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Binary Tree


    1.  How to create a binary tree manually for an arithmetic expression 
        (e.g., "9000 + 6 * 4")

    2.  How to evaluate an expression (based on its tree representation)

                                             COMP9024 24T2


A binary tree is a hierarchical data structure wherein each node can have a maximum of two children,

known as the left child and the right child.


An arithmetic expression (i.e., a string)

   "9000 + (6 * 4)" 

can be represented as an abstract syntax tree after parsing.

      /   \ 
    9000   * 
          /  \ 
         6    4 

The abstract syntax tree is a binary tree in this case.

After visiting/traversing each node of the binary tree:

   eval("9000 + 6 * 4") == 9024

Its intermediate representation (IR): 

    t0 = 6 * 4
    t1 = 9000 + t0  

In this project, we create the binary tree manually.

Postorder Traversal

Postorder traversal is a tree traversal method that adheres to the Left-Right-Root policy.

In this method, each node in the tree is visited in the following sequence:

(1) The left subtree is traversed first.

(2) Then the right subtree is traversed.

(3) Finally, the root node is traversed.

In COMP9024/Tutorials/Week4, we will study how to parse the input string and create the abstract syntax tree with a parser.

1 How to download COMP9024/Trees/BiTree in CSE VLAB

Open a terminal (Applications -> Terminal Emulator)

$ git clone

$ cd COMP9024/Trees/BiTree


2 How to start Visual Studio Code to browse/edit/debug a project.

BiTree$ code

Two configuration files (BiTree/.vscode/launch.json and BiTree/.vscode/tasks.json) have been preset.

2.1 Open the project in VS Code

In the window of Visual Studio Code, please click "File" and "Open Folder",

select the folder "COMP9024/Trees/BiTree", then click the "Open" button.

2.2 Build the project in VS Code

click Terminal -> Run Build Task

2.3 Debug the project in VS Code

Open src/expr.c, and click to add a breakpoint (say, line 105).

Then, click Run -> Start Debugging

2.4 Directory

├── Makefile             defining set of tasks to be executed (the input file of the 'make' command)
├──            introduction to this project
├── src                  containing *.c and *.h
|   |
│   ├── expr.c           arithmetic expression
│   ├── expr.h
│   └── main.c           main()
|── images
└── .vscode              containing configuration files for Visual Studio Code
    ├── launch.json      specifying which program to debug and with which debugger,
    |                    used when you click "Run -> Start Debugging"
    └── tasks.json       specifying which task to run (e.g., 'make' or 'make clean')
                         used when you click "Terminal -> Run Build Task" or "Terminal -> Run Task"

Makefile is discussed in COMP9024/C/HowToMake.

3 Build and run the project in command line

In addition to utilizing VS Code, we can also compile and execute programs directly from the command line interface as follows.

COMP9024/Trees/BiTree$ make

COMP9024/Trees/BiTree$ ./main

t0 = 6 * 4
t1 = 9000 + t0

9000 + 6 * 4 == 9024

4 Data structures

// Max length of an identifier (e.g., a function or variable name) 
#define MAX_ID_LEN 127

// token value
typedef struct {
  // e.g, "year", "t0", "t1", "+", "-", "*", "/", "(", ")", ...
  char name[MAX_ID_LEN + 1];
  // value of an integer, e.g., 2024
  long numVal;
} Value;

// In C, an Enum/Enumeration is a custom data type where users can assign names to constant integers. 
// Using enums makes it easier for programmers to learn, understand, and maintain the program.
typedef enum {
  TK_NA,     // 0     By default, the first item has the value 0. Here, NA stands for Not Available.
  TK_ADD,    // 1     '+'
  TK_SUB,    // 2     '-'
  TK_MUL,    // 3     '*'
  TK_DIV,    // 4     '/'
  TK_NUM,    // 5     number 
  TK_LPAREN, // 6     '('  left parenthesis
  TK_RPAREN, // 7     ')'  right parenthesis
  TK_EOF,    // 8     end of file
} TokenKind;

  The Abstract Syntax Tree Node for an expression.

  In an abstract syntax tree, syntactic details such as parentheses in expressions 
  like "(20 + 30) * 40" are considered redundant and thus ignored.

