Lightweight Tox client.
Some things are incomplete, but feel free to make any design suggestions (colors, fonts, whatever)
Xlib support is experimental, many features may be missing
uTox running on lubuntu:
Something like this:
windres icons/icon.rc -O coff -o icon.res
gcc -o uTox.exe *.c icon.res -lgdi32 -lmsimg32 -ldnsapi -lcomdlg32 -lopenal32 -ltoxav
gcc -o uTox.o *.c -lX11 -lXft -ltoxcore -ltoxav -ltoxdns -lopenal -pthread -lresolv -ldl -lm
or if you built toxcore statically:
gcc -o uTox.o *.c -lX11 -lXft -ltoxcore -ltoxav -ltoxdns -lopenal -lsodium -lopus lvpx -lm -pthread -lresolv -ldl