This repo contain all my .tex
and .sty
files used to genrate protocols with
All common pictures needed to illustrate my protocols.
Files with pre-filed informations about materials used during experiment.
- Cellues.tex
- Consommables.tex
Files .sty
with usefull command in it.
- BioAbreviation.sty : abbreviations commonly used with nice formated options
Files with pre-filed about common technic used during experiments.
- ARN_extraction.tex
- Comptage_cellules.tex
- Dilutions_courbe_calibration.tex
- Dilutions_ICC.tex
- Inflammation_cellules.tex
- Mesure_TEER.tex
- Milieu_inflammation.tex
- Solution_stock_poudre.tex
- Staining_ibidi.tex
- Test_permeabilite.tex
- Transwell_collagen.tex
- Transwell_depos_cellule.tex
Basic files to generates a protocol PDF protocol
- Run pdflatex, pythontex, bibtex and makeindex in a single commande.
pdflatex %.tex|pythontex %.tex|bibtex %.tex|pdflatex -shell-escape %.tex|makeindex %.nlo -s -o %.nls|pdflatex %.tex