Digital Ocean API Wrapper
Get Account Information Info [ account]( account)
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Get Account Actions
query: Object
, Query Options
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Get Action Information for Account Info: [ retrieve-an-existing-action]( retrieve-an-existing-action)
actionId: number
, The Id of the Action
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
List all SSH Keys Info: [ list-all-keys]( list-all-keys)
query: Object
, Query Options
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Add a new SSH Key Info: [ create-a-new-key]( create-a-new-key)
configuration: *
, Information required to create SSH Key | {name: ?, public_key: ?}
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Get an SSH Key via its Id Info: [ retrieve-an-existing-key]( retrieve-an-existing-key)
keyId: number
, The Id of the Key
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Get an SSH Key via its Fingerprint Info: [ retrieve-an-existing-key]( retrieve-an-existing-key)
fingerprint: string
, The Fingerprint of the Key
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Rename a SSH Key Info: [ update-a-key]( update-a-key)
keyIdentity: *
, The Id or Fingerprint of the SSH Key
keyName: string
, What to rename the SSH Key to
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Delete a SSH Key Info: [ destroy-a-key]( destroy-a-key)
keyIdentity: *
, The Id or Fingerprint of the SSH Key
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Get a list of Droplets Info: [ list-all-droplets]( list-all-droplets)
query: Object
, Query Options
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Get a list of Kernels available for a Droplet Info: [ list-all-available-kernels-for-a-droplet]( list-all-available-kernels-for-a-droplet)
dropletId: number
, The Id of the Droplet
query: Object
, Query Options
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Get a list of Snapshots for a Droplet Info: [ retrieve-snapshots-for-a-droplet]( retrieve-snapshots-for-a-droplet)
dropletId: number
, The Id of the Droplet
query: Object
, Query Options
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Get a list of Backups for a Droplet Info: [ list-backups-for-a-droplet]( list-backups-for-a-droplet)
dropletId: number
, The Id of the Droplet
query: Object
, Query Options
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Get a list of Actions for a Droplet Info: [ list-actions-for-a-droplet]( list-actions-for-a-droplet)
dropletId: number
, The Id of the Droplet
query: Object
, Query Options
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Create a New Droplet Info: [ create-a-new-droplet]( create-a-new-droplet)
configuration: *
, Creation parameters, see info for more details.
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Get a Droplet by Id Info: [ retrieve-an-existing-droplet-by-id]( retrieve-an-existing-droplet-by-id)
dropletId: number
, The Id of the Droplet
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Delete a Droplet Info: [ delete-a-droplet]( delete-a-droplet)
dropletId: number
, The Id of the Droplet
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Get a list of Droplet Neighbors Info: [ list-neighbors-for-a-droplet]( list-neighbors-for-a-droplet)
dropletId: number
, The Id of the Droplet
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Get a report of Droplets sharing the same hardware Info: [ list-all-droplet-neighbors]( list-all-droplet-neighbors)
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Get a list of scheduled Droplet Upgrades Info: [ list-droplet-upgrades]( list-droplet-upgrades)
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Request an Action on a Droplet Info: [ droplet-actions]( droplet-actions)
dropletId: number
, The Id of the Droplet
action: *
, Action Object
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Get an Action for a Droplet Info: [ retrieve-a-droplet-action]( retrieve-a-droplet-action)
dropletId: number
, The Id of the Droplet
actionId: number
, The Id of the Action
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Get all Domains Info: [ list-all-domains]( list-all-domains)
query: Object
, Query Options
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Add a new Domain Info: [ create-a-new-domain]( create-a-new-domain)
name: string
, Domain Name
ip: string
, The Ip of the Droplet
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Get a Domain Info: [ retrieve-an-existing-domain]( retrieve-an-existing-domain)
name: string
, The Domain Name
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Delete a Domain Info: [ delete-a-domain]( delete-a-domain)
name: string
, The Domain Name
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Get all Domain Records for a Domain Info: [ list-all-domain-records]( list-all-domain-records)
name: string
