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- So, if you get stuck, you can check out the next step without having to look at the entire final solution
- You can find the explanations and solutions by clicking on the header links below
- Click the link below to tweet your solution when you complete: http://bit.ly/GOTWEET-CLOCK
- Discuss your solution with other gophers here: http://bit.ly/LEARNGOSLACK
- Define a new placeholder type
- Create the digit arrays from 0 to 9
- Put them into the "digits" array
- Print them side-by-side
- Get the current time
- Create the clock array
- Print the clock
- Add the separators
- Create an infinite loop to update the clock
- Update the clock every second
- Clear the screen before the infinite loop
- Move the cursor to the top-left corner of the screen before each step of the infinite loop
- Blink the separators