- supported
for multiple sets of loci and variants in.plot_mqq()
- added
option forgl.download_ref()
- update references
- fixed bug in
. In some rare cases, it was not counted when the last variant is a new lead variant.
- added plot_power() and plot_power_x()
- added support for multiple EFO IDs
- updated built-in formatbook
- fixed regex error in read_ldsc for numbers in the format of 1e-01
- fixed typos
- fix error in gc calculation for mqq plot when
is not 0 andstratified=True
- reimplement and unified the module for saving figures
- added trumpet plot document page
- added CHR range check in
(remove variants with CHR<=0) (#42) - fixed error in column headers for plot_mqq "b" mode (#40)
- fixed many typos.. (#41)
- fixed error in plot_mqq logging (warning for genome build)
- fixed error in annotation for miami plot
- added annotation using custom column for miami plot
- updated alogorithm for extracting lead variants (using scaled P)
- fixed bugs for miami plot
- added
for qq mode inplot_mqq()
- added trumpet plot
- added support for gwaslab Sumstats object for gl.compare_effect()
- added saveing options for gl.compare_effect()
- fixed bug for
in gl.compare_effect().
- fixed bug for qq mode in
- LDSC-rg genetic correlation heatmap
- Allele frequency correlation plot
- Miami plot using gl.Sumstats Object pickle files
- Auto-check for VCF chromosome prefix (chr1 or 1)
- fill_data() is now implemented iteratively
- Downloaded files auto detection.
- fixed bug
- added two-reference-variant mode for regional plot
- auto-check for genome build version
- added
for plot_mqq - fixed bugs for sig_level_lead
- added highlight_anno_args in plot_mqq()
- added GWAS-SSF style metadata yaml output support
- added region_ref for regional plots
- updated default formatbook
- fixed anno=None in miami plot
- fixed variant_id sep for ssf
- update tutorials
- update variant matching criteria for regional plot
- fixed default values for mqqplot
- added qq_scatter_args
- added connection timeout, status code check and md5sum verification for download_ref
- fixed regional plot lead variant line error
- added tutorial for v3.4
- fixed anno_alias priority
- fixed font_family for annotation
- get_lead can now use mlo10p to extract lead variants
- added sig_level_lead in plot_mqq
- updated yticklabel fontsize
- updated drop_chr_start
- added rr_lim : input a tuple like (0,100) or "max"
- fixed error in mqqplot (chr > 26)
- added jagged y-axis
- added cut_log
- fixed y tick labels
- added font_family
- added ylabels
- added sc_linewidth
- fixed use_rank
- fixed ystep
- restructured plot functions
- added dtype conversion for input pd.DataFrame
- reimplemented gtfparse and revised requirements
- update reference datasets
- fixed bugs when no variants were selected for mqqplot
- fixed bugs in
- added suggestive significance line
- update bugs in init.py
- update annotation arrow style
- fixed effect size comparison bugs (added sorting)
- added allele check for effect size comparison
- update large number selection algorithm
- fixed dtype errors in
- added perSNPh2
and F statistics - implemented save in Miami plots
- fixed annotation error in Miami plots
- added checks for duplicates and NAs in compare_effect()
- implement package info gl.show_version()
- fixed rsid_to_chrpos()
- updated get_density() to calculate the signal density for sumstats
- implemented winner's curse correction for effect size comparison
- updated fontsize options for plot_mqq(). Added anno_fontsize, title_fontsize.
- updated default values and optimized methods for remove_dup(), fix_chr(), basic_check(),check_sanity().
- added dump_pickle() load_pickle() to save half-finished sumstats object.
- updated config and downloading system
- added xtcik_chr_dict
- fixed bugs in miami plot
- added hg38 recombination rate file
- fixed bugs in get_novel
- fixed bugs for reading gtf files
- updated requirements for dependencies
- pandas>=1.3,<1.5
- pyensembl==2.2.3
- support customized gtf/vcf/recombination_rate files
- fixed bugs for regional plot
- calculate_gc()
- fill MAF :
- specified python engine for query
- fixed bugs for matplotlib v3.6.x
- added method chain for filter_xxx functions
- updated requirements for dependencies
- pySAM>=0.18.1,<0.20
- matplotlib>=3.5
- pyensembl>=2.2.3
- updated requirements for dependencies
- updated bugs for mqqplot
- updated download system
- included recombination data
- updated packaging methods. Now when installing gwaslab, pip will install all dependencies as well.
- added download function:
- now you can download reference files from predefined list via gwaslab
: list available reference filesgl.check_downloaded_ref()
: list downloaded reference filesgl.download_ref(name)
: download reference filesgl.remove_file(name)
: remove the local reference filesgl.get_path(name)
: get the local path for the reference data name
- implemented parsing gwas-vcf (
) - implemented
- fixed bugs for check_allele
- optimized functions for sorting columns
- removed outdated codes in Sumstats
- added
- integrate
- optimized
- fixed bugs
- added gwascatalog_trait()
- optimized check_sanity()
- optimized the logic for removing duplicated and multiallelic variants
- added update_formatbook()
- added functions to read vcf.gz
- gwaslab is now able to read chromosome-separated files
- fixed bugs
- added Miami plot
- added Brisbane plot
- updated tutorials
- mqq plot annotation: new customization options
- added forcefixid for fix_id()
- fixed bugs for plotting gene tracks
- extract novel loci given a list of known lead variants
- fixed bugs in fill_data()
- fixed path for hapmap3 snps for infer_build()
- added forest plot
- fixed options for mqqplot
- supported vcf
- incorporated pyensembl and scikit-allel.
- get_lead() : support automatic gene name annotation (using pyensembl)
- to_format():
- support common sumstats formats
- support 1-based bed-like formats for VEP
- support 0-based bed-like formats
- manhattan plot:
- optimized plotting logic
- annotate gene names
- added regional plot feature using a user-provided reference panel
- comparison effect plot:
- fix using OR
- implemented formatbook: easily import sumstats and output sumstats in certain formats (support for commonly used formats including ldsc, plink, plink2, gwas-ssf, saige, regenie, fastgwa, metal, mrmega, pgscatalog, pgscatalog_hm, gwascatalog, gwascatalog_hm and gwaslab)
- added
using bed files (or in-built regions like high-ld or hla) - implemented
methods. - optimized rsID annotation pipeline. Support annotation using curated chr:pos:ref:alt - rsID tsv for quick annotation.
- changed some datatypes and optimized memory usage.
- replaced pyVCF with pySAM