Official Jodit WYSIWYG PHP connector
old version for Jodit 2.x
composer create-project --no-dev jodit/connector
or download ZIP archive
Available options:
$config['saveSameFileNameStrategy'] = "addNumber"
- Strategy in case the uploaded file has the same name as the file on the server.- "addNumber" - The number "olsen.png" => "olsen(1).png" is added number to the file name, if such a file exists, it will be "olsen(2).png", etc.
- "replace" - Just replace the file
- "error" - Throw the error - "File already exists"
$config['quality'] = 90
- image quality$config['datetimeFormat'] = 'd/m/Y'
- Date format$config['root'] = __DIR__
- the root directory for user files$config['baseurl'] = ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/'
- Root URL for user files (exp.
)$config['createThumb'] = true
- boolean, true - create thumbnails for previews (true
)$config['safeThumbsCountInOneTime'] = 20
- int, If thecreateThumb
option is enabled, then with a large number of files in the folder, the server will noticeably slow down when generating so many previews. Therefore, at a time, only such a number of pictures are processed.$config['thumbFolderName'] = '_thumbs'
- thumbnails folder$config['excludeDirectoryNames'] = ['.tmb', '.quarantine'],
- exclude these folders$config['extensions'] = ['jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'jpeg']
- an array of valid file extensions that are permitted to be loaded (['jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'jpeg']
)$config['maxFileSize'] = 8mb
- Maximum file size (0 - is unlimited) default 8Mb$config['allowCrossOrigin'] = false
- Allow cross origin request$config['allowReplaceSourceFile'] = true
- Allow replace source image on resized or croped version$config['sources']
- Array of options$config['accessControl']
- Array for checking allow/deny permissions Read more$config['defaultRole']="guest"
- Default role for Access Control$config['roleSessionVar']="JoditUserRole"
- The session key name that Jodit connector will use for checking the role for current user. Read more
you can defined several sources, and override some options:
$config['sources'] = [
'images' => [
'root' => __DIR__ . '/images',
'baseurl' => '',
'maxFileSize' => '100kb',
'createThumb' => false,
'extensions' => ['jpg'],
How use with Jodit
Filebrowser settings Detailt options
new Jodit('#editor', {
filebrowser: {
ajax: {
url: 'connector/index.php'
and uploader options Default options
new Jodit('#editor', {
uploader: {
url: 'connector/index.php?action=fileUpload',
Change config.php
Do not modify the default.config.php file, instead, override the settings in the config.php file
return [
'sources' => [
'joomla Images' => [
'root' => JPATH_BASE.'/images/',
'baseurl' => '/images/',
'createThumb' => true,
'thumbFolderName' => '_thumbs',
'extensions' => array('jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'jpeg'),
'joomla Media' => [
'root' => JPATH_BASE.'/media/',
'baseurl' => '/medias/',
'createThumb' => false,
'thumbFolderName' => '_thumbs',
'extensions' => array('jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'jpeg'),
Change connector/checkAuthentication
in connector/Application.php
Like this:
function checkAuthentication () {
if (empty($_SESSION['filebrowser'])) {
throw new \ErrorException('You do not have permission to view this directory', 403);
Change Application.php
define('_JEXEC', 1);
define('JPATH_BASE', realpath(realpath(__DIR__).'/../../../../../')); // replace to valid path
require_once JPATH_BASE . '/includes/defines.php';
require_once JPATH_BASE . '/includes/framework.php';
class JoditRestApplication extends \jodit\JoditApplication {
function checkAuthentication() {
$user = JFactory::getUser();
if (!$user->id) {
trigger_error('You are not authorized!', E_USER_WARNING);
You can use $action
for allow or deny access
function checkPermissions () {
if (!empty($_SESSION['filebrowser'])) {
switch ($this->action) {
case "imageResize":
case "fileMove":
case "folderCreate":
case "fileRemove":
case "fileUploadRemote":
case "fileUpload":
throw new \ErrorException('You do not have permission to view this action', 403);
return true;
throw new \ErrorException('You do not have permission to view this directory', 403);
but better use AllowControl
- The session key name that Jodit connector will use for checking the role for current user.