, The Domain Name
query: Object
, Query Options
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Create a new Domain Record on a Domain Info: [ create-a-new-domain-record]( create-a-new-domain-record)
name: string
, The Domain Name
configuration: *
, Data required to create the Domain Record
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Get a single Domain Record Info: [ retrieve-an-existing-domain-record]( retrieve-an-existing-domain-record)
name: string
, The Domain Name
domainRecordId: number
, The Id of the Domain Record
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Update a Domain Record Info: [ update-a-domain-record]( update-a-domain-record)
name: string
, The Domain Name
domainRecordId: number
, The Id of the Domain Record
configuration: *
, Data required to update the Domain Record
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Delete a Domain Record Info: [ delete-a-domain-record]( delete-a-domain-record)
name: string
, The Domain Name
domainRecordId: number
, The Id of the Domain Record
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Get all Regions Info: [ list-all-regions]( list-all-regions)
query: Object
, Query Options
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Get all Droplet sizes Info: [ list-all-sizes]( list-all-sizes)
query: Object
, Query Options
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Get all Images Include type=[distribution,application] or private=true in the query object to limit results. Info: [ list-all-images]( list-all-images)
query: Object
, Query Options
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Get an Image using its Id Info: [ retrieve-an-existing-image-by-id]( retrieve-an-existing-image-by-id)
imageId: number
, The Id of the Image
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Get an Image using its Slug Info: [ retrieve-an-existing-image-by-slug]( retrieve-an-existing-image-by-slug)
slug: string
, The Slug of the Image
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Get all Actions for an Image Info: [ list-all-actions-for-an-image]( list-all-actions-for-an-image)
imageId: number
, The Id of the Image
query: Object
, Query Options
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Update the name of an Image Info: [ update-an-image]( update-an-image)
imageId: number
, The Id of the Image
name: string
, The Name to update the Image to
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Delete an Image Info: [ delete-an-image]( delete-an-image)
imageId: number
, The Id of the Image
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Request an Action on an Image Info: [ image-actions]( image-actions)
imageId: number
, The Id of the Image
action: *
, Action Options
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Get the status of an Action Info: [ retrieve-an-existing-image-action]( retrieve-an-existing-image-action)
imageId: number
, The Id of the Image
actionId: number
, The Id of the Action
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Get all Floating IPs Info: [ list-all-floating-ips]( list-all-floating-ips)
query: Object
, Query Options
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Create and assign a Floating IP to a specific droplet. Info: [ create-a-new-floating-ip-assigned-to-a-droplet]( create-a-new-floating-ip-assigned-to-a-droplet)
dropletId: number
, The ID of Droplet that the Floating IP will be assigned to.
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Create and assign a Floating IP to a region. Info: [ create-a-new-floating-ip-assigned-to-a-droplet]( create-a-new-floating-ip-assigned-to-a-droplet)
region: string
, The slug identifier for the region the Floating IP will be reserved to.
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Retrieve an existing Floating IP Info: [ retrieve-an-existing-floating-ip]( retrieve-an-existing-floating-ip)
ipAddress: string
, Floating IP address.
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Delete a Floating IP Info: [ delete-a-floating-ips]( delete-a-floating-ips)
ipAddress: string
, Floating IP address
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Request an action on a Floating IP Info: [ floating-ip-actions]( floating-ip-actions)
ipAddress: string
, Floating IP address
action: *
, Action options
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
List all actions for a Floating IP Info: [ list-all-actions-for-a-floating-ip]( list-all-actions-for-a-floating-ip)
ipAddress: string
, Floating IP address
query: Object
, Query Options
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion
Retrieve an existing Floating IP action Info: [ retrieve-an-existing-floating-ip-action]( retrieve-an-existing-floating-ip-action)
ipAddress: string
, Floating IP address
actionId: number
, The Id of the action
callback: *
, Function to execute on completion