         /   \
        +     40
      /   \ 
     20   30

struct astExprNode {
    1. The kind of an expression node: 
         an operand (e.g., 300) or an operator (e.g., '+', '-', '*' and '/')
    2. To keep it simple, we use the TokenKind as mentioned above
         TK_NUM for 300, 400, ...
         TK_ADD for '+'
         TK_SUB for '-'
         TK_MUL for '*'
         TK_DIV for '/'
  TokenKind op;
   The value of the token (a token is a word), consisting of two parts:

   1. an integer for representing the node's value (e.g., 300), 
   2. a C string for representing its name or value (e.g., "+", "t0", "t1", "(", ")", "300", ...)
  Value value;

  // e.g.,  left and right operands of a binary operator (+, -, *, /)
  struct astExprNode *leftChild;
  struct astExprNode *rightChild; 

typedef struct astExprNode *AstExprNodePtr;

5 Algorithms

5.1 Overview

int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env) {

  // Create a binary tree
  AstExprNodePtr expr = Expression();

  // Perform a postorder traversal of the binary tree
  long result = EvalExpression(expr);  

  // Output the result
  printf("\n9000 + 6 * 4 == %ld\n", result);

  // Free the heap memory

  return 0;

5.2 How to create a binary tree for "9000 + 6 * 4"

Now, let's manually create the binary tree.

We can see why pointers (addresses) are so important.

A tree node can save/keep/store another node's address, thus establishing a connection from one node to another node.

Pointers in C are just like hyper links in web pages

                      via a pointer           
  A tree node   ------------------------------->  another tree node 
  pOneNode->leftChild = address of another node

  The branch in the following binary tree represents a pointer.

A hyperlink in a web page

                      via a hyperlink
  one.html      ------------------------------->  two.html
  <a href="two.html">Neo</a>

Create the binary tree manually

      /   \ 
    9000   * 
          /  \ 
         6    4 
static AstExprNodePtr CreateAstExprNode(TokenKind tk, long numVal, char *operator, AstExprNodePtr left,
                         AstExprNodePtr right) {
  AstExprNodePtr pNode = (AstExprNodePtr) malloc(sizeof(struct astExprNode));
  assert(pNode != NULL);

  memset(pNode, 0, sizeof(*pNode));
  // The kind of an expression node
  pNode->op = tk;
  if (tk == TK_NUM) { // an operand like 9000
    // 9000
    pNode->value.numVal = numVal;
    // "9000"
    snprintf(pNode->, MAX_ID_LEN, "%ld", numVal);    
  } else { // an operator: + - * /
    // A temporary variable's name: "t0", "t1" 
    snprintf(pNode->, MAX_ID_LEN, "t%d", NewTemp());  
  pNode->leftChild = left;
  pNode->rightChild = right;
  return pNode;

// Now, let's manually create the binary tree. 
// We will write a parser to create the tree for us later.
AstExprNodePtr Expression(void) {
  AstExprNodePtr left = CreateAstExprNode(TK_NUM, 9000, "", NULL, NULL);
  AstExprNodePtr rightLeft = CreateAstExprNode(TK_NUM, 6, "", NULL, NULL);
  AstExprNodePtr rightRight = CreateAstExprNode(TK_NUM, 4, "", NULL, NULL);
  AstExprNodePtr right = CreateAstExprNode(TK_MUL, 0, "*", rightLeft, rightRight);
  AstExprNodePtr root = CreateAstExprNode(TK_ADD, 0, "+", left, right);
  return root;

5.3 How to evaluate the expression "9000 + 6 * 4"

Perform a postorder traversal of its binary tree.

Postorder traversal is a tree traversal method that adheres to the Left-Right-Root policy.

In this method, each node in the tree is visited in the following sequence:

(1) The left subtree is traversed first.

(2) Then the right subtree is traversed.

(3) Finally, the root node is traversed.

      /   \ 
    9000   * 
          /  \ 
         6    4 
#define EmitIR  printf
// In fact, it is a simple interpreter
long EvalExpression(AstExprNodePtr root) {    
    if (root->op == TK_NUM) {  // 9000, 6, 4      
        return root->value.numVal;
    else { // +, -, *, /
        long leftOperand = EvalExpression(root->leftChild);
        long rightOperand = EvalExpression(root->rightChild); 
        // Postorder traversal:
        //     a tree traversal method that adheres to the Left-Right-Root policy
        long result = 0;
        switch (root->op) {
            case TK_ADD:              
                result = leftOperand + rightOperand;
                EmitIR("%s = %s + %s\n", root->, 
            case TK_SUB:
                result = leftOperand - rightOperand;
                EmitIR("%s = %s - %s\n", root->, 
            case TK_MUL:
                result = leftOperand * rightOperand;
                EmitIR("%s = %s * %s\n", root->, 
            case TK_DIV:
                result = leftOperand / rightOperand;
                EmitIR("%s = %s / %s\n", root->, 
        return result;

// Release the heap space
void ReleaseAstExpr(AstExprNodePtr root) {
  if (root) {
    // Postorder traversal