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CacheKVStore specification

A CacheKVStore is cache wrapper for a KVStore. It extends the operations of the KVStore to work with a write-back cache, allowing for reduced I/O operations and more efficient disposing of changes (e.g. after processing a failed transaction).

The core goals the CacheKVStore seeks to solve are:

  • Buffer all writes to the parent store, so they can be dropped if they need to be reverted
  • Allow iteration over contiguous spans of keys
  • Act as a cache, improving access time for reads that have already been done (by replacing tree access with hashtable access, avoiding disk I/O)
    • Note: We actually fail to achieve this for iteration right now
    • Note: Need to consider this getting too large and dropping some cached reads
  • Make subsequent reads account for prior buffered writes
  • Write all buffered changes to the parent store

We should revisit these goals with time (for instance it's unclear that all disk writes need to be buffered to the end of the block), but this is the current status.

Types and Structs

type Store struct {
	mtx           sync.Mutex
	cache         map[string]*cValue
	deleted       map[string]struct{}
	unsortedCache map[string]struct{}
	sortedCache   *dbm.MemDB // always ascending sorted
	parent        types.KVStore

The Store struct wraps the underlying KVStore (parent) with additional data structures for implementing the cache. Mutex is used as IAVL trees (the KVStore in application) are not safe for concurrent use.


The main mapping of key-value pairs stored in cache. This map contains both keys that are cached from read operations as well as ‘dirty’ keys which map to a value that is potentially different than what is in the underlying KVStore.

Values that are mapped to in cache are wrapped in a cValue struct, which contains the value and a boolean flag (dirty) representing whether the value has been written since the last write-back to parent.

type cValue struct {
	value []byte
	dirty bool


Key-value pairs that are to be deleted from parent are stored in the deleted map. Keys are mapped to an empty struct to implement a set.


Similar to deleted, this is a set of keys that are dirty and will need to be updated in the parent KVStore upon a write. Keys are mapped to an empty struct to implement a set.


A database that will be populated by the keys in unsortedCache during iteration over the cache. The keys are always held in sorted order.

CRUD Operations and Writing

The Set, Get, and Delete functions all call setCacheValue(), which is the only entry point to mutating cache (besides Write(), which clears it).

setCacheValue() inserts a key-value pair into cache. Two boolean parameters, deleted and dirty, are passed in to flag whether the inserted key should also be inserted into the deleted and dirty sets. Keys will be removed from the deleted set if they are written to after being deleted.


Get first attempts to return the value from cache. If the key does not exist in cache, parent.Get() is called instead. This value from the parent is passed into setCacheValue() with deleted=false and dirty=false.


Has returns true if Get returns a non-nil value. As a result of calling Get, it may mutate the cache by caching the read.


New values are written by setting or updating the value of a key in cache. Set does not write to parent.

Calls setCacheValue() with deleted=false and dirty=true.


A value being deleted from the KVStore is represented with a nil value in cache, and an insertion of the key into the deleted set. Delete does not write to parent.

Calls setCacheValue() with deleted=true and dirty=true.


Key-value pairs in the cache are written to parent in ascending order of their keys.

A slice of all dirty keys in cache is made, then sorted in increasing order. These keys are iterated over to update parent.

If a key is marked for deletion (checked with isDeleted()), then parent.Delete() is called. Otherwise, parent.Set() is called to update the underlying KVStore with the value in cache.


Efficient iteration over keys in KVStore is important for generating Merkle range proofs. Iteration over CacheKVStore requires producing all key-value pairs from the underlying KVStore while taking into account updated values from the cache.

In the current implementation, there is no guarantee that all values in parent have been cached. As a result, iteration is achieved by interleaved iteration through both parent and the cache (failing to actually benefit from caching).

cacheMergeIterator implements functions to provide a single iterator with an input of iterators over parent and the cache. This iterator iterates over keys from both iterators in a shared lexicographic order, and overrides the value provided by the parent iterator if the same key is dirty or deleted in the cache.

Implementation Overview

Iterators over parent and the cache are generated and passed into cacheMergeIterator, which returns a single, interleaved iterator. Implementation of the parent iterator is up to the underlying KVStore. The remainder of this section covers the generation of the cache iterator.

Recall that unsortedCache is an unordered set of dirty cache keys. Our goal is to construct an ordered iterator over cache keys that fall within the start and end bounds requested.

Generating the cache iterator can be decomposed into four parts:

  1. Finding all keys that exist in the range we are iterating over
  2. Sorting this list of keys
  3. Inserting these keys into sortedCache and removing them from unsortedCache
  4. Returning an iterator over sortedCache with the desired range

Currently, the implementation for the first two parts is split into two cases, depending on the size of the unsorted cache. The two cases are as follows.

If the size of unsortedCache is less than minSortSize (currently 1024), a linear time approach is taken to search over keys.

n := len(store.unsortedCache)
unsorted := make([]*kv.Pair, 0)

if n < minSortSize {
	for key := range store.unsortedCache {
		if dbm.IsKeyInDomain(conv.UnsafeStrToBytes(key), start, end) {
			cacheValue := store.cache[key]
			unsorted = append(unsorted, &kv.Pair{Key: []byte(key), Value: cacheValue.value})
	store.clearUnsortedCacheSubset(unsorted, stateUnsorted)

Here, we iterate through all the keys in unsortedCache (i.e., the dirty cache keys), collecting those within the requested range in an unsorted slice called unsorted.

At this point, part 3. is achieved in clearUnsortedCacheSubset(). This function iterates through unsorted, removing each key from unsortedCache. Afterwards, unsorted is sorted. Lastly, it iterates through the now sorted slice, inserting key-value pairs into sortedCache. Any key marked for deletion is mapped to an arbitrary value ([]byte{}).

In the case that the size of unsortedCache is larger than minSortSize, a linear time approach to finding keys within the desired range is too slow to use. Instead, a slice of all keys in unsortedCache is sorted, and binary search is used to find the beginning and ending indices of the desired range. This produces an already-sorted slice that is passed into the same clearUnsortedCacheSubset() function. An iota identifier (sortedState) is used to skip the sorting step in the function.

Finally, part 4. is achieved with memIterator, which implements an iterator over the items in sortedCache.

As of PR #12885, an optimization to the binary search case mitigates the overhead of sorting the entirety of the key set in unsortedCache. To avoid wasting the compute spent sorting, we should ensure that a reasonable amount of values are removed from unsortedCache. If the length of the range for iteration is less than minSortedCache, we widen the range of values for removal from unsortedCache to be up to minSortedCache in length. This amortizes the cost of processing elements across multiple calls.