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WASM-4 is a low-level fantasy game console for building small games with WebAssembly. Game
cartridges (ROMs) are small, self-contained .wasm
files that can be built with any programming
language that compiles to WebAssembly.
Development status: ⚡ Alpha
No Glue Code: If you've ever tried to write even a simple "Hello World" with WebAssembly before, you'll know it usually involves writing a bunch of JS and HTML glue. WASM-4 removes all of that, games interface directly with the system through a small API.
Minimalist: Fantasy consoles force developers to work with limited resources. This makes them simple to learn, and easier to focus on finishing your game.
Language Agnostic: Use any programming language, as long as it can compile to WebAssembly. Out of the box we currently support: AssemblyScript, C/C++, Rust, Go.
Portable: WASM-4 is designed to run on any device that can execute WebAssembly, even outside of the web! We're planning a lightweight implementation written in C that will run even on a potato.
# Install the w4 command
npm install -g wasm4
# Create a project
w4 new --assemblyscript hello-world
# Setup toolchain
cd hello-world
npm install
# Build and run your game!
npm run build
w4 run build/cart.wasm
For more info and guides, check the full documentation.
- Display: 160x160 pixels, 4 customizable colors, updated at 60 Hz.
- Memory: 64 KB linear RAM, memory-mapped I/O, save states.
- Cartridge Size Limit: 64 KB.
- Input: Keyboard, mouse, touchscreen, up to 4 gamepads.
- Audio: 2 pulse wave channels, 1 triangle wave channel, 1 noise channel.
- Disk Storage: 1024 bytes.
Contributions are welcome! Here are just a few ways to help:
- Build a game or experiment, we'll feature it on!
- Improve our documentation or write a tutorial.
- Submit a bug report or feature request on Github.
- Answer questions on the discussions forum.
- Implement support for a new tool or language.
- Give the project a star on Github for visibility.