binge watching for plex
pip install bw_plex or pip install -e .
bw_plex only works on python 2. :(
CLI tool that monitors pms and jumps the client to after the theme.
-d, --debug Add debug logging.
-u, --username TEXT Your plex username
-p, --password TEXT Your plex password
-s, --servername TEXT The server you want to monitor.
--url TEXT url to the server you want to monitor
-t, --token TEXT plex-x-token
-c, --config TEXT Not in use atm.
--help Show this message and exit.
create_hash_table_from_themes Create a hashtable from the themes.
find_theme_youtube Iterate over all your shows and downloads
fix_shitty_theme Set the correct fingerprint of the show
match Manual match for a file.
process Manual process some/all eps.
watch Start watching the server for stuff to do.
The most common will be:
bw_plex watch
bw_plex will connect to PMS using websocket and listen for any playing events. It will then download the theme and the first 10 minutes of the episode and try to figure out when the theme starts and ends. The result is stored in a sqlite db. This process is rather slow so the first episode might get skipped. The next episode will be queued up so its ready when you start to watch it. bw_plex will then seek the client to where the theme ended in that episode.