written in C
Clear filter
EOS is a dual-core operating system designed specifically for embodied intelligence, suitable for robots, drones, satellites or other scenarios requiring real-time and general capabilities.
BoAT-X Blockchain Application Framework for IoT
🔥 FFmpeg扩展版本,1.支持OpenGL图形渲染,自定义着色器 滤镜、特效、转场。2.支持FLV+HEVC/AV1/Opus编码解码 🔥 FFmpeg Extension: 1.Support GLSL OpenGL(Filter/Effect/Transition/Shaders); 2. And Transcode FLV with HEVC/AV1/Opus Codec
NRF24L01 full function driver library for general MCU and Linux.
ST7789 full function driver library for general MCU and Linux.
DS3231 full function driver library for general MCU and Linux.