$config['roleSessionVar'] = 'JoditUserRole';
After this you will be able to use $_SESSION['JoditUserRole']
to set inside your script - user role, after that user
was authenticated:
Somewhere in your script
$_SESSION['JoditUserRole'] = 'administrator';
In deafult.config.php
you can find default ACL config
$config['roleSessionVar'] = 'JoditUserRole';
$config['accessControl'][] = array(
'role' => '*',
'extensions' => '*',
'path' => '/',
'FILES' => true,
'FILE_MOVE' => true,
'FILE_UPLOAD' => true,
'FILE_REMOVE' => true,
'FILE_RENAME' => true,
'FOLDERS' => true,
'FOLDER_MOVE' => true,
'FOLDER_REMOVE' => true,
'FOLDER_RENAME' => true,
'IMAGE_RESIZE' => true,
'IMAGE_CROP' => true,
$config['accessControl'][] = array(
'role' => '*',
'extensions' => 'exe,bat,com,sh,swf',
'FILE_MOVE' => false,
'FILE_UPLOAD' => false,
'FILE_RENAME' => false,
It means that all authenticated user will have all permissions but they are not allowed to download executable files.
In config.php
you can customize it. For example set read-only permission for all users, but give to users with the
role - administrator
full access:
$config['accessControl'][] = Array(
'role' => '*',
'FILES' => false,
'FILE_MOVE' => false,
'FILE_UPLOAD' => false,
'FILE_REMOVE' => false,
'FILE_RENAME' => false,
'FOLDERS' => false,
'FOLDER_MOVE' => false,
'FOLDER_REMOVE' => false,
'FOLDER_RENAME' => false,
'IMAGE_RESIZE' => false,
'IMAGE_CROP' => false,
$config['accessControl'][] = Array(
'role' => 'administrator',
'FILES' => true,
'FILE_MOVE' => true,
'FILE_UPLOAD' => true,
'FILE_REMOVE' => true,
'FILE_RENAME' => true,
'FOLDERS' => true,
'FOLDER_MOVE' => true,
'FOLDER_REMOVE' => true,
'FOLDER_RENAME' => true,
'IMAGE_RESIZE' => true,
'IMAGE_CROP' => true,
All actions case-sensitive
GET index.php?action=permission&source=:source&path=:path
- [:source=default] - key from config (ex. from Joomla config - `joomla Media)
- [:path=source.root] - relative path for source.root
See tests/api/PermissionsCept.php
Answer JSON example:
"success": true,
"time": "2018-03-05 10:14:44",
"data": {
"permissions": {
"allowFiles": true,
"allowFileMove": true,
"allowFileUpload": true,
"allowFileUploadRemote": true,
"allowFileRemove": true,
"allowFileRename": true,
"allowFolders": true,
"allowFolderMove": true,
"allowFolderCreate": true,
"allowFolderRemove": true,
"allowFolderRename": true,
"allowImageResize": true,
"allowImageCrop": true
"code": 220
GET index.php?action=files&source=:source&path=:path
- [:source=default] - key from config (ex. from Joomla config - `joomla Media)
- [:path=source.root] - relative path for source.root
See tests/api/getAllFilesByAllSourcesCept.php
and tests/api/getAllFilesByOneSourceCept.php
Answer JSON example:
"success": true,
"time": "2017-07-10 17:10:26",
"data": {
"sources": {
"test": {
"baseurl": "http://localhost:8181/tests/files/",
"path": "",
"files": [
"file": "artio.jpg",
"thumb": "_thumbs\\artio.jpg",
"changed": "07/07/2017 3:06 PM",
"size": "53.50kB"
"folder1": {
"baseurl": "http://localhost:8181/tests/files/folder1/",
"path": "",
"files": [
"file": "artio2.jpg",
"thumb": "_thumbs\\artio2.jpg",
"changed": "07/07/2017 3:06 PM",
"size": "53.50kB"
"code": 220
GET index.php?action=folders&source=:source&path=:path
- [:source=default] - key from config (ex. from Joomla config - `joomla Media)
- [:path=source.root] - relative path for source.root.
