Security scanning CLI tool for vulnerabilities, leaked secrets and misconfigurations.
- Files for secrets and configuration errors
- Docker images for CVE package vulnerabilities
On Mac, using Homebrew:
brew install trivy
On Debian / Ubuntu:
apt install trivy
Or download the latest binary from GitHub or any specific version using DevOps-Bash-tools script: # "$version"
which installs to /usr/local/bin/trivy
, or $HOME/bin/trivy
if you don't have write permission to /usr/local/bin
Add the --no-progress
switch in CI/CD to minimize noise in the CI/CD logs.
Filesystem scan and exit with code 1 for any HIGH
level issues:
trivy fs "$dir" --exit-code 1 --severity HIGH,CRITICAL
Scan container images:
trivy image "$docker_image"
Scan the docker image for a given running container:
trivy image "$(docker inspect --format='{{.Image}}' "$container_id_or_name">)"
Jenkins CI/CD functions for running Trivy are available here:
HariSekhon/Jenkins - vars/trivy.groovy
HariSekhon/Jenkins - vars/trivyFS.groovy
HariSekhon/Jenkins - vars/trivyImages.groovy
Can only put the id in .trivyignore
but this ignores all instances:
Inline ignores in source files don't work:
# false positive - trivy:ignore:gcp-service-account doesn't work
# trivy:ignore:gcp-service-account