tutorial project for Cocos Creator hot update
Cocos Creator中实现 ECS框架+BehaviorTree(行为树) 实现的格斗AI 小Demo
Cocos Creator Shader组件,支持引擎版本2.1.2
Optimal Reciprocal Collision Avoidance (TS)
Format Telegram message texts with Markdown or HTML
PuerTS example to demonstrate shooting and RPC in Unreal Engine 4.