See tests/api/getAllFoldersByAllSourcesCept.php
and tests/api/getAllFoldersByOneSourceCept.php
Answer JSON example:
"success": true,
"time": "2017-07-10 17:11:10",
"data": {
"sources": {
"test": {
"baseurl": "http://localhost:8181/tests/files/",
"path": "",
"folders": [
"folder1": {
"baseurl": "http://localhost:8181/tests/files/folder1/",
"path": "",
"folders": [
"code": 220
GET index.php?action=fileUploadRemote&source=:source&path=:path&url=:url
- [:source=default] - key from config (ex. from Joomla config - `joomla Media)
- [:path=source.root] - relative path for source.root.
- :url - full image URL
See tests/api/uploadImageByUrlToServerCept.php
Answer JSON example:
"success": true,
"time": "2017-07-10 17:13:49",
"data": {
"newfilename": "icon-joomla.png",
"baseurl": "http://localhost:8181/tests/files/",
"code": 220
POST index.php
$_POST = [
$_FILES = [
- [:source=default] - key from config (ex. from Joomla config - `joomla Media)
- [:path=source.root] - relative path for source.root.
- :files - files
See tests/api/uploadImageToServerCept.php
GET index.php?action=fileRemove&source=:source&path=:path&name=:name
- [:source=default] - key from config (ex. from Joomla config - `joomla Media)
- [:path=source.root] - relative path for source.root.
- :name - file name or folder name
See tests/api/removeImageFromServerCept.php
GET index.php?action=folderRemove&source=:source&path=:path&name=:name
- [:source=default] - key from config (ex. from Joomla config - `joomla Media)
- [:path=source.root] - relative path for source.root.
- :name - file name or folder name
GET index.php?action=folderCreate&source=:source&path=:path&name=:name
- [:source=default] - key from config (ex. from Joomla config - `joomla Media)
- [:path=source.root] - relative path for source.root.
- :name - new folder name
See tests/api/createFolderCept.php
GET index.php?action=folderMove&source=:source&path=:path&from=:from
- [:source=default] - key from config (ex. from Joomla config - `joomla Media)
- [:path=source.root] - relative path for source.root. This is where the file will be move
- :from - relative path (from source.root) file or folder
See tests/api/moveFileCept.php
GET index.php?action=fileMove&source=:source&path=:path&from=:from
- [:source=default] - key from config (ex. from Joomla config - `joomla Media)
- [:path=source.root] - relative path for source.root. This is where the file will be move
- :from - relative path (from source.root) file or folder
See tests/api/moveFileCept.php
GET index.php?action=imageResize&source=:source&path=:path&name=:name&box[w]=:box_width&box[h]=:box_height
- [:source=default] - key from config (ex. from Joomla config - `joomla Media)
- [:path=source.root] - relative path for source.root.
- :name - File source in
- :newname - new file name in
. Can be equal:name
- :box - new width and height
See tests/api/resizeImageCept.php
GET index.php?action=crop&source=:source&path=:path&name=:name&box[w]=:box_width&box[h]=:box_height&box[x]=:box_start_x&box[y]=:box_start_y
- [:source=default] - key from config (ex. from Joomla config - `joomla Media)
- [:path=source.root] - relative path for source.root.
- :name - File source in
- :newname - new file name in
. Can be equal:name
- :box - bounding box
See tests/api/cropImageCept.php
GET index.php?action=getlocalfilebyurl&source=:source&path=:path&url=:url
- [:source=default] - key from config (ex. from Joomla config - `joomla Media)
- [:path=source.root] - relative path for source.root.
- :url - Full fil url for source
See tests/api/getlocalFileByURLCept.php
Answer JSON example:
"success": true,
"time": "2017-07-10 17:34:29",
"data": {
"path": "",
"name": "artio.jpg",
"code": 220
- Cross Origin requests
- Add pagination
- Create FTP/SFTP sources
- Create image filters (noise, gray scale etc.)
- [email protected]
- Website
- Jodit