Write Cardano-related, on-chain and off-chain code, entirely in Typescript
there is the need for decentralized applications, however the tools to built a truly decentralized application are missing or limited to static compilation
wants to be a library to allow Cardano-related software to be written entirely in typescript, allowing a wider developer ecosystem to code both:
- applications backands running on nodejs or deno
- dApps with smart-contracts created on-the-fly, client-side
to know more see the folder docs/why-plu-ts
there are a few proposals to speed up the development of this repository:
- Typescript smart-contracts link will be updated as soon the proposal is written
- 100% Typescript offchain code link will be updated as soon the proposal is written
old proposals:
both the timelines for on-chain and off-chain development are specified in the respecive docs/why-plu-ts folder