Stream processing + alerting engine for TICK stack.
Port: 9092 (conflicts with Kafka)
Option 1:
Telegraf -> InfluxDB -> Kapacitor
Option 2:
Telegraf -> Kapacitor
Clustering HA
alert dedupe
auth using InfluxDB meta nodes
no authz yet (as of 1.4)
subscribes to InfluxDB to forward all data to it (
) -
TICKscript - DSL language for how to process data (script.tick)
batch (InfluxDB query)
send Telegraf to localhost:9092, use Kapacitor as drop in replacement for InfluxDB protocol endpoint
kapacitord config > kapacitor.conf
export KAPACITOR_URL=http://kapacitor:9092
TICKscript can create running average + alert if CPU drops below 3 std deviations:
crit(lambda: sigma("field") > 3)
See docs for code contents:
kapacitor define cpu_alert -tick cpu_alert.tick
kapacitor list tasks
kapacitor show cpu_alert
take a sample to test with:
kapacitor record stream -task cpu_alert -duration 60s
kapacitor list recordings $rid
kapacitor replay_recordings $rid
kapacitor enable cpu_alert
kapacitor show cpu_alert
Partial port from private Knowledge Base page 2018+