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MUFASA: Multimodal Fusion Architecture Search for Electronic Health Records

This repository contains code implementing multimodal fusion architecture for prediction tasks on electronic health records, as described in "MUFASA: Multimodal Fusion Architecture Search for Electronic Health Records" (Xu, So & Dai 2021). Codes are written using Python 3.6. Tensorflow 2.4.1, and Tensor2Tensor library.

In order to make the code executable, we use the simulated data because we can not directly share the EHR data and all relevant preprocessing modules. The focus of this code repository is to show the multimodal fusion architecture for EHR that proesses the categorical features, continuous features and clinical notes differently.

For people are interested in EHR preprocessing, we illustrate the core implementation in this repo. In addition, the preprocessed Tensorflow SequenceExamples for MIMIC-III, used to produce the results in the above paper, are available for download by credentialed users on Physionet.

This is not an officially supported Google product.

File Structure and Overview

Our repo contains the following files:

  • This the main executable file.

  • This files contains the basic code for training and evaluation. make_training_spec_fn() creates a DistributedTrainingSpec for training. In input_fn(), we generated the simulated training data. The input data in the shape of [batch_size, seq_len, hidden_dim]. It assumes all sequences has length 10, for the hidden dimension, dimensions [0:8] are for categorical features; Dimensions [8:24] are for continuous feature; Dimensions [24:56] are for the clinical notes. They are for the illustative purpose.

  • This file contains the main model architecture. Specifically, mufasa_model() contains the MUSAFA model architecture that processes a list of input tensors in the order of [categorical features, continuous features, clinical notes]. Each tensor is in the shape of [batch_size, seq_len, feature_hidden_dim]. On the high level, we input three sets of sequence features into the mufasa model and output a single sequence output. The model behaves like an encoder and we use the the last state of the output as the final representation of sequence features. Then we concatenate the sequence feature representation with the context feature representation, which in shape of [batch_size, hidden_size] as our final representation for the patient. Then it goes through a dense layer to generate the final logits.