- Portworx Enterprise - clustered software defined storage (SDS) for Kubernetes persistent volumes
- Freemium 5 node version
- Portworx Data Services - SaaS control plane to administer multiple Kubernetes clusters using Portworx Enterprise
- Control Plane - UI, API, and a catalog of data services
- 2 x K8s extensions:
- deployment operator
Install on Rancher doc.
Config file:
Environment variables:
Set the Portworx namespace variable for use in future commands:
export PORTWORX_NAMESPACE=portworx
or infer it from whichever namespace has the storage controller, assuming only one on cluster:
PORTWORX_NAMESPACE=$(kubectl get stc -A -o jsonpath='{.items[].metadata.namespace}' | head -n 1)
If you're on Rancher, set your kube config:
export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml
Optionally alias kubectl
to the Rancher version:
alias kubectl=/var/lib/rancher/rke2/bin/kubectl
Show all Portworx pods:
kubectl get pods -n "$PORTWORX_NAMESPACE" -o wide | grep -e portworx -e px
Get the admin token:
ADMIN_TOKEN=$(kubectl -n "$PORTWORX_NAMESPACE" get secret px-admin-token -o jsonpath='{.data.auth-token}' | base64 -d)
From install doc:
You can run the pxctl
CLI from a portworx node or inside a Kubernetes portworx pod.
Find a portworx pod:
PORTWORX_POD=$(kubectl get pods -o name -l name=portworx -n "$PORTWORX_NAMESPACE" | head -n 1 | sed 's|^pod/||')
Exec into the found pod:
kubectl exec -ti "$PORTWORX_POD" -n "$PORTWORX_NAMESPACE" -- /bin/bash
export PATH="$PATH:/opt/pwx/bin"
Verify cluster status:
pxctl status
kubectl get storagecluster -n "$PORTWORX_NAMESPACE"