SwipeBack Public
Forked from liuguangqiang/SwipeBackSwipeBack is an android library that can finish a activity by using gesture.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 22, 2018 -
dialogplus Public
Forked from orhanobut/dialogplusAdvanced dialog solution for android
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 7, 2018 -
sweet-alert-dialog Public
Forked from pedant/sweet-alert-dialogSweetAlert for Android, a beautiful and clever alert dialog
Java UpdatedMar 26, 2018 -
FishBun Public
Forked from sangcomz/FishBunFishBun is Image Picker for android.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 24, 2018 -
SpinnerDatePicker Public
Forked from drawers/SpinnerDatePickerA styleable DatePicker for Android using the old spinner style (NumberPickers)
Java UpdatedMar 18, 2018 -
AlertView Public
Forked from Hamadakram/AlertViewA library to create simple alerts easily with some customization. Written in Kotlin, works for both Kotlin and Java
Parse-SDK-Android Public
Forked from parse-community/Parse-SDK-AndroidParse SDK for Android
Java Other UpdatedJan 19, 2018 -
ShineButton Public
Forked from ChadCSong/ShineButtonThis is a UI lib for Android. Effects like shining.
Java MIT License UpdatedJan 19, 2018 -
ShortcutBadger Public
Forked from leolin310148/ShortcutBadgerAn Android library supports badge notification like iOS in Samsung, LG, Sony and HTC launchers.
Java Other UpdatedJan 18, 2018 -
garland-view-android Public
Forked from Ramotion/garland-view-android≡ GarlandView seamlessly transitions between multiple lists of content. Made by @Ramotion
Java MIT License UpdatedJan 11, 2018 -
FancyToast-Android Public
Forked from Shashank02051997/FancyToast-AndroidMake your native android Toasts Fancy. A library that takes the standard Android toast to the next level with a variety of styling options. Style your toast from code.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 10, 2018 -
Skeleton Public
Forked from rasoulmiri/SkeletonSkeleton Android
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 10, 2018 -
folding-cell-android Public
Forked from Ramotion/folding-cell-android📃 FoldingCell is a material design expanding content cell inspired by folding paper material made by @Ramotion
Java MIT License UpdatedJan 9, 2018 -
android-maps-utils Public
Forked from googlemaps/android-maps-utilsHandy extensions to the Google Maps Android API.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 8, 2018 -
Alerter Public
Forked from Tapadoo/AlerterAn Android Alerting Library
Java MIT License UpdatedJan 8, 2018 -
FastAdapter Public
Forked from mikepenz/FastAdapterThe bullet proof, fast and easy to use adapter library, which minimizes developing time to a fraction...
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 7, 2018 -
TapTargetView Public
Forked from KeepSafe/TapTargetViewAn implementation of tap targets from the Material Design guidelines for feature discovery
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 7, 2018 -
DxLoadingButton Public
Forked from StevenDXC/DxLoadingButtonAndroid button with loading animation
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 6, 2018 -
awesome-android-ui Public
Forked from wasabeef/awesome-android-uiA curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries
UpdatedJan 4, 2018 -
AnimatedPencil Public
Forked from florent37/AnimatedPencilAnimated Pencil Action view for Android
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 4, 2018 -
BubbleTab Public
Forked from florent37/BubbleTabPut some bubble in your tabs and give your apps a supa fresh style !
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 4, 2018 -
awesome-android Public
Forked from JStumpp/awesome-androidA curated list of awesome Android packages and resources.
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedJan 4, 2018 -
MaterialAbout Public
Forked from jrvansuita/MaterialAboutIt's a material-design about screen to use on your Android apps. A developer profile and application information easy to integrate. 🔖
Java MIT License UpdatedJan 2, 2018 -
MaterialScrollBar Public
Forked from turing-tech/MaterialScrollBarAn Android library that brings the Material Design 5.1 sidebar to pre-5.1 devices.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 31, 2017 -
CardStackView Public
Forked from yuyakaido/CardStackViewTinder like swipeable card view for Android
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 30, 2017 -
circle-menu-android Public
Forked from Ramotion/circle-menu-android⭕️ CircleMenu is a simple, elegant UI menu with a circular layout and material design animations. Made by @Ramotion
Java MIT License UpdatedDec 30, 2017 -
mapbox-gl-native Public
Forked from mapbox/mapbox-gl-nativeInteractive, thoroughly customizable maps in native Android, iOS, macOS, Node.js, and Qt applications, powered by vector tiles and OpenGL
C++ Other UpdatedDec 27, 2017