- file structre
├── README.md
├── LICENSE.md
├── init.lua
├── lua
│ └── mistuba_Takanashi
│ ├── bootstrap.lua
│ ├── competion
│ │ └── competion.lua
│ ├── icons
│ │ ├── default.lua
│ │ └── listchars.lua
│ ├── init.lua
│ ├── lsp
│ │ ├── init.lua
│ │ ├── lsp_conf
│ │ │ ├── jsonls.lua.template
│ │ │ ├── lua_ls.lua
│ │ │ └── pyright.lua
│ │ └── lspconfig.lua
│ ├── plugins
│ │ ├── alpha.lua
│ │ ├── cmp.lua
│ │ ├── colorizer.lua
│ │ ├── colorschemes.lua
│ │ ├── comment.lua
│ │ ├── conform.lua
│ │ ├── gitsigns.lua
│ │ ├── harpoon.lua
│ │ ├── indent-blankline.lua
│ │ ├── lazydev.lua
│ │ ├── lsp-mason-bundle.lua
│ │ ├── lualine.lua
│ │ ├── navic-bundle.lua
│ │ ├── neo-tree.lua
│ │ ├── nvim-lint.lua
│ │ ├── nvim-ufo.lua
│ │ ├── statuscol.lua
│ │ ├── telescope.lua
│ │ ├── toggleterm.lua
│ │ ├── treesitter.lua
│ │ ├── trouble.lua
│ │ └── which-key.lua
│ └── setup
│ ├── mappings.lua
│ ├── options.lua
│ └── utils.lua
├── lazy-lock.json
└── assets
└── nvim_alpha_dashboard_preview.png
9 directories, 38 files
mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.bak
mv ~/.local/share/nvim ~/.local/share/nvim.bak
- create needed dir if not present
mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim/ && cd ~/.config/nvim/
- clone repo
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/Himanshu-Parangat/mistuba_nvim ~/.config/nvim/
rm -r ~/.config/nvim
rm -r ~/.local/share/nvim
- Completion: auto-completions as you code, thanks to plugin
- LSP (Language Server Protocol): Full integration with LSP servers for features like go-to definition, hover info, and code actions. by
.- Which-key: showing a helpful popup of all the available keybindings in the current context.
- Themes: A beautiful, Catppuccin theme
- Telescope: Find files, buffers, and everything else
provides fast, fuzzy searching.- Harpoon: Jump between your most-used files with ease.
- Indent Lines: visual indent guides, using
.- Code Folding:collapse and expand sections of your code without ugly fold numbers.
- terminal toggle: better toggle terminal
- code fold visual code fold using
using lsp backend.- auto comment: context based comment toggle
- cutome util functions: toggle different feature
- Alpha dashboard: clean dashboard with ascii art
- Lualine: clean lualine with sensible information
- treesitter: supprt for syntax highlight
- Navic bundle: for context related symbol
- Markdown preview : added support for terminal markdown preview.
- rework on lsp keybind
- rework completion key press
- setup undo tree
- better diff
- image preview
- json schema
- setup org mode
- wsl and windows instruction
- hl highlights fix for folds
- update README file tree
- add
- gitsigns keybinds conflict with harpoon
- move to fugitive
- debug adapter test
- wsl clipboard is copying weierd artifacts
│   │  
- Highlight custome group
- Cursor appearance in insert mode
- support for go