Feel free to make any request for an update and add data.
Please refer to the already existing entries at _data/meetups.yml Add any new blog article to that file in exactly the same styling!
Please refer to the already existing entries at _data/articles.yml Add any new blog article to that file in exactly the same styling!
Please refer to the already existing entries at _data/podcasts.yml Add any new podcast to that file in exactly the same styling!
Please refer to the already existing entries at _data/videos.yml Add any new video to that file in exactly the same styling!
When adding a video from youtube - the embeded link is required. You can get the link out of the embeded code on youtube.
- This template uses Jekyll, Bootstrap 5.3.1, Font Awesome 6.4.2
bundle exec jekyll serve
For more details, visit the jekyll documentation website.
ruby -v | check if version is correct = 3.1.3
brew install rbenv | install rbenv if not already installed - check with rbenv -v
rbenv init
rbenv install 3.1.3 | if not available
rbenv global 3.1.3 | set new version
copy paste output into terminal e.g. eval "$(rbenv init - bash)"
ruby -v | check if version is correct = 3.1.3
rbenv init
copy paste output into terminal e.g. eval "$(rbenv init - bash)"
rbenv global 3.1.3
ruby -v | check if version is correct = 3.1.3
then start again with: bundle exec jekyll serve