Starred repositories
Magenta: Music and Art Generation with Machine Intelligence
DeepSonic is a fully open source Deep Learning music experiment that is capable of synthesizing, generating, remixing, modifying music, all using the power of AI. Thanks to powerful open-source lib…
A software MIDI synthesizer for professional use.
🤖Spotify Streaming Bot that sends stream. You can give play to your song.! Selenium
A simple offset/sdk dumper for ALL unreal engine games.
A modern C++20 internal SDK generator for Unreal Engine 3 games.
The most powerful Unreal Engine Dumper and Editor for UE 4.19 - 5.3
查看 UE4 Pak 文件的图形化工具,支持 UE4 pak/ucas 文件
an editor for cooked unreal engine 4/5 maps
This mod aims to recreate playable Joker character from Batman™: Arkham Asylum in Batman™: Arkham Knight via console commands.
Parse various mesh file formats into a halfedge data structure
Parser combinators for binary formats, in C. Yes, in C. What? Don't look at me like that.
BinData - Reading and Writing Binary Data in Ruby
A list of generic tools for parsing binary data structures, such as file formats, network protocols or bitstreams
Manage and perform various operations on PS4 PKG.
The fastest way to compute matrix profiles on CPU and GPU!
DirectX9 ImGui Implementation Hook.
Enabled GodMode by exploiting an UnrealScript Virtual Machine vulnerbility
UnrealScript decompiler and explorer tool for Unreal Engine packages.
Steamless is a DRM remover of the SteamStub variants. The goal of Steamless is to make a single solution for unpacking all Steam DRM-packed files. Steamless aims to support as many games as possible.
A personal project using Nefarius' "Indicium-Supra", a DirectX Hooking API Framework, to draw a DirectX Overlay
DirectX 11/12 hook including a simple overlay framework
An audio driver for Windows 10 (only tested on x64) that works as a virtual audio cable.